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Let's talk about DXM


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
I didn't find any thread about it and as I recently stumbled over it, here come some questions.

Is it worth it? How much/What dose would you chose for the first time? What specific meds to you recommend? Is it psychedelic or recreational?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
It is a dissociative, but it can teach some people some things. I'd personally rather try ketamine sometime.


24 Mar 2009
Yes recommended. Haven't done it for a long ass time but I did 400mg for my first and I was fairly fucked. Definitely is a psychedelic, if you do the proper amount. From my experiences I hadn't gained anything from it other than entertainment though. I had some mild visuals but for aural it was something else. I was hearing random techno contorted from the sound of my house's heater. I was sitting at my comp in the middle of the night but it felt like I was in a rave, hah.
The dissociative effects are wicked as well.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Sept 2008
3 710
tried twice... don't really love it, and looked like has nothing to teach me... but not a bad substance, I think deserves a try.

A thread about dxm... don't know if it's really needed, there's much to say about it, but if you have some questions... just ask :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
A thread about dxm... don't know if it's really needed, there's much to say about it, but if you have some questions... just ask Very Happy
why not :lol:


26 Mai 2007
My favourite drug, upper plateaus bring you in a place out of space and time, the most strange and insane place I've ever seen on any drug.
Addictive, really !


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Shitty drug in my opinion. Nothing pleasant, nothing constructive, no insights. But I got extreme ADD (the high was shitty so I decided to take a gram of shrooms to make it more interesting... took me over an hour before I finally got my hands o0n the mushrooms, which would have taken me 2 minutes normally).

To summarize I walked like a weird freak and couldn't do anything about it, and I was completely lost in my mind. That's it. There are many substances out there which have a lot more interest (speed has more interest than DXM for me)

(lol Totoro from the french section PMed me yesterday because he wants me to stop saying DXM is shit XD)


28 Fev 2009
It's like... okay I guess at higher doses. Your way better off doing Ketamine if you want to use dissociatives. I really only use it when I can't find anything better and have no money haha.


Matrice périnatale
29 Mar 2009
dxm is an incredible drug, but mind you i don't really do drugs like i used to, so i haven't done it for a while.

i started using dxm taking doses as small as like 400mg-500mg. then increased to like 1000mg. my largest dose ever was 3.2grams, which was freaking incredible. the problem is that when you take large doses, you'll black out. so you need to continue taking large doses every day for like a week, and then the time when you black out, you won't black out anymore, and it's freaking incredible. most incredible trip ever. better than acid, shrooms, whatever. dxm is the way. but don't go and take 3.2g off the bat just coz i said i survived it. i felt like i was going to die the whole time and it ruled, but that's just me. start small and build up over the course of a couple of weeks if you want to get to that point. just like with any drug, don't be completely retarded. your body/mind is a door to the kingdom and if you keep slamming a misshaped key into it you'll fuck up the lock.

just be careful. dxm is easy to get addicted to. i found myself capping and stashing and popping 300mg caps throughout the day everyday. i would get something akin to heroin withdraw when i didn't have it, but more physical, less mental when withdrawing from dxm. really sucks, so watch yourself with that stuff. what sucks even more is when you run out of the powder you ordered from research companies back in 2002 and find yourself stealing coricidin or dexalone from your local grocery store daily to feed the addiction.

when i was using dxm all day every day for an extended period (2-3 months), the world seems very glassy and distance. i felt safe and secure, like i was separated from everything. (yes, yes, y'all, it's a dissociative). helped with my anxiety and depression, but of course withdraw produced extensive anxiety.

dxm is more for learning about yourself and your life and where you need to be. kind of like how some people like to shroom occasionally to sort their shit out. other types of people dex every once in a while to sort their shit out. i think it has a lot to do with personality and placement.

i can't use shrooms or acid anymore really. i just feel like i've learned everything i needed to learn from them and as soon as i start tripping i feel like i'm wasting my time. i still OCCASIONALLY like to dex. i think last time i took 1.5g, maybe like 9 months ago. if you feel like u need to examine yourself and your life from a distance, take 900mg and chill with some chill tunes in the dark. :-) doctor's orders, g.

one other thing. opiates + dxm = not a great idea, HOWEVER, dxm is a morphine analogue and small doses (i'm talking 30-50mg) daily will keep your opiate tolerance down, but don't expect it to keep you well if you're w/ding from opiates.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
withdrawing I guess. :wink:


Elfe Mécanique
9 Déc 2008
I guess it really depends on the person using it (like any mind altering substance, I know)... DXM, for me, earned fully the title of "dissociative anaesthetic". I drank the syrup, and found myself increasingly distant from everything for a few hours, watching my limbs as weird rubbery appendages, looking at the bug-eyed guy in my sink window, trying to catch messages in the TV snow, laughing like a maniac whenever a bit of consciousness reminded me of what I was doing.

DXM use fucked me up for some time. I used it anywhere from once/2 weeks to once a month, for a few months... And that period of my life sucked plain and simple, except for those small moments of sinking into nothingness, with only music in all its might to remind me of something so remote as the "reality". It took me some 2-3 months to creep back up from that depression, but now I look back and I can't really tell if it was only bad or if I did learn something.

In lower doses, it can be very recreational... But it's a very sick kind of fun, to enjoy being withdrawn from oneself and from the universe in the way DXM does it. It kind of feels like watching yourself slip into insanity, and recognize you shouldn't laugh about it but finding it funny anyway, and wondering what "normal" feels like. And then, in the upper doses...

The only useable syrup (no guaifenesin, sorbitol, pseudoephedrine, acetaminophen...) I could find in my area contained DXM polistirex (time-release molecule) though, so that may account for the very dysphoric trips I had (if the whole DXM-DXO metabolisation, enzyme saturation etc. theories flying around the Internet are any indication).

So all in all I'd say try for yourself, but don't let it become an habit, even a monthly one, because you might end up living only for that monthly indulge like I did... I seriously hope you don't.


Sale drogué·e
2 Sept 2007
you might love it or you might hate it.

if you're starting out, i'd recommend 300mg (as the going dose for the second plateua) at night in a dark room. then quickly move on to 900mg for the next trip if you so wish, since that's the good dose.

stay away from syrups, and if that's all you have access to, i'd recommend agent lemon extraction due to its simplicity and efficacy.

if you get pills, be wary of acetominophen, since it could be very dangerous at high doses.

also, i love it. it helped me discover the astral plane (which i later went into sober) and gave me my first ego death which undoubtedly changed my life and my entire worldview for the better.


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
Always thought it was too junk-style to take pharmatic substances, but whatever, i wanted to see why some people use dxm, so i bought some antitussivum gell capsules..
So few nights ago i took 300 mg's dxm, it was a nice chilled-out experience actually. I will do it again some day probably.

When the effects came down, i prepared a pipe with 0,5 g of salvia leaves.. I took 3 big hits.. and then 'tzang', sally-tripping for 30 secs or so from just this small ammount of leaves.
I tripped from just smoking salvia leaves before, but then it was just very mild tripping for 3 seconds. In comiantion with the dxm it seemed to last much longer, and it was really harder...
I think DXM and salvia are synergetic in some way.


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Avr 2008
Some people are very sensitive to this drug. I would recommend to take a small dose first. I had a 36 hour trip once...with 240 mg dose! I was taking my accounting exams. I saw lines dancing and strange stuff on the walls! :D So, go easy on this drug!


Matrice périnatale
15 Avr 2009
very weird trip gets me in tune with what drives negative energy but also
very euphoric at high doses


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
Shamanita a dit:
When the effects came down, i prepared a pipe with 0,5 g of salvia leaves.. I took 3 big hits.. and then 'tzang', sally-tripping for 30 secs or so from just this small ammount of leaves.
I tripped from just smoking salvia leaves before, but then it was just very mild tripping for 3 seconds. In comiantion with the dxm it seemed to last much longer, and it was really harder...
I think DXM and salvia are synergetic in some way.

I now think it didn't have much to do with the DXM,
my salvia trips just seem to be harder and the effects last longer every time i use it. Nowadays it's like tripping for 1 whole minute from smoking 0,5 g of leaves :p


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Only ever tried a first plateau dose. It wasn't enough so I ended up smoking a joint--started seeing really bizarre visuals, especially when I dimmed the lights--blood red geometric lines and complex patterns forming and dangling in thin air, unrelated to my surroundings. Objects in the room twisting, morphing+changing size. Shifting patterns everywhere somewhat like psychedelics, even in the light. This went on for a few hours.

Mother of all hangovers the next day.