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13 Mai 2010
HPPD: Hillucination Persisting Perceptual Distortion. you end up seeing stuff in your vision like a colorful static when your in the dark, or mandala like patterns will come and go in your vision, or some people have tracers and cant tell when something is moving or not. i have patterns constantly moving/shifting and i also have things like a 3 dimensional hexagram that spins and changes color at the center of my vision, also when im looking at cottage-cheese ceilings the whole things slowly creeps one way then the next. this can happen from someone taking shrooms and lsd a hundred times or just taking it once. some people have formed a forum/support group for it online if anyone is interested as to why they are hillucinating with out psychedelics...
im not saying this to say anything negative about psychedelics, its just a common occcurance


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
This has been brought up on this forum many times, I strongly disagree that it is any type of disorder.

I remember being 6 years old in my bathroom stairing at the wall and watching it move. It just so happens that after taking psychedelics, you are more susceptible to perceive these distortions which are completely natural. Its not a 'disorder', and it's not something you should be wary of by taking mushrooms or LSD. The consumption of such psychedelics only opens your awareness to these occurances.


13 Mai 2010
its actually kinda funny, i said something when i was getting a check up with a doctor and before that id never even heard of it. i dont actually think its a disorder myself, if you look at the past in certain cultures in would be considered a form of divination so i personally think if someone is having it enough to where its disrupting there life theyre are probably having a shamanic "episode" activated by the psychedelic, its almost like a schizophrenic break. i dont know, our culture basically has to diagnose everything as a disorder, they probably even have a medication for it! "Notripatall" or something...


Matrice périnatale
7 Sept 2010
IJesusChrist a dit:
This has been brought up on this forum many times, I strongly disagree that it is any type of disorder.

I remember being 6 years old in my bathroom stairing at the wall and watching it move. It just so happens that after taking psychedelics, you are more susceptible to perceive these distortions which are completely natural. Its not a 'disorder', and it's not something you should be wary of by taking mushrooms or LSD. The consumption of such psychedelics only opens your awareness to these occurances.

Your right in what you say, from my limited experience, in so far as psychedelics simply open one's awareness to strange perceptual occurances in the brain. But that is exactly the problem, from i've read. Like schizophrenia, psychedelics are thought by at least some brain researchers to inhibit 'gating' behaviour... or the process of filtering out irrelevant stimuli from conscious awareness.

If someone is living their life fixated on the "natural" distortions you speak of, and if this has a neurological cause, then that could be a pretty scary state of affairs for that person. there are numerous reports on the HPPD forum (www.hppdonline.com/ - possibly offline whilst they move) of people still experiencing life, every single day, years later as though they are tripping on LSD and it has completely finished them mentally.


Alpiniste Kundalini
6 Juil 2010
when i was little i would look in the mirror and distort my face by focusing and unfocusing or just relaxing enough to see the distortion. i think its alot to do with the light absorbed by your eye during sight, and the sunspots that occur definitely help.
but having these hallucinations when i was a child i guess they kinda got me interested in psychedelics, dont think it was a direct result from them, although i do agree that the psychedelics open your conscious awareness to irrelevant stimuli making things that we would brush aside in the past, extra vibrant and moving


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
"hppd" as they call it, is an increase in awareness that does not subside completely after the trip is over. like others said, it's not a disorder. you maintain a little bit of that perception each time you come out of a trip. that's why people trip at all...

carry those experiences back to "normal" life.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Fev 2007
1 474
This is amazing, not long ago the loudest voices on this forum were insisting (despite the vast weight of evidence to the contrary) that HPPD simply didnt exist (see this thread: post-33398.html?f=39&hilit=HPPD ), it's good to see things have changed 8)

IJesusChrist a dit:
This has been brought up on this forum many times, I strongly disagree that it is any type of disorder.

the definition of 'disorder' is a very hotly disputed topic insofar as it applies to the mind, so a statement like 'HPPD is/isnt a disorder' is largely menaningless unless you clarify carefully exactly what you mean b 'disorder'

HPPD could be considered a disorder in some cases because it can cause anxiety and feelings of mental instability, it can seem as if the world is 'just about' to fall apart, all the time, and that feeling is not always pleasant and blissful. So to the extent that HPPD causes suffering, it can be considered a disorder where 'disorder' is defined as 'cause of suffering'. But that is certainly not a watertight, comprehensive definition of 'disorder'.


Alpiniste Kundalini
6 Juil 2010
alot of people see "disorder" as a psychological chemical imbalance.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I think psychedelics have improved my perception of color. I can now easily detect for example a slight color hue in a white light source, even without a reference white light.
I think it's great, because this is a talent that I can use a lot as a cameraman.
Sometimes it's a little anoying, too, because I can't relax anymore with just any kind of lighting. Most fluorescent lights make me feel uncomfortable because their color reproduction is so poor.

I'm trained to look for it because of my work, but I'm pretty sure psychedelics supported this heightened perception because when I'm tripping, my color perception is through the roof.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
"HPPD" is the sound of a psychiatrist or psychologist making $, nothing more. there are too many "causes" in ones life to pin ONE of them down as THE cause, of anything. i see the probable majority (as opposed to improbable minority)of these cases being a gathering, or concrescence of causes, like waves meeting at a mutually shared high point (or "wave harmonics" as some call it). most people who are diagnosed or claim that they have (a problem like this), would love nothing more than to actually have a SUBSTANCE, a tangible thing that they can credit their mental problems to. but truth is, that problem was lying there unaltered/untouched/unconsidered, and therefore building, for some time; and it's not a physical one, it's a mental one.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
tryptonaut a dit:
I think psychedelics have improved my perception of color. I can now easily detect for example a slight color hue in a white light source, even without a reference white light.
I think it's great, because this is a talent that I can use a lot as a cameraman.
Sometimes it's a little anoying, too, because I can't relax anymore with just any kind of lighting. Most fluorescent lights make me feel uncomfortable because their color reproduction is so poor.

I'm trained to look for it because of my work, but I'm pretty sure psychedelics supported this heightened perception because when I'm tripping, my color perception is through the roof.
absolutely the same with me :D

fluorescent lights are terrible, along with these ugly "white" but actually blue leds. t e r r i b l e. the trains in austria have both of them, I always turn them out, but sometimes there are people in the same compartment who turn them on again, which fucking annoys me every time.
there could be worse things though, lol.


Alpiniste Kundalini
6 Juil 2010
in the past i attributed increased "sun spots" in my vision to frequent ecstasy use.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Ritalin fucks with my eyes...

They are very very connected. I take ritalin twice in a week - my vision gets fucked up.

I don't take it for 2 weeks I don't notice it.

Take it twice in a week again - tah dah, shitty vision.

apparently this is different than "HPPD" since it's not permanent.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
what you mean by "fucked up", like, you see "floaters"? or do you see "phosphenes"?

persisting doesn't necessarily mean you see it all the time, this tends to be a come and go thing for me, as well as most others that i have confirmed this with. you very well might (probably) have the same thing. im sure the speed that you're taking is whats causing you to be aware of these things


Elfe Mécanique
7 Juil 2007
Shroomination a dit:
i dont know, our culture basically has to diagnose everything as a disorder, they probably even have a medication for it! "Notripatall" or something...
Notripatall... hehe, I had a good laugh, thanks! :mrgreen:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Allusion a dit:
what you mean by "fucked up", like, you see "floaters"? or do you see "phosphenes"?

persisting doesn't necessarily mean you see it all the time, this tends to be a come and go thing for me, as well as most others that i have confirmed this with. you very well might (probably) have the same thing. im sure the speed that you're taking is whats causing you to be aware of these things

No there is definitely a strong correlation with taking ritalin, and my vision being worse.

I get sun spots from everything - brightness doesn't matter, just intense color. I'll have tracers too. It's basically like I'm constantly on the last 15 minutes of a shroom trip or something - very noticeable, but very manageable. 1 or 2 days after ritalin... nothing.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
IJesusChrist a dit:
Allusion a dit:
what you mean by "fucked up", like, you see "floaters"? or do you see "phosphenes"?

persisting doesn't necessarily mean you see it all the time, this tends to be a come and go thing for me, as well as most others that i have confirmed this with. you very well might (probably) have the same thing. im sure the speed that you're taking is whats causing you to be aware of these things

No there is definitely a strong correlation with taking ritalin, and my vision being worse.

yeah that's what i meant, simply that the ritalin is whats causing the awareness of it. the floaters dont come outta nowhere, i guarantee you that when you see them, these spots are in the same locations as the last time you saw em. maybe a few more each time. try to take note next time. (hopefully there won't be one, but what can i do...)

IJesusChrist a dit:
I get sun spots from everything - brightness doesn't matter, just intense color. I'll have tracers too. It's basically like I'm constantly on the last 15 minutes of a shroom trip or something - very noticeable, but very manageable. 1 or 2 days after ritalin... nothing.

probably due to the degrading of the body systems (a noted effect of ritalin) it gives a temporary boost, and then the aftereffects leave you worse off than you were before. it's been documented in muscle tissue degradation as well. severe in long term (if you're trying to watch those guns :D )


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Heh. You mean constantly seeing trails and colored static and things moving and stuff in your peripheral vision isnt normal? :D :D :D

Didnt know there was a name for it however much its disagreed as to what it means. Just know all that kind of stuff picked up tremendously after I did my couple hundred hits in college. Now its standard issue for me.

Calling it a shamanistic episode is an interesting take because you could say that its an extra sensory perception that is picking up SOMETHING in the environment that isnt 'normal'.

I know from my Christian spirituality training I can actually sense whether there is an evil spirit in my vicinity based on my gut reaction to something of these natures. I can discern the intensity and strength of the spirit by a scale of how intense my reaction is. Generally speaking nothing 'bothers' me in any serious sense but I can definitely sense them. And deal with them. Very useful as the 'evil shit' out there is constantly screwing with us and I have a belief that people who are more 'awake' psychedelic wise are more susceptible to their influences because of generally being more spiritually aware even if not consciously and being more closer to understanding "The Truth". (Evil always tries to distort Good and Understanding The Truth is a Good Thing(tm) so Evil will always try to stop people from understaning Good Things.)