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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Dearly beloved , pilgrims ,

MAOIs do not potentiate Psilocybin mushrooms , or have any psychoactive / entheogen efects , other than psychological and / or toxicological ones , in the doses reportedly used by some people trying to potentiate Psilocybin mushrooms .

Mono Amine Oxydase is an enzyme found in our stomachs . Its function is to neutralise/destroy toxic diatry amines . Part of its action is to destroy substances that have a similar chemical structure to the neuro transmiter serotonine , wich is similar to that of psilocybin . Peganum Harmala , Banisteropsis Caapi and harmalin are not "halucinogenic" or psychoactive , at least in the doses reported to be taken to potentiate psilocybin .
Toxicity of Peganum harmala: Review and a Case Report
Massoud Mahmoudian, Hossein Jalilpour, Pirooz Salehian
Iranian Journal Of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2002; 1:1-4

Case Report

A 35 years old male patient, who was under treatment for his addiction to opium, admitted to the clinic due to gastrointestinal distress. He explained that he had consumed 1 kg of sheep testicles in the belief that it would improve his well being, but resulted in emesis and vomiting. Then to his grandmother’s recommendation and according to the family tradition, he took around 150 g of seeds P. harmala. Due to her old age, the grandmother was not sure about the traditional dose. After that he experience gastrointestinal distress and vomited blood. On physical examination, he showed slight elevation in body temperature (37.5 °C), a pulse rate of 100 beats per minute and a low blood pressure (80/40 mmHg), convulsion, tremor (limbs and facial muscles) and visual hallucination as well as abdominal pain. Endoscopy showed a 2.5 cm gastric ulcer at the location of anteral region in oozing state. Laboratory tests showed a mild anemia (Hb of 12.9 g/dl) due to his internal bleeding. Other biochemical parameters have found to be normal.He was treated with infusion of 3 liters of NaCl/glucose solution and antacid (every three to four hours). After few hours, signs and symptoms of toxicity relieved and he left hospital in a stable condition. However, his treatment was continued for the peptic ulcer with omeprazol (20 mg daily) and ranitidine (150 mg bid).

EMESIS = the forceful expulsion of the contents of one's stomach through the mouth ,Other types of emesis or variations of the theme:

* Projectile vomiting: a sudden and particularly forceful vomiting action.
* Retching: a series of weaker and unproductive vomiting movements.
* Nausea: the sensation associated with anticipation of retching or vomiting.

This was the biggest recorded dose of P.Harmala i could find . Other reports of people taking amounts between 20 and 50 grams were not rare . The reported effects varied from person to person , experement for experement . There seems to be no conection between dose and experience . The reputable scientists , who have tried it in those doses , J.Ott and A.Shulgin , report about the same effects , the same effects a neutral person reports after taking - PLACEBO .
I can not find an LD50 for humans only for animals

Table 1 . The toxic doses of various alkaloids of P. harmala.

Alkaloid Response Animal Dose (mg/kg)
Harmaline LD-sc rats 120
Harman LD-sc rabbits 200
Harmine LD50-iv mice 38
Harmine MLD-sc rats 200.
http://msds.ourlib.org/Msds_Detail.asp? ... mine,%2098%&

Repeated or prolonged exposure to pure Harmine may cause CNS stimulation. Human systemic effects by intamuscular route include sleep disturbances,tremors, nausea or vomiting.


CAS# 442-51-3: UV0175000
Intramuscular, Human - man: TDLo = 3 mg/kg ( Sleep disturbances,tremors, nausea or
Harmine -
Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, or NTP.
See actual entry in RTECS for complete information.
http://www.gnosticmedia.com/communion/v ... .php?t=171

The 4-sub position is actually quite important, even if it's not unique. Ever wonder why you can take psilocybin orally and it's active without an MAOI unlike, say DMT, or 5MEO? It's because the NNdimethyl "tail" can swing around and form a complex with the "O" at the 4 position, making it impervious to MAO in the gut. That's from a Dennis McKenna talk by the way. So if you don't chuck the whole idea, you might say something like the 4-subbed position makes it active orally all by itself, allowing mind expansion with simple ingestion, unlike its parent structure, DMT which has to be combined with an MAOI to be effective through the gut. When you think about how humans evolved via the hunter gatherer route,a DMT analogue that works via simple ingestion becomes very important.

on 1/18/05 11:52 AM, Dennis McKenna wrote:

Regarding Icono's comments above, he has it exactly right. It’s true that apparently Psilocin is orally active is because, in the charged, physiological state you get a weak hydrogen bonding between the indole HO- (which is deproteinated) and the side-chain nitrogen (which is protonated). So you do get that steric hindrance happening that protects it from MAO. This is not from me, by the way, this is straight from the guru of chemistry himself, Dave Nichols!

And, icono is further correct in that a single-ingredient psychedelic, active with little or no processing (and what needs less processing than a cluster of fresh, succulent Psilocybes?) suggests itself as a more likely catalyst of hominid consciousness; especially as they would tend to migrate with the populations as they dragged their cattle along with them. It’s probable that some tropical mushroom, probably Ps. Cubensis, could have been widespread in hotter, wetter paleolithic times.

I also think it’s possible that people could have accidentally stumbled on the DMT/MAO combinations pretty early. After all, tryptamines are pretty widespread in plants, and so are B-carbolines. So I think it’s entirely possible that you could have foraging hominids, calmly munching on DMT containing plants, and suspecting nothing because it’s not orally active. But one day somebody decides to add something new to the salad, maybe that little sprig of Peganum harmala that she found on the path, and viola! The lights come on, at least for a little while. Now whether they are pharmacologists enough to figure out that it was the combination of the two plants is another matter; but eventually they did, obviously, because we now have ayahuasca and numerous analogs.

So I think probably both scenarios may be correct. The pastoral, mushroom eating semi-nomads on the plains, while the forest dwelling populations may have been more likely to encounter (or invent) ayahuasca-like combinations.

J.Ott says the same thing in "Pharmacotheeon" And so does A.Shulgin in "Tihkal" .
Jonathon Ott , Alexander Shulgin , Dennis Mckenna and Dave Nicols are not wrong = The only things that happen are psychelogical ( PLACEBO ) and / or POISONING .



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
More on the subject of mocking the aflicted .

WOW !!! The pregnant silence here is deafening . No one is hystericaly whining and moaning , no one has called me a lier , mentaly ill or a junkie , AGAIN . And no one has posted stupid green icons because they dont understand anything either . Whats wrong ? Have you all died of shame because you were getting high on a "placebo" , or are you waiting till everyone forgets that you were victims of your own psychology ???



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
They should come and arrest you for being such a liar :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Jan 2007
1 518
HeartCore a dit:
Brewmaster a dit:
They should come and arrest you for being such a liar :D


MAOIs do not potentiate Psilocybin mushrooms , or have any psychoactive / entheogen efects

I thought this was common knowledge and stopped reading there sorry ;)
same here, after all the reading (and zero experience) i thought MAOI's only worked for ayahuasca?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
Rue does have psychoactive properties; none that I like but they do exist. Before I ever combined mimosa and rue, I took rue by itself.
At 3 grams I felt a little light headed.
At 5 grams I felt heavy, dizzy and my finger tips and toes became numb. I figured this would be enough for mao inhibition but I tried it once again w/ 7g.
At 7g I felt incredibly drunk, limbs were very heavy and I was incredibly dizzy. Walking was almost impossible.
Does this not constitute "psychoactive"? I would say so.
This was not placebo but I wouldn't call it poisoning either.
I get the same huasca-drunk from drinking caapi alone as well.

I have only taken rue w/ mush once and I feel that it elevated the trip greatly but I'm certainly no expert on the shrooms. It's been many years since I used them regularly but I know many people who swear by rue.


Elfe Mécanique
2 Jan 2007
Even if it's a placebo, I don't care if it does the job :wink:

Never tried rue myself to be honest..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258
Could very well be shrooms and rue feed of each other, like MDMA and LSD do as well. As in a good synergy.

God, you seem a tad frustrated, I think you need to get laid.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Jan 2007
1 518
DevXavier a dit:
Could very well be shrooms and rue feed of each other, like MDMA and LSD do as well. As in a good synergy.

God, you seem a tad frustrated, I think you need to get laid.
i think I need to get laid :(


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"God, you seem a tad frustrated, I think you need to get laid."

Me three !!! Yep i was just a LITTLE bit pissed off because i got hystericaly slaged of in two threads because i said MAOIs dont work with mushrooms . So i proved it . My second post here was ment humerously ...... but it got results didn`t it !!!



Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
If MAO breaks substances that have similar structure as serotonine, and psilocyne has similar structure as serotonin, and a MAOi prevents the breaking down, isn't it true then that MAOi potentiates the mushroom effects???


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Good question Jahvisions . I take it that the people who i quoted above also mean the same / or something similar for Psilocin otherwise what they say would not make much point .

Do you go to the zion coptic church ? If not maybe look for one ... they smoke grass in the services .



Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
No i am not really a rastafarian, but I feel connected in certain ways of thinking and living.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Wait a second i think i missed something here
MAOi inhibit the substances responsible for the breakdown of serotonin-like substances in the stomach right?
so if this is true
it might be the placebo effect that causes effects, and GOD is right
but if it isn't
this means that scientists who studied the MAO mechanisms are dumbasses
this leads to the conclusion that GOD is right
Brewmaster (and a couple of people i know) got high on Rue i doubt that it was just a placebo
ARE WE SURE THAT RUE or any MAOi containing PLANT DOESN'T ITSELF CONTAIN SEROTONIN-LIKE SUBSTANCES (or in another view that these people might have injested serotonin-like substances without knowing) THAT CAUSE EFFECTS?
if the latter is true then GOD is neither says the truth nor is a liar

PS if serotonin like substances are broken down by MAO it doesn't mean that even psylocybin is going to be broken down by MAO, it depends on the exact chemistry of the molecules, besides if psylocybin was affected by the presence of MAO it wouldn't have effect now would it? SO it could be that the serotonin like substances contained in Rue or Caapi that are saved by the MAOi contained in the plant add up to the effect of Psylocybin thus bringing a hightened experience (like Brewmaster says)

this was theoretical thinking and has to be proved, at the moment i can't be bothered to do research

IF this is true neither of you GOD and Brewmaster are right or if you want to see it in a positive way BOTH of you are :D



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Sorry if i dont understand what you mean , i just bent my head trying to understand what you said , and am still not sure ? It`s 1.45 in the morning and i havnt slept much for a few days . BUT I LIKE YOUR CONCLUSION , thank you . Placebos ( = a persons own psychology ) seem to be able to have a similar effect as psychoactive drugs and can potentiate drugs . I`m certain that the experts that i named above are aware of the other chemical content ot MAOI containing plants . That they would be aware of other chemicals that it might contain that have a similar chemical structure , or effects , to serotinine or other brain transmitters . I dont think that Brewmaster has any other opinion than i do and i hope very much that he does not think i am arguing with him . I respect him for his practical knowledge . SORRY if anyone thought that i am arguing with him , especialy to Brewmaster . I thought that his description of paradise in yosemite park was one of the best posts i have seen on this site . It`s hard to get nearer to God than that without dying .

If you can explain to me so i can understand better please do so , and i will reply .

Thank you



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Fev 2007
1 474
Eh? People are saying that rue doesnt potentiate mushrooms????

Have these people actually TRIED this combination? Because i can say for certain from personal experience that rue most certainly DOES potentiate shrooms, in a very big way, 2grams shrooms with 2 grams rue is MUCH stronger than either 2 grams of shrooms alone, or 2 grams of rue alone

Sorry im late into this debate maybe i've missed something but i can categorically say that GOD is wrong in the OP if he/she is saying that rue doesnt increase the effect of magic mushrooms


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"Sorry im late into this debate maybe i've missed something but i can categorically say that GOD is wrong in the OP if he/she is saying that rue doesnt increase the effect of magic mushrooms"

I thought that the "Sorry im late into this debate maybe i've missed something" and the "he / she" bits were very good . My second thought was "Oh no ! , not the green sock and plastic bag over the head brigade again" . I am saying that it obviously does potentiate some sort of mushroom experiences for some people , but that its psychological , a placebo type experience . Like homeopathy , wich although i know its been proven over and over again to be 100% psychological works sometimes for me . Are you saying that the experts i named above are , "categorically" , wrong ? Are not experts ? Are you saying that you are not being subjective ? Please read the thread again and be objective , as far as that is possible in our subjective existence .



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Dantediv86 a dit:
Wait a second i think i missed something here
MAOi inhibit the substances responsible for the breakdown of serotonin-like substances in the stomach right?
so if this is true
it might be the placebo effect that causes effects, and GOD is right
but if it isn't
this means that scientists who studied the MAO mechanisms are dumbasses
this leads to the conclusion that GOD is right
Brewmaster (and a couple of people i know) got high on Rue i doubt that it was just a placebo
ARE WE SURE THAT RUE or any MAOi containing PLANT DOESN'T ITSELF CONTAIN SEROTONIN-LIKE SUBSTANCES (or in another view that these people might have injested serotonin-like substances without knowing) THAT CAUSE EFFECTS?
if the latter is true then GOD is neither says the truth nor is a liar

PS if serotonin like substances are broken down by MAO it doesn't mean that even psylocybin is going to be broken down by MAO, it depends on the exact chemistry of the molecules, besides if psylocybin was affected by the presence of MAO it wouldn't have effect now would it? SO it could be that the serotonin like substances contained in Rue or Caapi that are saved by the MAOi contained in the plant add up to the effect of Psylocybin thus bringing a hightened experience (like Brewmaster says)

this was theoretical thinking and has to be proved, at the moment i can't be bothered to do research

IF this is true neither of you GOD and Brewmaster are right or if you want to see it in a positive way BOTH of you are :D

Sorry when i wrote this i dunno what i was on....
if this is true (the MAO stuff GOD wrote)
it might be the placebo effect that causes effects, and GOD is right

but if it isn't
this means that scientists who studied the MAO mechanisms are dumbasses
this leads to the conclusion that GOD is not right

Brewmaster (and a couple of people i know) got high on Rue, i doubt that it was just a placebo

ARE WE SURE THAT RUE or any MAOi containing PLANT DOESN'T ITSELF CONTAIN SEROTONIN-LIKE SUBSTANCES (or that these people might have injested serotonin-like substances without knowing) THAT CAUSE EFFECTS?
if the latter is true then GOD neither says the truth nor is a liar

PS if serotonin like substances are broken down by MAO it doesn't mean that even psylocybin is going to be broken down by MAO, it depends on the exact chemistry of the molecules, besides if psylocybin was affected by the presence of MAO it wouldn't have effect now would it?
SO it could be that the serotonin like substances contained in Rue or Caapi ARE saved by the MAOi contained in the plant add up to the effect of Psylocybin thus bringing a hightened experience (like Brewmaster says)

this was theoretical thinking and has to be proved, at the moment i can't be bothered to do research

IF this is true neither of you GOD and Brewmaster are right or if you want to see it in a positive way BOTH of you are :D

It pretty much seemed like you two started an argument :lol:
if you still can't understand what i'm syaing pm me i'll try to explain what i mean...if you can't understand it means that i'm still having problems connecting parts of my brain (though i never had a hemispherectomy, I SWEAR!!!)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Fev 2007
1 474
GOD, i am very confused, nowhere in the OP do any of the 'experts' you quote say that rue doesnt potentiate shrooms :?: :?: :?: , or if they do can you please show me where?

because MAO breaks down 'serotonin-like' molecules, it breaks down psilocybin/psilocin, as these are both 'serotonin-like', however for some reason, psilocybin is still orally active, it might get partially digested by MAO, but also enough of it remains undigested that it can reach the brain and cause its effect. But when it is accompanied by MAOIs, even more of it is able to get to the brain unhindered and therefore the trip is stronger. This is my personal guess as to why it is such a strong combo, im no scientist, i could be wrong about this, but it sounds plausible doesnt it?

If an 'expert' said to you that the Earth was a triangle, would you abandon all your beliefs about the Earth being round because an 'expert' had told you otherwise? I hope the answer to that is 'no'. Im not saying you can't trust experts, im just saying that experts are not the final word on the subject, especially when it comes to psychedelic issues, nobody really knows anything about this.

If an expert tells me that rue doesnt potentiate shrooms, it is no different to him telling me that black is white, i know from my personal experience that this is not true, i am a dedicated psychonaut (check my podcast :wink: ), i have had hundreds of psychedelic voyages, i did rue/shrooms ONCE several years ago and had such a ridiculously strong and psychologically scarring trip that i havent dared to go near them since, that was with 2 grams of shrooms, i have done 5 grams of shrooms alone and had a significantly weaker experience than i did with 2grams shrooms with rue, and there is just no way in my mind that that phenomena can be explained by appeal to a 'placebo' effect.

But in spite of this, the fact seems to remain that none of the experts you quoted are even saying what you claim they are saying about rue and shrooms

And why exactly are you trying so hard to argue that rue doesnt potentiate shrooms? It is a standard drugs combo that many people have experienced who will tell you otherwise, check out these links for examle:
http://www.erowid.org/plants/syrian_rue ... nfo3.shtml

Also that comment you made about pakistanis with farts, where did you hear that? I am unable to find any info anywhere that says that Syrian Rue is used this way, according to wikipedia, besides its use as an entheogen:

In Turkey, dried capsules from this plant are strung and hung in homes and vehicles to protect against the evil eye.

In Iran, those dried capsules - mixed with other ingredients - are burnt so as to produce a light, distinctly scented smoke. It is used as an air as well as mind purifier, to be linked to its believed entheogenic properties. This practice, which roots back in pre-Islamic - Zoroastrian - times, is still used by the Iranians.

Nothing about farts


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
I think you get the experts wrong, terrence mckenna says in some taped interviews (probably you can fin it on youtube) about the great combination of reu and mushrooms, where the reu is ingested before the shrooms. and shulgin has spoken in some interview about the reaction between reu or chemical moai and shrooms, and he did not say in his book thikal that shrooms and maoi dont work together , ive read it if he does tell me please! :) they do not tell that it is a placebo!

I hope you dont get me wrong, I just want to clear this up :) please tell me if i'm wrong on something :)