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My trips into 3 different realms. Were yours similar?


Matrice périnatale
26 Août 2009
Ok, this was 3 years ago. Ill admit i was young, and just looking to trip out.

The first hit of salvia i ever took was when i was 18. I bought a bag of 40x to smoke with my friends not having any clue what i was about to experience, well somewhat of a clue.

As i inhaled the bong rip and held it in, i remember counting to 30 and saying to myself, what the hell, whens it gonna hit me?
Little did i know i was already high. I remember thinking, ok inhale now, ok inhale now, ok inhale now, and i remembered wait, i already did..
My firend to the right was taking the bong from me and i thought everyone was staring at me. An extreme feeling of panic overwhelmed me as i looked behind me to the left, then right, then left, then right again as if somone was behind me, somone other than the wall...

Then the room turned blue and i was an entity floating above us all, watching as we smoked. I like to describe it as an anti matter me, from another dimension that was aware of our being, as we were unaware of his.

I came back to reality extremely sweaty and a terrible taste clouded my mind.

Sooo, i decided to to it again.

Took another rip, same feelings of panic, but this time the bed i was sitting on became a fast moving train. The wall behind me, well to the right of me because i was now melting into the bed, was a long scenic view of a warehouse made of legos, as was the rest of the room. I looked up in front of me at the other wall to notice that the room was in fact a small strand of blue hair, waving in the wind of what seemed to be a giant blue "snuffalapagus" God or entitiy. there were other rooms with people looking over at us in other hairs.

My experiences left me with horrid feelings of uneasiness. It was a learning experience, i learnt that i never wanted to do it again.

3 years later, more mature and interested in others experiences i found this website in hopes to hear somone had traveled to a similar realm as i had.

I hope to try it again soon.


Matrice périnatale
26 Août 2009
I felt the need to add one othe piece if information,
both times it hit so fast it's like I forgot I even smoked. And all of the sudden it sets in that reality has changed, and it seemed to upset me. I rememer feeling like, oh no I'm never going to see my family again, or my friends, this is reality now. No! No! Please let this be a false reality, but I was so sure this was it. Forever.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366

I can imagine that isn't the best way to enter your experience with psychedelics. I prefer acid/mushrooms/peyote/ayahuasca anytime above Salvia, but if you really want to do it again, do it in the dark, make it silent, light 1 candle and take about 1/3rd of what you did before. Repeat until it works.


17 Mar 2008
I've done Salvia 4 or 5 times. In all I seemed to end up in the same other "reality". The main thing I noticed was that the other reality was a lot more "clean" than ours like all the ills of our world didn't exist there. Once I even sensed other beings but I was reluctant to investigate them because I felt I was contaminating their clean world. I felt that the other world was reality and that our reality was just a fractal of that one.


Matrice périnatale
15 Nov 2009
Wow, your first trip was cool, where you were disassociated from yourself and hovering above the room.

Your second trip on the "bed-train" brings me vivid memories of my first trip, mostly because of the blue hair, the train and the wonky, colorful, fantasy type of realm (snuffalupagus, lol). In this trip I landed on a paved path leading up to a hobbit village made of cartoonish stones, like from a video game or something. I walked inside and it was like a colorful playworld. A train was going by, and a short, stout woman with either blue skin or blue hair leaned out a window and waved to me. She tried to teach me how to get on the train. She reminded me of an oompa-loompa. Then I became semi-conscious and was so thrilled to be having my first successful trip on salvia that I started laughing, and that was the end of the trip. Never made it onto the train :/

Salvia also leaves me uneasy when I wake up, mostly because I'm bewildered and trying to get a firm hold on reality again. Once I'm fully recovered I always feel exhilerated about it, and I try to write down an interpretation of what happened. This process is always satisfying because I learn something new each time.

@Forkbender: I agree with your choice of setting, for me it's the best :)


17 Nov 2009
haha hello
I just tried salvia for the first time yesterday. I bought a gram of 30x salvia. And my friend and I were smoking in my garage out of my pipe. I took the first hit, held it in, then exhaled. I was high and felt extremely heavy. But at the time i didn't think that i felt anything. So i took another hit. And i was in another world as soon as i exhaled. The walls were crushing me and a sunflower was talking to me it was very scary, because i felt the walls were slowly killing me.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
krasojazdec a dit:
haha hello
I just tried salvia for the first time yesterday. I bought a gram of 30x salvia. And my friend and I were smoking in my garage out of my pipe. I took the first hit, held it in, then exhaled. I was high and felt extremely heavy. But at the time i didn't think that i felt anything. So i took another hit. And i was in another world as soon as i exhaled. The walls were crushing me and a sunflower was talking to me it was very scary, because i felt the walls were slowly killing me.

I don't know if I'd call the effects of Salvia as a 'High' but to each their own. :P

Reminds me of a trip I had. Kinda reminded me of the scene in Batman Begins with that hallucinogenic blue poppy. (:
I learned much.


2 Sept 2007
1 574
Id say the feeling of "oh no this is forever" was because you wernt ready for the experience. If lady salvia feels your abusing her, she deffinatly wont give you a plesent experience. The first time i did salvia i was verry scared, i did it with friends arond like you. I did it again that day alone at night, and m whole room tipped on its side and i felt the presence of 'lady salvia' and she didnt SAY the word but i could feel that she diddnt think i was ready. I tried it again after daily meditation and with the right intentions a few months later. If your interested, heres how the second time went. It was amazing. :D



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
was a long scenic view of a warehouse made of legos, as was the rest of the room.

Almost exactly the same as i have experienced, although it was my own living room that was build out of lego :) I never did salvia again. Like fork said, i will surely prefer mushrooms/acid/ayahuasca above the effects of sally. To me these substances are much more special. I think tonight is the night for some mushies, it's already six month's ago.... :)


Matrice périnatale
15 Nov 2009
both times it hit so fast it's like I forgot I even smoked. And all of the sudden it sets in that reality has changed, and it seemed to upset me. I rememer feeling like, oh no I'm never going to see my family again, or my friends, this is reality now. No! No! Please let this be a false reality, but I was so sure this was it. Forever.

When you forget you've smoked, that's how you know it's working ;) it's true what trick said, salvia will give you an unpleasant experience if you don't approach her with respect. It's very difficult to prepare for a salvia trip; actually I find it impossible to be prepared, but I think if you use it often, it gets easier going in. Meditation prior to smoking helps.

I've also had the "forever" thing happen, but I didn't know it was forever until after the trip, because during the trip I was oblivious to any other reality. Similar to trick's report in the older post. In this trip I had a different past and a different family, and it was the only reality I had ever known. Actually, my trip family was similar in some ways, but that didn't change the fact that my life with them was quite distinct, like a parallel life. When I came out of the trip, a heavy sorrow descended on me when I realized I had been in a "trip" world instead of what I consider "reality"..I almost felt broken-hearted, because I really felt I had spent about 13 years in this other world, the whole time believing it was the only life I led; to be pulled abruptly out of that comfortable place was deeply disturbing. This was part of a series of salvia trips that collectively taught me that it's absurd to try to define reality, or even to name it with a word. Because whatever world you go to is as real as any other, whether you call it a dream, vision, etc. Perhaps this is what all hallucinogens are there to teach us. But the concept is still difficult for me to hold onto unless I return to these eye-opening experiences from time to time. By now I welcome the discomfort of trips like this in order to see more clearly in the end. (I'm recalling Tool's line, "prying open my third eye!") Salvia is a demanding teacher, but she's most effective :D