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is my san pedro dead??


21 Juil 2007
5 922
hey all!!! :)

well i had my poor little san pedro outside in the sun, as it had been a very sunny day, yet unfortunately i forgot to put it back in before the night and i noticed that not until in the morning on the next day...
so it's a young san pedro, about half a year old and maybe 30 centimeters big. the thing is, at that night it was pretty cold outside like -10°C and i heard san pedro cacti are hardy and can endure 10°F which i think equals like -12°C. however mine is still young and frail. i wonder if it survived the cold, because it seems it has become very soft after it and has some barely visible white sprinkles now, but i am not sure whether they were there before.. i really hope my cactus will make it!!!
anyway... thanks for any advice or ideas!! :P

peace :weedman: