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N2O once more astonished me


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
I'm starting to get a bit anxious when using N2O
i`m not sure what to think about this stuff anymore
cause what it does to me is just crazy .. and I still have not found a single soul who has had these experiences like me

yesterday I took it twice, not more
the first time was insane .. but the second time was even worse lol
it was fun but I feel that I might really not get out of it someday
I finally found a good way to describe my experience..
I inhale 2 caps, 20 seconds later I fall in a sort of sleep ... then I have a dream for 20-30seconden and then I wake up ..but in that socalled dream I don't know I had N2O and whatever happens its normal .. flying is normal everything
just like a dream...
but in this dreams there were 3 men.. no 4 m3n 1 holding me down in my chair
but the other 3 men were talking to me .. just saying random stuff I thought
I cannot remember very well what it was ... but it all seemed logic to me.. everything they said was almost orgasmically right :P
that's how it felt
then one said out loud ... TAKE A LOOK AT THIS !!! and he pointed to my computer screen .. which was playing an episode of futurama
and I opened my eyes.. I saw our planet right at that moment ... with a really weird sound to it .. very spectacular :P but totally bizar timing .. to open my eyes
cause someone somehow really told me to open my eyes and that exact moment .. in the few moments I saw the earth
and then I heard some people in the episode say the exact things those 3 men told me in my trip(dream)
I really don't know what exactly happened .. did I go back in time in real life ?? or did I get a glimps of the future in my mind ?
but I do know it felt like a long time that I was gone .. and that is what scares me a bit .. cause I have the feeling that sooner or later I Won't come back
Fact is .. I don't know there is a back.. cause I don't know I took N2O I don't even know there is something unnaturel happening to me

I again hope to find someone who might have had experiences like this
I've had these for 5 months now .. when I do it .. and I don't even to it that much ... but the effects and times I seem to stay in that dreamworld seem to stay longer.. but really profound things happen their



Elfe Mécanique
2 Jan 2007

I do not have these trip-like experiences with nitrous... for me it's just the common effects (heavy feeling, echoes, etc) even with up to 4 whippets in 1 go. Effects increase when i'm drunk or stoned (though with mdma i didn't notice a lot from 2 whippets)

BUT, a friend of mine does experience something that might be something similar. He is also talking about dreams, and sometimes even about a tunnel like in a near death experience. When we do nitrous all at the same time, I am already sober while he is still making small circles with his head (closed eyes) tripping.. Sometimes we have to snap him out of it.

I can not imagine what it's like to have such a psychedelic experience on it, maybe I'm too resistent or something (even though I have done it quite a lot now, it's supposed to have reversed tolerance right?)



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
well it seems to have a reverse tolerance yes ..
yeah people say the same from me .. i`m circling with my head .. making weird gestures with my hands ... mumbling things
its like a full dmt experiences but less conscious
and u can only imagine it by thinking back to some weird dreams you had ..
in which weird unnaturel things happen, but they don't seem unnaturel to u at that moment ..
does your friend have msn or something ?? i`d really like to speak to him about this, if that's possible


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
ProStoner a dit:
well it seems to have a reverse tolerance yes ..
yeah people say the same from me .. i`m circling with my head .. making weird gestures with my hands ... mumbling things
its like a full dmt experiences but less conscious
and u can only imagine it by thinking back to some weird dreams you had ..
in which weird unnaturel things happen, but they don't seem unnaturel to u at that moment ..
does your friend have msn or something ?? i`d really like to speak to him about this, if that's possible
you mumble like one does in a dream. Only if someone sleeps you can sometimes hear actual words.

What I also noticed between you and me when my N2O trip is over it feels like something completly normal just happend(most of the time). And not like OOOOH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPEND oh i'm in my room... :P
Keep in mind that my N20 expierence are alsow WAY trippy but in a total diffrent way..more like a memory that you get when seeing a photo..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
yeah that pretty much states every N2O trip I have



Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
ProStoner a dit:
yeah that pretty much states every N2O trip I have

some how i'm curious 'cause in the back of my head I always relazie where and who I am and that stops me from going all the way.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
I'm surprised to hear you experience such intense effects ProStoner. I find N20 quite boring to be honest, even when doing 4 caps in a row. The most intense feeling I ever had was when I did those 4 caps. I had the feeling of going knock out, and then when I thought I was gonna go out for real, it got alot worse... But still I didn't go KO. My body high was also very intense, but at the same time it felt like I was paralized.

It might sound quite intense, but this feeling only took about 20 seconds... After a minute I don't feel a thing anymore. So it's not comparable to what you describe.

All the people I know experience the "normal" N20 effects. I've never heard about the thing you're talking about. Maybe your body is extremely sensitive to N20? I can't think of another explanation...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
well a couple of years when I did N2O for the first times ... and times after that .. I had the normal effects also .. voice change .. vibrating sounds ... uuuh slight change of vision(distorted)
but a couple of months ago it happened ..
I had a headphone on my head.. loud music ... inhaled 2 caps ..
and I Was totally freaking out my friends told me ... I was yelling and ranting weird jibberish
my friend pulled the headphone off my head ... and it took about a minute before I realized where I was. . I was blinded by visuals .. before he pulled the headphone off .. I was floating thru a sea of hallucinations(eyes closed)
and then WAAAAM he took em off ... I could barely see his face. .
it was the first time I had an "breakthrough" experience with the stuff..
and ever since that .. each experience has been an insane psychedelic experience... I have never ever experienced things like this with any other drug
and I tried a lot .. havnt got these effect with either DMT or Salvia
which are known to put you in some totally different worlds
but N2O does this with me within 20 seconds

the thing still is though. .. that pretty much nobody seems to experience this :P so I would almost presume that it's not good
but I get such profound visions and thoughts..
I think my brainwaves change at the moment the stuff kicks in .. and that's why I fall in a sort of sleep , and I`m able to think and see with a greatly expanded mind .. but at what cost ?


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
ProStoner a dit:
and I tried a lot .. havnt got these effect with either DMT or Salvia
which are known to put you in some totally different worlds
but N2O does this with me within 20 seconds
Just wait a little longer and you know why we love those substances :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
well im not affraid of that happening :)


Hallo, misschien een beetje raar dat ik dit hier plaats (en in het NL haha) maar ik voel me een beetje verplicht om dit te plaatsen! Mijn buurjongen van 17 heeft Zaterdagavond op deze site iets gelezen waardoor hij een experiment heeft gedaan met N2O, hij heeft dit alleen niet overleefd, er stond op de site (de recherche heeft deze site gevonden) dat je dit met een plastic zak moest doen die je deels over je hoofd moest trekken, hij heeft dus niet gemerkt dat hij stikte.. Ik bedoel hier niks mee,, wie dit leuk vind moet dit gewoon doen maar dan weet je in ieder geval dat het niet altijd goed gaat en dat er dus ook doden vallen :( :roll:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112

er stond op de site (de recherche heeft deze site gevonden) dat je dit met een plastic zak moest doen die je deels over je hoofd moest trekken

Where did you read that, or the recherche ? I find it hard to believe anyone would advice to put an plastic bag over the head. Sure he could have read (or come up with on his own) somewhere that it was done that way, but that is not the same as an advice to do the same (not by a long shot).

And well..., if he DID read an advice here to do it that way: that would be a bad stain on psychonauts.com. But feel free to have a look around in the forums, you will find that most advice and information is accurate and with good intentions.

But again, this does not change fate on your neighbour, and I am very sorry to hear about this. (really! :( )


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
To reply to your post....

there was something in our News part about this indeed..
but he must have totally misread this cause its absolutely not what it said..
it was about someone dying from N2O because he pulled a bag over his head..
and I remember everybody commenting that this was pretty much the dummest thing to do ..... and he died from lack of oxygen not because of the N2O

I cannot imagine that anyone here has ever recommended to pull a bag over your head ?? I and even then ... everybody learns on a young age that u must never put a plastic bag over your head because u choke ... and this guy manages to do that AND use N2O ??

but it's very sad to hear that this has happened and if this is for real ... u have my condolences, even if u didnt know him that well
It's never good to hear about things like this


Ik heb het ook zeker niet geplaatst om iemand aan te vallen. Dit heeft me gewoon heel erg geraakt! Het is een stom ongeluk geweest, die jongen had gewoon een hele mooie toekomst voor zich! Ik heb het incident ook gegoogled, het is niet het bericht dat hij uit een gebouw is gesprongen omdat hij dacht dat hij kon vliegen.. Dat het in ieder geval duidelijk is dat ik het niet heb geplaatst om iemand aan te vallen! Bedankt in ieder geval voor de reacties :)!