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Je m'inscris!

I would like to request a sticki note...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
In a recent event I have realized that this website is very, very important.

I came here seeking help, not to chat about psychadelics, or anything like that. I've seen a few other first time posters (however uncommon) that come with the same intentions I had.

I think it would be in the best interest of the website, and some people visiting the website to have a sticki note about depression and anxiety due to psychadelics.

"Not feeling to hot?" - or something light...

Psychadelics are a very strong, and intense and can give a mind-altering experience. They should be used with great respect, caution, and planning, and preferably under experienced guidance. This website does not condone 'tripping' alone, and strongly suggests always having a 'trip sitter'.

Most members on this forum are some what experienced in both psychadelic states of mind, and the after effects of these experiences; bliss, understanding, conceptualizing, radical paradigm shifts, and unfortunately depression and anxiety.

If you are having negative effects after a trip, even if accompanied by rational thought, we encourage you to talk to someone, be it on the forum or elsewhere. I personally will always speak to anyone in need of support, or if they are simply curious as to whats going on.

... something along these lines, I really believe should be on this website.


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Nov 2008
+1 :)
People are quick to talk about the benefits of psychedelics but we need to be equally, if not more, aware of the adverse affects.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I think it is a great idea. Why don't you compile a simple text? Then we can give some feedback so that we can make it even better. We'll publish it somewhere in the general psychonautics area and stick it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Not Feeling Good? Need some help? Look here when you're feeling down - or something light... (take a vote on some possibilities - I'm drawing blanks)

First of all I, and everyone else on the forum would like to welcome you! This is a place where you can converse your deepest thoughts, dreams, fears, opinions, and anything else you see fit.

The forum is for use in insight into spirituality, the mind, the brain, science, exploration, with an emphasis on cracking open the head with the use of Psychadelics. Sites like this are made commonly, but it is up to you to educate yourself on use of entheogens and psychadelics before doing them yourself!!
Psychadelics are a very strong, intense, and can be a mind-altering experience. They should be used with great respect, caution, and planning, and preferably under experienced guidance. This website does not condone 'tripping' alone, and strongly suggests always having a 'trip sitter'. EVEN with experienced users! By using psychadelics alone you are taking great risks, please be careful.

Members on this forum come from no experience to legendary and heroic (as described by Joe Rogan) The more experienced members understand both psychadelic states of mind, and the after effects of these experiences; bliss, understanding, conceptualizing, radical paradigm shifts, and unfortunately depression and anxiety.

If you are having negative effects after a trip, even if accompanied by rational thought, we encourage you to talk to someone, be it on the forum or elsewhere. I personally will always speak to anyone in need of support, or if they are simply curious as to whats going on.

Common and indescribable negative effects from psychadelics that can be dangerous:

(severe) Depression, Confusion, Depersonalization, Anxiety

or speak to the following, who will also be glad to help:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Thanks. Great effort.

Maybe something in there like:

If you are depressed or aren't feeling normal for a prolonged time, please reconsider using psychedelics. They can sometimes help, but the road to salvation is paved with deep emotional states that can sometimes be even further from where you want to be.

Besides that, I think the general idea is good, but I kinda sorta disagree with the way you connect psychedelics (or the psychedelic experience) per se with the after effects (both pos and neg). Set/setting(/dose?) are even more important imho, especially the mindset. If you take proper care, a lot of problems can be avoided.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Definitely include what you wrote, if a first time does gives very negative feelings, a reconsideration in their use for a long period of time should definitely be done.

Not sure what you mean you disagree with, but yeah - I want to keep it a simple like "hey, if you're feeling down, talk." without alot of other things, a warning sticki might be a good idea too... kinda like erowid, doses, settings, etc... but I'm thinking maybe this and that should be seperate?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Fair enough.

We can always tell these things when we have established communication.


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
i think if u would make a stikcy out of that it will influence the mindset of new voyagers in a negative way the aspect is too subjective imho, wich is perfectly fine for topics but i have my doubts for a sticky


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
^please explain.


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
I think we can best just see how the animo/need for this is and if this topic shows up as a necessary we should think about making it a sticky


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
IJC, that's actually a great point.
I look at it this way, psychedelics can make a day seem like an entire lifetime but people never realize that they're a "a neutral medicine" if you will.

They can help, cure, or enlighten, but they also disassociate, depress, disturb, and may potentiate negative vibes in general.

I'd throw in a note about how important it is to understand that psychedelics are an extension of your personality, and you have to be honest with yourself prior to jumping off.

Overall though, definite +1, because I'm surprised we didn't have this before.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
Jeniger a dit:
it will influence the mindset of new voyagers in a negative way

i think that if you're feeling good you just won't click on it... also, if at least someone gets relief or help from it it'd be worth.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
I see it like this...

When you consume a psychedelic, You become aware of yourself, your surroundings and your realitys.

Is it not natural to be scared or worried that you have realised mankind is a disgrace and you have no way of sorting it?

We then have to embark on another journey, In acceptance and understanding OR We have palpatations and irrational fear leading to panic attacks...

People are too quick in either case to call Psychedlics Positive or Negative. However, I think the positive out weigh the negative by far. Its just dependant of the use. Like any substance it may be abused, Abuse will cause some form of damage and if the person conducting the trip has the wrong intent then further damage may be caused.

This calls for better education and research and less lies, like the current case in the UK News. If people were aware of the true positive and negatives it would make them better prepared for an encounter and create less prejudice.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Sticki you're right, you're all right but you and jeniger might be missing the point - this isn't to say psychadelics are bad or good. this is a personal post to people to say hey, take a break if you're not doing too hot, and talk to us.

To discuss if psychadelics are good are bad can be strewn througgh out the rest of the forum..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
That's a great idea Jesus.
This sort of awareness is needed.
Like you said, we're quick to talk about the benefits and all sort of mindfuck.
But the obvious negative sides, need to be here to....to give an impression that we're also responsible human beings(well alot of us atleast.)

And thanks alot for the effort Jesus, thats really nice of you! ;)

I may not always write alot here, but I check out the forum daily.
And if there is anyone suffering, please send me a Personal Message.
And i will reply as quick as i possibly can!

And a just a minor correction, just to be a bit of an asshole:
Its PsychEdelics, not psychadelics!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
Must admit I was pretty high when I wrote that... and realised it was off topic to some degree.
I agree, We must have proper education explaining all the ups and downs.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
And here is a great place to start.
Since people got a first hand experience.

The propaganda is obviously not to be trusted, and its easy to ignore the negative sides when its full of lies.
But they are there, and they need to be pinned proper down!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Thanks for that spelling check :)

And as for everything, in the wrong hands, and with only slight knowledge, everything is dangerous.

Your brain is a complex machine, with a very (in the beginning) unwise operator - itself. That is a very important concept. anyways I think this forum is beat to death - if you would like to make any edits Fork, go for it - lets just have something like this up there.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
i think its an excellent idea
kinda like an online psychedelic support group lol
troubled psychonauts could receive advice from the more experienced members etc.

just make sure to try and keep everything in that thread as light and positive as possible, in case someones tripping, feeling a bit worse for wear then comes on for some help and finds a thread full of bad vibes..


1 Avr 2009
I completely support IJC's idea. Psychedelic usage isn't without its drawbacks, especially when the realization that reality isn't as we once thought it was kicks in. Beyond the initial anxiety and depression, it's up to the individual to make constructive use of their new-found knowledge. Much easier said than done!

The proposed thread could be somewhat of a reservoir for lingering negativity that could be dealt with in the most positive way, with advice from experienced and helpful psychonauts. I would definitely use it from time to time.