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Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
Since my birth I've had migraine, and ache in my neck. And I've mostly used a pharmacy pill.. And I always got migraine after drinking alchohol. So I woke up in pain and took theese pharmacy pills..

When I discovered cannabis and that it cured migraine I started to test this. I've lived my life empirically and studied my sourroundings for answers, most of the times I've been guided by my subconsciouss, but only to realise it afterwards.

What I noticed was that Bob Marley was right when he said "The Herb Reveals you to yourself", cause that's what Mary Jane did to me.

She saved me from the world that had been created to hide the truth behind life. And this is my 5th day of being awoken to the fact that all is one.

For me migraine have been hints of me learning new things, if this is the truth I cannot tell. All I know is that since I stopped with anything chemical and lab-created I've started to be getting ALOT better in health.

I've lost my allergies, almost all migraine (have a little now). I do think the reason is that I do come to this conclusion, and like Carl Sagan said whenever he wanted answers: He just got high, but I can't tell for fact, my bro's friend had read it, but I guess its true, it works for me :).

The thing is to have respect and a responesbility towards yourself as others are yourself. Also you live by laws created by the universe, and the Religion was divided from the Science around the 1500th century.. You should ask yourself why.

The reason for psychedelic drugs to be illegal is simply because they free the mind. The leaders of the world today try to steal the mind from us, and this day and forth will be the coming of a new age - if we choose it. You should never forget that life is based on free will.

You always have the free will to make a choice, and its your mind and brain that influences that choice. I have been poisioned by the society through ignorance to influence my body in negative ways - but now I understand mind over matter.

I eat junk food (but I HATE IT! :P It should be from mother earth and father son! not Monsanto's mindraping chemical genetically modified food), cannabis cures that though to an extent. Im above the LAW, and it all resides in how much you believe in. I hope you do understand that you are too above the law. You are your own authority in its all about LOVE and FREE WILL.

Time and Space are the boundries in which our mind is caught. And our mind is influencing the brain which is just a holographic illusion.Holographic Universe (Part 1 of 2 ) its all illusion.
Holographic Universe (Part 2 of 2 ) its all illusion.

Think of Space being 3 dimensions, back & forth, up & down, left & right, and think of Time being 1 dimension (from birth to death).

Think of your dreams being the opposite, and this i the sub-conscious, which is ALL. But still trapped within' boundries due to the law of FREE WILL.

When you tap into the field you'll know the future, and you'll make the future. But always from FREE WILL.

You choose how to live life, and information can help you understand the knowing of self. To just live in the moment.

So what migraine has done for me is to get my to think. And when we transcend into the 4th density around 2012 (we will know more the closer we get), where all who live life with service towards others will transcend to world of LOVE. A golden age, which the mayans predicted.

By serivce to others I mean that if you are > 50% service minded to others and not selfish and living on others, then you'll go into a positive future. And if you're selfish and evil you'll go to a negative future or a new incarnation to continue to learn the karmic cycle.

To simplify we could say that if you have karma that is more then 50% positive so to speak, then you're allright! If you're too negative, then start to seek answers to why and start to spread love and be helpful! But remember - its always FREE WILL!

Enivids rant on migraine, I'll get the answer someday, maybe I already got it, but all I know that pain only exists in my brain ;).

Peace and Love!


21 Juil 2007
5 922
everything is illusion and everything is real

:arrow: nothing is real OR everything is real :D

but the most important thing is: trust your own perception of reality and don't allow others to indoctrinate their perspective of reality on you.

i don't know about the migraine thing... it's kind of interesting... but it's same here...after having smoked lots of weed i don't have any allergies (had plenty of em) and no headaches anymore.

i hope 2012 will be as you stated and as the mayans predicted.

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
i suffered from migrains right up to my first acid trip. ive had 2-3 since but in 20 odd years thats not bad.
btw science is coming to the conclusion there are 2 dimensions in time. maybe goes a little way to explaining synchronicity, and a few other wierd phenomenon.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
This is very subjective... but I remember me struggling with headaches often before using weed regularly... now I get one perhaps like monthly or even less..

I even thought it had cured me completely for some time. I think this is simply the way that cannabis makes the mind at ease and a healthy mind begets a healthy body..

Because stress gives headaches right? and weed is THE stress killer.

hey Enivid, haven't seen you around. Greetings


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
lol, the 4th density.

There’s no need to transcend to a place in which you already reside, simply by the will to transcend.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
*whispers* don't you people love it when users post their epiphany*?
it's almost like seing a lotus flower open and ripen right in front og your eyes, in a glowing haze...

*epiphany as that period in wich you realize things and start changing into what you are now (most of us, psychonauts)
almost like watching Neo after taking the red pill, but much less gruesome in this case.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
*whispers back*

Yeah man, it gets me off!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
So what migraine has done for me is to get my to think. And when we transcend into the 4th density around 2012 (we will know more the closer we get), where all who live life with service towards others will transcend to world of LOVE. A golden age, which the mayans predicted.

With all respect, I don't buy any of these 2012 stories anymore....

Its like people are waiting almost in religious awe for the great moment happening at the end of history, lifting us all up to a place where there will be peace and harmony. Looking from outside of our culture towards this 4th density idea (and it's not the only idea, there are hundreds of similar ideas existing next to each other, each one effectively cancelling the other out if they where true but somehow this obvious paradox, does not seem to emerge in any of the 2012 (almost) cults).

Don't get me wrong, everybody should believe what they want but I can't help to recognize the same bullshit being offered in these stories, as has been offered to us by this big, black murdering ship of Christianity that has been haunting our culture for such a long time.

When you look at history, there is not one example of 'stuff happening by itself for the benefit of us all'. Au contrary, all advances in our culture/species are hard won by argument, discussion and working hard together for most part.

Suggesting that the end of history would be anything else, is highly naive in my opinion and has no basis at all, rationally nor historically.

To my mind, our planet lies in the scale, it can go either way. Some of us are more aware than others and these some of us, may very well have a responsibility to help facilitate the turning point which may or may not be, in December 2012.

There will be no wise man or woman descending from the sky in December 2012 to save us all and heal the planet. Hell, THAT bullshit is 2000 years old and has brought us and the rest of the world, nothing more than pain, confusion, fear of sex, fear of dead, fear of live, fear of others and to the brink of extinction.

We are more intelligent than that.


If psychedelics teach us one thing, it's that we are allowed to take our own responsibility.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
more like "eat me", "drink me"
curiouser and curiouser

i say that to all the girls


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
druglessdouglas a dit:
i suffered from migrains right up to my first acid trip. ive had 2-3 since but in 20 odd years thats not bad.
btw science is coming to the conclusion there are 2 dimensions in time. maybe goes a little way to explaining synchronicity, and a few other wierd phenomenon.

Hmm, the way I see it: We live in 4 dimensions, 3 room (up and down, left and right, back and forth) and 1 time (that goes FORWARD).

Since all needs its opposite we have the DREAMLAND or the SPIRIT SIDE that are the reversed. Instead of 3 rooms we have 3 times, and instead of 1 time we have 1 room (which explains why we wake up in the same location, if not sleepwalking which is because of an error in the brain).

Karma can heal us if we know what we have missed, I for example need to treat my body with my care. 2012 will take care of all healing problems, and you can heal yourself like Buddhist monks can do, its all about knowing.

The thing with dreams is that then you're sub-conscious and you are in your fantasy land - where all things are possible. In life you're your conscious and they are depending on eachother.

Dejá Vu is your dream-self tellin' you that you shouldn't be doing what you're doing. The dreamland can give you hints on what you need to know. The KEY here is FREE WILL.

Your sub-conscious can't do more then you allow it to do. So its about trust and belief.

Synchronicity for me is the fantasy-side givin' inspiration to people doing creations. That's why the random events seems to be not so random. As I see it - ALL THINGS are conscioussness. A guy tested this on plants with a lie detector. It did detect the "electricity" - I can't get techinical .. But anyhow, he tested that on Plants and noticed they reacted to his thoughts. He first wanted to see if the plant would increase the movement of the needle if he watered it. But he noticed that when he thought of burning one of its leafs with a matchstick the plant panicked! The needle on the lie detector went nuts.

So the synchronicity is just ourselves trying to make life easier for us. Its in the moment that you want to live, and we all create our own life with our thoughts! :)

Imagine that after 2012 we'll be able to experience movies and games in 4D - that's what Im dreaming of! :D

And mother earth gives us plants for medecine and meditation and our own brain has DMT for our sleep-cycle! Remember we all need sleep, its just because we need to balance ourselves I guess, the duality of life. :)
And remember - its ALWAYS FREE WILL!

There's only two kinds of thoughts - positive and negative. And light (positive) is stronger then the darkness (negative) cause light illuminates! :)

???????? a dit:
hey Enivid, haven't seen you around. Greetings

Thanks! I found this forum just a couple of days ago! It really feels like a second home already! :D

buffachino a dit:
lol, the 4th density.
There’s no need to transcend to a place in which you already reside, simply by the will to transcend.
Remember my man, its all about Free Will. You create life as you want to live it! :)
This is my path, and a path for alot of people cause alot of people live under the monetary system. And monetary system is an evil bitch! The Devils tool to fool people into slavery.

When I say transcend buffachino I mean that my earth-bound body will be able to live in world where I can communicate to mother-earth and live in peace forever. From there I can with all of you co-create new galaxies and new horizons. But remember, its always about free will!

buffachino and Dantediv86
I truly am Neo - the Chosen One ;).
We all are, cause we all are the creation that experience itself from different views.

Only you can save yourself. I could leave this world now and go live somewhere else, but I see me in all my friends - and I love them!

All of them are corrupted by a monetary system that feeds their reptilian brain and alot of orginality is lost. My friends needs to be able to find their own god and their own inner self that I am, that we ALL are. Cause we're all ONE.

I love you all in this forum and hope you embrace the law of FREE WILL. It all springs from FREE WILL, what would you do without it.

Im living by the laws and rules that I've created for myself. You see, for the SELF to experience itself it must FORGET everything of how the universe works and build it from scratch. That's why we're explores of this universe and this 4th density means that we will be able to Communicate with Mother Earth and togheter with our Mother live in harmony with awesome technology!

The earth today is hellbound, it think of itself as a separated being and think of Earth as an organism. What would do if you we're hurting yourself? You would try and heal yourself by anyways possible, and in the Earth's point of view we can say that she tells us to stop by floods and global warming. Since we all are one our minds affect her, and since all exist forever and ever there will always be earths that will feel bad.

2012 is not going to happen if you can't believe it, but don't let a monetary system enslave you! You get your dreams for free, why do u want to be working your waking life away for a mininum wage?

Peace !

- Enivid


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
we will be able to Communicate with Mother Earth and togheter with our Mother live in harmony with awesome technology!

That's exactly my point. This technology is not magically going to appear on an apple tree, it has to be developed. Just as the earth has to be cleaned up and kept clean. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it (that's us folks). A vision implies action, not waiting around for it to happen by chance or itself. Especially such grand visions.

The earth today is hell bound, it think of itself as a separated being and think of Earth as an organism. What would do if you we're hurting yourself? You would try and heal yourself by any way possible, and in the Earth's point of view we can say that she tells us to stop by floods and global warming. Since we all are one our minds affect her, and since all exist forever and ever there will always be earths that will feel bad.

What do you expect in 2012? That mother earth sends down a fractal image of herself for us all to stare upon in wonder while she gracefully wipes away the blood and tears we shed here since history started and then create a new, wonderful earth for us? Maybe she'll even grant us a new Eve from our ribs.... Notice, please, how much Christian symbolism is being fed into these fables. You even use the word hellbound which is taken directly from the Christian lingo.

2012 is not going to happen if you can't believe it, but don't let a monetary system enslave you! You get your dreams for free, why do u want to be working your waking life away for a mininum wage?

Not a 1000 quotes from waking life (actually the quote is quoted wrong, it is THEY get your dreams for free ;)), however great a movie, will change the fact that the earth will not heal by itself just because a large group of well intentioned, poorly informed, good hearted people want that to happen.

PS Global warming is caused by humans.


26 Mai 2007
Migraine sucks, when I was 12 it was like five days of horrible migrains every week... now it's okay even if I still have some...
When i discovered cannabis, I noticed it acted like medicine on migraines, it works quite well, but if I think too much on cannabis, I get horrible headaches... it's psychologic, sometimes I successfully instant-healed migraines just by thinking about what I'm doing wrong.
LSD, mushrooms and probably other tryptamines make them go away instantly.

As for 2012 I don't believe that, events like 2012 or end of petroleum are the greatest choices for the world elites to take more control as it means or justify chaos. (Ordo ab Chao)
You can get whatever you wan't with chaos.
Something may happen in 2012, but I think it would have more to do with the elites controlling the world than religions or mystical events:
HAARP disasters, fake god's holograms, fake religious events, fake alien invasion, fake accomplishement of ancient prophecies, etc.
All those scenarios could help them a lot in taking more control over population.


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
HeartCore a dit:
we will be able to Communicate with Mother Earth and togheter with our Mother live in harmony with awesome technology!

That's exactly my point. This technology is not magically going to appear on an apple tree, it has to be developed. Just as the earth has to be cleaned up and kept clean. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it (that's us folks). A vision implies action, not waiting around for it to happen by chance or itself. Especially such grand visions.

No it all comes from learning, only that way we can spiritually grow. 2012 is the prophecy from old spiritual teachings and we all have the free will to accept it. The thing with 2012 is that you don't even have too put in alot of effort in it - if you don't want to that is. The thing with 2012 is that it will split the positive thinking from the negative thinking, the negative thinking is that we all are separated. So if you live by service to self, you create whatever you want. If you live by serivice to others (meaning other selfs) you'll co-create your future.

The conspiracies such as the Twin Towers are the separated way of thinking, or the negative forces trying to steal people to the negative side or negative future. But its all a giant cycle that always happens depending on our free will.

And you're right, a vision needs action, and our fantasy is helping people to wake up through movies, blogs, drugs, and inspirational thought. When we live in a new positive world without separated thinkin' and our mother earth embraces us and we embrace her, we can't hide secrets, the light illuminates the darkness.

And this is a true golden age. Imagination is everything is something Einstein said, I like that guy. He also used to sleep to solve problems or figure out answers to questions. He's a cool dude! :)

[quote:20ooy760]The earth today is hell bound, it think of itself as a separated being and think of Earth as an organism. What would do if you we're hurting yourself? You would try and heal yourself by any way possible, and in the Earth's point of view we can say that she tells us to stop by floods and global warming. Since we all are one our minds affect her, and since all exist forever and ever there will always be earths that will feel bad.

What do you expect in 2012? That mother earth sends down a fractal image of herself for us all to stare upon in wonder while she gracefully wipes away the blood and tears we shed here since history started and then create a new, wonderful earth for us? Maybe she'll even grant us a new Eve from our ribs.... Notice, please, how much Christian symbolism is being fed into these fables. You even use the word hellbound which is taken directly from the Christian lingo. [/quote:20ooy760]

Well, I'm awake, and the close we get to 2012 the more truth will be revaled, and the more will the future collaps into a zero point which will be a new big bang. What do u think a big bang does? Create something new, a paradigm shift in our conscioussness and how does will happen is IMPOSSIBLE to say. The only thing is that can be told is that we're going to live very happy, more then a hundred times better then what we have today!

And if you like playin' Mario Kart with your friends, the future will let you be that charachter in 4D, that's what I call kick-ass entertainment! :)

I read an article where scientists in Scheweiz (I think) hade made progress in moving the mind into a gaming enviroment. Why do you think Virutal Reality was killed? It came to close to the truth ;).

2012 is not going to happen if you can't believe it, but don't let a monetary system enslave you! You get your dreams for free, why do u want to be working your waking life away for a mininum wage?

Not a 1000 quotes from waking life (actually the quote is quoted wrong, it is THEY get your dreams for free ;)), however great a movie, will change the fact that the earth will not heal by itself just because a large group of well intentioned, poorly informed, good hearted people want that to happen.

PS Global warming is caused by humans.[/quote]

Global Warming is caused by mysterious ways of the universe. The manipulation is strong on the disinormationa and Al Gore is just a whore. Nothing more.

Carbondioxide doens't cause global warming, check the documentary: The Great Global Warming Swindle (found at http://thepiratebay.org )

The trick to why we are hellbound is that you don't believe everything, but everything is real, even myths. That's what John Lennon said, and I belive him before Bush, Cheney, or the British Parliament or my goverment, or the Chinese or Russian. I see what the devils are trying to do, and its fun, cause without devils how could we experience what we've experienced so far. Its all about dualities growing into a singularity, which is the acceptence that we all are one. :)

Just so you guys know, we have free energy around the corner: www.theorionproject.org

Peace and love!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
The thing that you chose to ignore Enivid is that we are already within singularity.
No transcendence required, for we are perpetually transcendent.

You and I speaking to each other is the big bang in itself.

You contradict yourself by talking separably about an inseparable.
Although by doing so you exemplify creation.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Buff! i love it when you make sense!


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
buffachino a dit:
The thing that you chose to ignore Enivid is that we are already within singularity.
No transcendence required, for we are perpetually transcendent.

You and I speaking to each other is the big bang in itself.

You contradict yourself by talking separably about an inseparable.
Although by doing so you exemplify creation.

Hehe, that's what Im sayin' but a little more distorted ;). I totally AGREE! Its very VERY true.

Yeah, Im everything, but see, I live in the "real world" and the "real world" is my matrix. :) As is yours. But 2012 will let us create our very own reality alot easier. People will follow others into their creation = their big bang.

2012 will not be a fixed day, only for some, not for all.

We are a singularity yes indeed, we're the same but I have awoken to this singularity, and this singularity has the power to do anything. Which makes me a chosen one, as you buff, and anyone that chooses to learn throuh the Law of Free will that anything is possible. We have just forgotten how, and that has become our experience.

And since its a time for enlightment for thoose who's been trapped in the shadow-self, we all will be Neo, and everything is going to be KICK-ASS. I mean, I can't even imagine all the fun I will experience everyday from this day and forth.

I just want to say, Love and PEACE ya'll! :)

And one thing, morpheus?, you assumed I ignored it, I was just trying to comprehend it ;).

- Enivid


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
NURSE!! this one's gone!!! unplug him from here i want my normality restored!!
i say...*eats the meat*
...ignorance is bliss :twisted:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
But 2012 will let us create our very own reality alot easier. People will follow others into their creation = their big bang.

If you can’t see how this is being done now, how will you find it in 2012?