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Other ways of using DMT?


Alpiniste Kundalini
11 Mai 2006
I undestand you , I like intense experiences too , but my body just works diffrent , you may have a slow metabolism .
But attention , 30 grams of cabrenana is a lot more than a 65 gr of viridis , but of course depends in the quality it can have from 0,17% to 1,7% the average is 1,3% , and of corse with a lot 5-MEO-DMT,MNT,bufotenine , and traces of beta-carboline.
so 100 grams can contains 1,7 grams DMT and nobody know's how much 5-MEO-DMT and bufutenine.

I like your idea about the cactus Brew , but I don´t have any place to grow my cactus , i will need to finish with my weed to be able to grow the cactus , and is impossible change , because without weed I will dispense a lot more than 200 euros per month .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
Yeah, I'd save a boat load of money as well (Ireally need to just quit) but weed seems to be the one thing I can't grow. I'll probably give it another shot when I move out of the city.

Then you can expect 20 pm's from me a day, asking for help. :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Smoked dmt feels more like a dream and with (for instance) mushrooms I totally feel like I'm in the visions...

I've only had a real dmt+maoi experience once (5g rue plus ~6-7g of mimosa) and it was much like a really strong shroom trip, maybe like a shroom trip with some syrian rue. From what I read the real ayahuasca is supposedly different, because I didn't have that much colorful visions at the peak of the experience. I was just being put in the void/spiritland/universe, whatever you want to call it. I knew I was somewhere else and everything was possible now, even I was still in my room. It was really similar to what I experienced on high doses of shrooms, only with a much higher potential to draw me in totally (which I, being a coward, fought against, therefore couldn't take the most of it...).
Before that peak however I was having very vivid dreams (in black and white!) of, for example, a medieval castle on a mountain, a canyon and a bridge in between and a dragon guarding the entrance. The castle, the bridge and the dragon were pretty impressive, and it was probably under the influence of the Syrian Rue (the supposedly male, european teacher plant).

Since that experience I once had a very vivid dream where I was being in a house (a totally strange house, but it seemed familiar) with large glass doors which opened to the backyard. Out of a sudden a big cat (a tiger? a jaguar? I'm not sure, but it wasn't a lion) walked in through the open glass door. I was frightened to death yet realized the cat totally ignored me and walked in like it was his house. I think I woke up then.
It was like two or three days later when I suddenly realized the weirdness of this dream might have to do with my dmt experience. I don't know, but I just like the idea of it :)