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mmcat (mephedrone)


Matrice périnatale
24 Avr 2008
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows much about mephedrone? It's the latest craze round my way but I've read a few worrying things about it. Sorry if I've started a thread on something that has already been covered (i did look but nothing came up in the search)

The kids are going on like 3 day binges on it and I know 2 people who have had what they describe as 'mental breakdowns' on the stuff. I think coz it's legal they think it's ok to binge on it but it's still a chemical and needs to be respected.

Any thoughts/info on this would be much appreciated



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I've some experience with mephedrone, taken it a few times. (For anyone just reading, it is not speed or methylone. It is a synthetic in the same family as the active ingredient in khat)

At low doses, energizing and slightly euphoric with no comedown or hangover. Once you cross a certain dose 'threshold' it takes on an explosively euphoric and empathogenic quality which people are comparing with MDMA. There is a mild visual/psychedelic side to it as well at higher doses and a speed-like quality to it also. Music sounds -fantastic-

The peak lasts 60+ mins, the plateau another few hours before the comedown. After the short peak there is a strong urge to redose. I personally was able to resist the urge. The comedown is fairly mild, the day after I felt just happy and great... NOW-if after peaking you redose a few times (or lots like the kids) the comedown becomes harsh and you will feel strung out the next day. Plus the empathogenic effects diminish a lot with redosing, kinda defeats the purpose.

As for the subjective effects, the initial euphoria was beyond words.. a purely psychological euphoria, not so tactile. It broke down walls inside me, all my internal filters evaporated and I suddenly started communicating my deepest secrets. The cool thing was.. knowing that the walls had just come down only increased my euphoria. It was an immensely powerful experience.. i had some things I needed to get out of me for years, and out they came in the best possible way. Do this only around people you really trust the first time!

But I feel like my first trip really was 'the message'. I personally am done with it for now. Although it is not an amphetamine, as I mentioned it does have a strong speed-like quality to it... your muscles clench, and your heart rate can increase a lot. Plus it may be physically addictive. I don't like that about it. Obviously it's a newer and relatively untested drug, we don't know if long-term use has side effects. I'm glad I tried it though, my trip was an absolute breakthrough experience and I'll be thinking about it for a long time.

ShouldIBeDamned a dit:
The kids are going on like 3 day binges on it and I know 2 people who have had what they describe as 'mental breakdowns' on the stuff.

Yikes. Well of course they are.. Take any drug to keep you awake for 3 days and you will start breaking down from sleep deprivation. I couldn't imagine dosing like that, this stuff is just too powerful, all the positive effects wear off quickly so what a waste of money, and given the speed-like effects of the substance--dangerous. If kids are abusing this drug in this way someone is going to get hurt bad, and it will get banned real quick if it hasn't been already. (It's legal here for now)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
Aye, another drug that's similiar to MDMA except we have no idea what kind of harm this drug is doing. I've mixed it with Butylone and Methylone and gotta very close to MDMA like effects, however I find instead of using drugs to mimic other drugs I prefer to just drop the MDMA.

As far as Mephedrone goes, after a moderate dose I get eye twitters that keep going until eyes are hurting, this also has a very addictive property to it, which is where you here the 3 day binges (I've heard of people going on much longer), this drug is also quite corrosive on your sinuses when snorted so take it easy if you try it out. :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
At low doses, energizing and slightly euphoric with no comedown or hangover. Once you cross a certain dose 'threshold' it takes on an explosively euphoric and empathogenic quality which people are comparing with MDMA. There is a mild visual/psychedelic side to it as well at higher doses and a speed-like quality to it also. Music sounds -fantastic-

I've also tried it a couple of times, but the euphoric feeling differs from mdma. And you start talking as if you haven't talked for month's. A friend of me, even told me to slow down a little bit :P And i have to say, it's pretty addictive, but in the end it starts to be boring.

ShouldIBeDamned a dit:
The kids are going on like 3 day binges on it and I know 2 people who have had what they describe as 'mental breakdowns' on the stuff.

Yikes. Well of course they are.. Take any drug to keep you awake for 3 days and you will start breaking down from sleep deprivation.

Hehehe, indeed! I think you don't even need any drugs for that :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
As for the subjective effects, the initial euphoria was beyond words.. a purely psychological euphoria, not so tactile. It broke down walls inside me, all my internal filters evaporated and I suddenly started communicating my deepest secrets. The cool thing was.. knowing that the walls had just come down only increased my euphoria. It was an immensely powerful experience.. i had some things I needed to get out of me for years, and out they came in the best possible way. Do this only around people you really trust the first time!

I did write down my deepest and most painfull thoughts which i suppress and THAT helped me a lot. On Mdma, i am not able until i come down, to write like that ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
agreed, i didn't think of it as a substitute for mdma.. it's just its own thing. and as interesting as it was the first time, it got boring for me as well, once you've taken a full dose a couple times, it doesn't have the same impact anymore.

i wrote a lot as well, had so many thoughts to get out that my fingers couldn't keep up, i shared my barely legible sea of typos with someone i trusted later.


Matrice périnatale
31 Juil 2009
Ive just ordered some of this to try out because ive heard so much about it. I hope it is as good as everybody keeps saying it is. Im new to the whole getting random chemicals off the internet to try out but its gotta be worth a shot. Thanks for the info on the effects and the warnings. I hope i enjoy this stuff lol


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
i wrote a lot as well, had so many thoughts to get out that my fingers couldn't keep up, i shared my barely legible sea of typos with someone i trusted later.

Hehehe, everything was so clear to me :D If i really could write what i was thinking, i would have written book with a great chance to be a best seller :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
Please for the love of God don't just go ordering random chemicals off the internet to ingest! Always research any thing you plan on ingesting, and than research some more.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886

research thoroughly and exhaustively to learn effects, possible after effects, dosages, and play it safe. and even after researching I still wouldn't believe most of what I read.

i've read of kids taking up to 2 grams of this stuff in a one day period. the most i ever did was maybe not quite 250mg spread out over 3 hours and that was more than enough for me.

even at 10-20 mg you can start to feel the effects. to anyone risking trying a new chemical take it slow, start small and see how it sits with you. Also, because of the urge to redose (you'll be feeling it by the 3rd bump, seriously!) set yourself an iron-clad limit in advance and stay with it no matter what. it really isn't worth the after effects to keep going. taking a new designer drug is risky enough. life is long, there's plenty of time. why rush. stay as safe as you can.

oh yeah also be careful if you decide to smoke pot while on this stuff. you'll hardly feel it. you can smoke more than you intend to and when you come down it will kick in full force. ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
You guys better be aware, dose very moderated and don't do it regulary since very little is known about the risks in certain individuals, the long-term damage and possible neurological/physical side effects. Treat it as a research chemical.

Below are some very worrying cases...




It also may be addictive for some, somewhat similar as with cocaine, craving... although many positive reports are out there as well. But be careful, you don't want to be one among the minority.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
I'd say this one is more addicting than cocaine to be honest, 200-300mg once every few months is the way to go.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Agreed on both counts.


Matrice périnatale
24 Avr 2008
Thanks for all the replies on this. The biggest problem is that nothing is being researched. It goes to show how little the kids that are doing it know or care about what they are taking when I hear it being called all sorts of things like MDMKet etc... they don't even know what they're taking!! The shop that sells one of the legal drugs that has been popular was busted last week and all of their stock of 'space-e' was confiscated and sent for testing. I'm all for experimenting, but as several people have highlighted, you have to research it thoroughly so you can be as safe as possible.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Somehow my imagination spectated some jolly British blokes on a TV channel while I was reading your post. :lol:


Matrice périnatale
31 Juil 2009
Brugmansia a dit:
Somehow my imagination spectated some jolly British blokes on a TV channel while I was reading your post. :lol:

lol. well its the next day and im feelin awesome except for a really achey jaw lol. I lost like half a stone from just sweating when i was eventually tring to get some sleep. I'll definitely be gettin this stuff again. Cheaper than MDMA with a similar effect but a less harsh comedown


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Interesting. A few years ago I'd have been the first in line to try this out, but since my attention totally heads towards classical entheogens without all the other types I'll see whether it'll cross my path or not.

Cocaine/Amphetamine was fun to examine for a while in modesty. MDMA was a chemical triggered *BLISS*, but after the 6th time it'll subside.

The only party psychoactive I still really digg is GHB. Totally harmless in moderation, a very emotional joyness for being alive, pleasant body relaxtion, stunning sex, sensations smooth and euphoric, music magically flows. No after effects.

But addictive for some, I was one of those who kept dosing himself for days non-stop, and had to taper off gradually. But it's no problem now to use one single hit.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I couldn't imagine doing this drug purely recreationally, but perhaps that's just the way I'm wired. I've found my few experiences with it absolutely mind blowing in their intensity, different, but easily on par with my first few psychedelic trips. Too bad the price of admission is so high.. A bit too high. (High heartbeat, physical pains, hypertension the next day...) It's true about the afterglow though, I feel emotionally great for weeks after using this stuff.

Psychedelics are incredible tools, but at the same time I've found that if you're using them for the occasional bit of self-programming or personal insight, along with all the good, comes the potential to feel societal pressures to make yourself more a part of the machine, you might not even notice yourself doing it. This drug is the exact opposite, all the things you've suppressed come pouring out, forgotten goals, dreams, desires, etc. The major caveat is the insights you get during the mephedrone experience are quite honest but you really need time to think about them and choose how to integrate them. Moreso than with psychedelics even. I wouldn't make a life decision even a few days after using this drug.. the afterglow is extremely positive but still quite powerful.

It kind of bothers me that people are using this drug just to get fucked up. I know that everyone has a different physical makeup, but I do think that the harsh physical aspects of it aside, this drug has the potential to provide an experience that drastically alters your outlook and psyche, and hence it really needs respect. It's extremely powerful.