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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Hi all, I just wanted to share a collaboration with a friend of mine. We've decided we have enough brain power, motivation and material to move forward with a full fledged website.

Here is the main website: mnmlimpact.com

And here is our "foundation" or the outline of the site: The Foundation of Minimal Impact

Thanks. I hope this doesn't get construed as an advertisement, I just thought some may benefit / enjoy from the info.



Right, this is going to seem real wierd. I don't know whether it is yourself or the editor that is 'ijesuschrist' on a forum i read but i just need to talk about something. I was reading a thread about a 2ci trip, i took 2ci a year ago on new years eve, i can't remember how much i had but it was weighed up infront of me to an amount i deemed ok for me - so it wasn't a stupid pr unknown amount. And i swear since my head is just messed up, major paranoia. My trip lasted a good 14 hours which i didn't sleep during, i was exhausted, i hated every minute of it my trip was bad from the very beggining, i couldn't believe what i was seeing and how it was possible, i don't think the people i was with helped (i had some inappropriate things said to me and inappropriate actions tried against me which resulted in a fight and someone getting chucked out - also tripping - who started banging on all the windows and shouting etc. which all terrified me more so) , i don't think i said more than a sentence during the whole time. I got my dad to pick me up in the morning and couldn't wait to get out of this house, scariest drive i've ever had with him just morphing next to me, then my family all went out so i was home alone and i was adamant i could hear the voices of my friends still - i thought they had followed me home and were outside my house...i was actually going into different rooms looking out the windows. I was so scared i thought i was going absolutely mental. I laid in bed for hours and began to feel so relieved and free when i could feel it start to wear off and i was able to sleep. Since then, and mostly when i smoke weed, i get the major paranoia. I know this can come with smoking weed but it never had done for me before and it is totally irrational, it has made me have mild panic attacks and i really don't enjoy smoking it anymore when i used to love to. Not smoking weed is no problem for me i can quite easily just go with out but i miss enjoying it and having a right laugh but now i am just riddled with paranoia each time.

I was just wandering if you have anything helpful to say, will i be able to enjoy smoking weed again? Do you know if its permanent damage or anything i can do to help?

I'm sorry if it was inconvenient for me to contact you this way, and even more sorry if the wrong person. I do not know if you can answer any of my questions and i'm sorry if i'm kind of taking the piss by writing this to you and seeing if you can help - i know that's not your websites purpose.


i was just about to email you this message but did not know which email address to use on that website, didn't want to say the wrong thing to the wrong person, so joined this site. i know this has nothing to do with the blog you just wrote so feel free to delete but there is no way, that i can find, to just message someone


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Hi Gabrielle, and no this isn't weird at all. I'm glad you were able to at least reach out.

So I went through the same shit you did and here I am. I'm fine. So you don't have to worry about the future. I was on the verge of suicide when I had my bad trip and it was a not pleasant place to be in. I'll give [try] you some clarity though...

A combination of things made what happened, happen. For me, if I don't sleep regularly or stay up to late I get paranoid / delusional thoughts (not really anymore - now I just don't feel well and know I should get some sleep). For some people (not all) not getting sleep sets up an alarm of anxiety alone... hence people get insomnia because they can't sleep, then they are worried about not getting sleep, and thus makes a cycle of not sleeping, and the mind gets really stressed.

Combine that with a psychoactive as strong as what you took and the chances are slim you're going to have a good time, unless you're in a VERY good setting with really good friends.

What happens with these substances is the very first minutes of the come up and also the peak are the most important parts of the trip. Generally one of two things happen;
1) You start to feel different, and you take it as a good feeling. It feels like you're floating, or flying. You feel really good and happy because of this.
2) You start to feel different, and you get put on alert. "I've never felt this before, is this normal?" This type of thinking is no-bueno. Its hard to get out of, and when it starts you need someone to pull you out if you're not experienced with this stuff, which doesn't sound like it happened with people messing with you.

The brain starts with "Is this normal" and since you can't really get an answer (especially if you're too mesmerized to ask!) it doesn't know. "Maybe this isn't normal. What if something happened? What if this isn't going to be good? What if I go crazy?"

So, the best thing is to obviously avoid this by having a good set and a good setting, but all is not lost if this didn't happen.

The first thing to know is these chemicals do not do damage on the brain. Especially at 'normal doses' and only one time. There is no way you have done any permanent "damage". What you have done is wired your brain differently. Now, what you have is the feeling of 'fear' associated with the feeling of 'drug'. Its understandble, though, right? Now when you're brain feels like something is different it goes on high alert - including marijuana. Since you have the question still in your head "Am I going to be OK?" "Did I do damage" your brain can focus on those with the fear that comes now with taking any drugs.

SO thats whats going on.

You can smoke again, but for me, it was never the same. I smoke weed now and I get closed-eye-visuals every time. I can no longer smoke at parties or just smoke and watch a movie, it is way too intense for me to do that. Smoking weed is equivalent to a light (or even moderate) dose of mushrooms. This isn't a bad thing, it just makes me respect the plant more. I can't abuse it like I used to, smoking on EVERY occasion ever. Now, it is only when I'm in nature, or really want to THINK.

I hope this helps. You have nothing to worry about unless you want to be high every day. You're going to be just fine.
Also - you need (I think 10 or 20) posts before you can private message...
The email I use on here isn't current