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19 Août 2009
I agree with darkwolfunseen. Kratom has many uses, but if one chooses not to use it, that is their choice. Many people find it helps them with things like fibromyalgia, others simply want to study its chemical properties.


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
There is a lot of unclear information about the use of kratom, just wanted to make some things clear around this underrated plant.

Offcourse like everything else kratom can be addictive, but its not really that addictive as people want u to believe, making comparations with opiates. Also there is some confusion about the intake, most people make a disgusting tea out of it, but this is a real waist, tosh and wash really is the way to go,but make shure to blend the kratom a few minutes to powder.

The kratom commercial sales in holland here are a joke, u will pay around 10-15 euros for aprox 10/15 grams. So if u make a tea from half of that, wich mostly is average advised dose(around 5 grams) U will feel something but not the full spectrum. I can understand that because of this people will think kratom is a waiste, boring, expensive, unatractive.

But when ordering from wholesales, the prices dropes with a 1000%.
Instead of 10 euro it becomes only 1,-
This is where kratom gets interesting.... :mrgreen:

I have had amazing (spiritual) experiences, really feelling similair like mdma(especially combining with cannabis) But without the serotonine fuck ups. Aftherwards i can sleep really long, wich is a great gift for me(light sleeper), afther sleep i can really feel being a bit reborn similair like shrooms.Mostly i will use between 15 and 20 grams, dosing 5 grams at a time with delays of around half an hour.

It's also a perfect replacement for asperine,or pain relievers, have used it succesfully against back pain, and a collapsed lung.

this plant is way too beautifull to be demonized, and if u have not, i encourage everyone to discover the full spectrum :rolleyes:


21 Mar 2008
Personally, I had a very good history with kratom. It is certainly very good painkiller, but
I would normally try it in small doses when I want to work hard on something, it really helped me concentrate. If the dose is increased, sedation comes...


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
if u have powdered leaves, like me, u can better buy some empty capsules.. I can't stand the taste of the tea anymore, way to bitter . first time i used kratom, i just put a spoon full of it in my mouth, nowadays, i can't even stand the smell of this plant :?


Alpiniste Kundalini
17 Avr 2004
I think I should add here that tea is considered an inefficient way of taking kratom. I usually put 2-3g in a cup, mix it well with some fruit juice (not too much) and then quickly swallow and wash away the taste with some water. For me that works quite well, and if I read here that in tea you need 15g, I think it is way more efficient.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Fev 2009
6 918
What is kratom good for ?

FEELING GOOD. At work, for instance.
It is supposed to be stimulant at low dose and more sedative with higher doses, but in fact, it depends on the strain you choose (thaï is basically a good stimulant strain, but maeng da -which is thaï- is stronger and more sedative), and the frequency. If you take kratom only now and then, you're more likely to get sedative effects, but if you take some several times a week, you will get more and more of the stimulant side.
This is what I have read and it does work that way for me.

So, you can have some kratom to relax at home and have nice chats, or to help you feeling not bored at work.

Just put a tablespoon in water, stop at the boiling point and drink all the stuff (yep, it's not very good... but there are WAY worst drinks). Add honey and lemon juice if you want, and if you intend to get the stimulant/euphoric effect, Adding a teaspoon of ephedra (sinica) powder can be very effective.

Just make sure you don't get hooked... it's opiate-like, after all.

edit : oh, yeah, and like opiates, it will suppress diarrhea and moderate pains. I think.


Glandeuse pinéale
17 Juil 2010
Kratom23 a dit:
I tried out a method I read about online to get fre Kratom. I just asked some vendors if I could get some free kratom with my usual purchase in exchange for reviewing it and they did. It worked, made my day! :P

illl deffinitely have to give this one a try, the more mimosa i have the better. i only hope it works for that to. pm me if you know a good vendor with quality kratom, most vendors ive tried its utter overpriced crap.


Matrice périnatale
2 Jan 2011

i see that everyone is making kratom tea, can't i just
stuff 5g of powder into pills and ate them?



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482

just be careful on doseage - kratom is a good work up drug. I.e. take some, then take some more, then more... If you take a shit load right away it can become icky.


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
^^^^ Totally true. Also, I would just start with 3g's mixed into a yogurt cup. It kills any taste issues. Wait 15-20 mins. If there's no reaction add 2 more grams.


Matrice périnatale
2 Jan 2011
Wait 15-20 mins. If there's no reaction add 2 more grams

only 15-20 mins?

my dog already some weed-pills and since there was no effect after 2 hours, he took 4 other, wrong move, 4h later each pills activated.
my dog was then convulsing on it's sofa for a couple of hours and then passed out to wake up 10h later with a prety good hanghover


23 Jan 2011
So I've heard probably the major things about Kratom; works chew the leaves to get a relaxed feeling, you can make tea, people grind it in capsules, etc...

I don't really hear the effects really concretely though, a lot of vagueness. Obviously I think I know somewhat of what it does as that's why I am interested.

Also heard people say take 20g in tea to feel anything, some say take 2g powder and give it 30 mins, if nothing take 2g more and that should be plenty.

Pretty much I'm looking for some clarification, a better idea of what it actually does and feels like.

Also if anyone knows where I could acquire some? Not sure if this is something that could possibly be sold any sort of store anywhere? I know there are websites, but buying it online kind of seems sketchy, it is legal where I live and sites offer discrete shipping, but I don't like giving my info out online especially to a drug site (not trying to be offensive, but drug sellers carry a reputation [few bad apples ruin the bunch])...

no retailers
no retailers...
were the places I was looking, looked promising, but then again they can really say whatever they want to get sales...

(ok rambled enough, please help me out)



Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
We'll im curious what more knowledgeable people say but from personal experience I purchased 4grams of Standardized 10:1 concentrate (brown powder). First time I took it I took .1g which I guess would be 1g normal and it was ok. I wanted to relax before bed and it let me relax and get comfortable and felt real nice to get dreamy and fall asleep.

Still I wasnt sure I was getting the most from the experience so this last time I did .2 10:1 and it was really nice. Felt very warm and cozy fairly fast and then had some nice dreamy feeling and drifted off to sleep.

Now I have wierd tolerances so its not really a good idea to go by what works for me but I dont know if things like weight or brain chemistry would affect the kratom or not. Some 'legal highs' like Panama Bud get me as high as some people get off real cannibus so who knows.

I will say the next day after the .1 was fairly normal. Woke up a little 'groggy' but it wore off once I got motivated and gong.

After the .2 however I found that I kept wanting to go back to bed and dream more. And I did twice and enjoyed it and even felt like it was the right thing to do. But if I had to be somewhere I am not entirely sure that I would have gotten up and not felt the same way, even like sleeping through an important meeting would have felt like the right thing to do. It definitely felt like it was the drug 'making everything ok' in my mind.

That however was only after about 5.5 to 6 hours of sleep so it might be that if I gave myself a full 8 hours of not bein anywhere and expected an hour to wake up and get going it might be a good night time medication to relax too from time to time.

However I still have to research the addictability of it. I worry about anything that makes you feel 'warm and cozy' as it sounds too much like an opiate. Dont know kratom well enough yet to know how I would respond to regular dosages.

Still 4g of 10:1 with like 3.7 left shoiuld last me a while anyway so I can experiment still.

I think I have a trip report in the trip reports section for my .1 kratom experience if you wanted to check that out.

oh and the .2 didnt really disalve in warm water though probably it might in hot water but the I would have to ice it to drink it fast and then you have all that water in your system and make you pee in an hour. I mixed the .2 with a half a glass of warm water stirred it up so it was all wet and then slammed it to just get it in my system. Seemed to work well enough.


23 Jan 2011
I've heard mixed responses on the extracts, although I'd love clarification, I'd prefer to get powdered leaves (but i've heard that is the easiest to fake, which is why I was hoping someone knew some reputable source) ideally I'd love just have good capsules, no taste at all.

As for addictiveness, I've read from all sources, including those trying to sell and those offering nothing but information that Kratom has nearly no addictiveness despite it's opiate like qualities. In fact a lot of opiate/heroin addicts (don't know any personal) I've heard use Kratom to help detox.

Any more specifics on the effects would be greatly appreciated. :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
if you're fond of headshops, see if they have any. headshops always have real stuff.

i love kratom :)


23 Jan 2011
hmmm well I know for sure my local headshop wouldn't have it... but maybe I can search around and make some phone calls to relatively close ones. I don't know about online shops, I haven't really ever heard anyone say a site that know is legit for sure, so its hard to know.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Has anyone had any experiences with Kratom causing nose bleeds?

I took .2g of 10x which I assume would be 2g of 1x which is what I was a 'decent dose' and within about 5 minutes I felt my nose drying up all funky like. This morning, as gross as this sounds, I went to pick my nose and it started to bleed after barely touching it. My nose feels all dried out right now far more then normal.

Now granted it is winter and my nose does dry out more in the winter and I wouldnt be blaming it on the Kratom if I hadnt had the experience last night of feeling my nose dry out. I mean it was freaky. It was like a more intense accelerated version of when your nose gets dry and it starts to slightly itch internally and you have to resist picking it cuz you know it'l bleed. I just didnt think it would bleed because I touched it so barely slightly.

Normally I try not to be too gross on forums but considering we are talking about drinking our own urine I'm not too worried about mentioning that I pick my nose lol. Kinda consider this a medical forum sometimes. Much better too mention blah gave you diarreha then to have your intestines fall out lol.


23 Jan 2011
Tried some headshops around, most didn't know what kratom was, one seemed eager when I mentioned it... but then told me he didn't have any nor knew where I could find any. Only found 1 that had it, but it is a good hour drive at least from, and they wanted 39.95 for 4g.... seemed like a bit of a rip off if you ask me...

Will perhaps give the head-shop search 1 more try, but really would just love to know of any legit sites, if not allowed to post it message me, please.

and... if anyone could explain Kratom a bit more, I read if you eat like 2-3g you feel sedated, but like 5g and you feel energetic, and in between is some sort of mix of the two.