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Je m'inscris!

It's all gotta go away


Matrice périnatale
27 Mar 2007
Yes, it's time to throw it out. I see nature around me, and it is at conflict with man. No surprise there. But what to do about it? All of the concept we have about man and society and such have just got to be chucked out. Left and right. We need to revert to enlightened tribalism. WHat I mean by that is that human need to congregate in heirarchal groups like a russian doll one inside of another but more complex because we have peers. each person related to a family which related to the greater family which related to the tribe etcetera. We all have our place and if we are not happy with our place we seek another structure. Each structure has its own requirements for acceptance, just as each of us are different. The fallacy of equality damns us all. We are more diffrerent than snowflakes but yet damned to prenend that we are equal - an artifiicial construct.
Overthrow! Objectively analyse what each person has to offer and use them as such - in business, friendship, as lovers. Let us all not banish the concept of discrimination but to glorify it for what it really is: the ulimate application of our intellect in evaluating others.


19 Fev 2007
After reading the first 2 sentences I was almost about to give up reading any further because it sounded like you were heading in a direction I wouldn't agreed with.

I'm glad though I read the entire post because you make some nice points. I don't know if you can look at it so black&white but I love that you are willing to follow this line of thought. Love your last line as well :).

The problem is that discrimination is not always the 'good' kind you are talking about here, but sometimes also the 'bad' kind, namely someone who judges (discriminates) someone else without knowing anything about his or her values. For instance, someone saying black people are all bad just because they are black (I know black isn't politically correct but I refuse to use anything else).

Last thought: I think that by judging everyone on his or her own values and "using" them as such in the structure it seems like you are creating some kind of equality again.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
Yeah i agree. The problem is kinda that the good thing is at the same time the bad thing or reason for the bad things. Freedom of choice in the use of our amazing capacities lets us do both things, things labeled as good and things labeled as bad or things that are good for some people and bad for other people or maybe... good for everyone. ;)

But anway I see it similar, mankind should probably not keep destroying itself in multiple ways by thinking in seperation and categories and that stuff. Yet i find it kind of shocking to imagine what to become of humanity when you think of it like this. It's like ants. I guess that's the point of Voldemort. Tricky. :twisted:


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
this is actually quite the same as the mushrooms thought me in my first (and last :P , but not for long ;) ) trip.


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
i really don't think this would cause a return to everyone being equal. much like Brave New World there would only be base equallity amongst humans of socally and physically similar standing. there would never be spiritual equallity no matter what ones status is, because the only time people are equal is when the are in the womb, once you enter the world there are infanitly different ways to be the best, to be better than those around you. had the world at large not tried to ban the law of survival of the fittest those of us who desire more would not have to share our achievements with lesser undeserving people. i believe in discrimination, not segregation, not rascism, but the weeding out of lesser beings that restrain progress with idiocracy.