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Je m'inscris!

Mush's&Andadenathera columbrina (DTM)


19 Nov 2004

Last time I Tripp'd on the little helpers i hm found out something...let me explain

Someone knows seeds call yopo,Dtm seed it's a flat seed which you've toast ,like an cigarette for hash, until it 'blows' up then you add some tabac and smoke it with a bong and this stuff (dienthyltryptamin :lesson:) really kicks ass so the point is i smoke'd one of these while i was on shrooms and damned never was that kind of psycedelic fuck'd up like after this small seed so everybody who want some new thinking in his brain about everything and nothing running wrong in the world should try some of these little bastards on a shroom trip it's like you smoke and flash...you'll go out of your body through your floor right into some...' mechanic alien station and these guys are trying to communicate with you' shit look what i'm talking it's just fucks you up belive me like 2 time heavyer than salvia 10X and it fucks like 15-25mins

i know my writting is shitty ( errors) but had some kind of drugbreak but i do my best to learn again ,)

just try to understand what i'm trying to say:

Smoke one of these seeds if you had enough trips and are ready for something....shit smoke :demon: