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How do you call someone who does drugs for inner growth?

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Subtances like mescaline, LSD and psilocybine used to be described as hallucinogens, but since this term was too vague and applied to many other substances as well, some scholars have suggested another name for this particular subgroup: psychedelics. Later another term was coined to express their spiritual rather than psychological usage: entheogens. Indeed, the term psychedelic had become vague too, now referring to types of art and music. With the discovery of MDMA, a more precise name was needed, which resulted in the terms entactogen and empathogen.

In practice the word psychonaut clearly refers to those who use entheogenic substances for their personal development. A Hungarian movie named Psychonaut discusses the use of psychoactive drugs for spiritual purposes. The Psychonaut website is clearly related to the use of drugs, especially the empathogenic and psychedelic ones, the ones also used in either therapeutic or religious contexts. Within both the Psychonaut movie and the Psychonaut website there is also talk about meditation, sensory deprivation, drumming and the like, but it's almost always related to the psychedelic experience and its influence.

But according to the Wikipedia page, and the opinion of some psychonauts themselves, the term may also apply to people who expand their mind while principally abstaining from entheogens. They may either abstain because it's not part of their tradition, or for some other reason. The point is: they have not and will not undergo a psychedelic experience in their life, but through their personal efforts they somehow also "sail the psyche" and thus may rightly be described as psychonauts. From this perspective the Dalai Lama may be said to be a psychonaut. Some consider the word psychonaut as some kind of honerary title, and thus conclude it's offensive to not consider the a particular religious hero a psychonaut. To say "Mahatma Gandhi was not a psychonaut" sounds derogatory, but it depends on how strictly you define "psychonaut".

Though I fully acknowledge that intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth are possible through many ways other than the psychedelic or entheogenic experience (reading! discussing! meditating! loving!), I also feel like the group of spiritually inclined drug users, the tryptamine users, deserves a term of its own. For a long time I thought psychonaut was such a term, much more specific than the broad term "shaman", which some insist only applies to reputed medicine men.

So what do you all think? Should we try to reclaim the term psychonaut for the specific subgroup of inner explorers who are well-versed in psychedelic thought and action? Or do you think we should be "broadminded" and water down the meaning to anyone engaged in a mentally uplifting activity (such as watching Dr.Phil or going to yoga class every Thursday night)?

Is "drug-using psychonaut" a redundancy, or should we add "drug-using" to specify a subgroup?

If you think the term psychonaut should have a broad application, please suggest terms I could use in my writing to refer to people who consider the psychedelic drug induced experience the sine qua non of their spiritual practice and experience?

Or do you think such a strict term would be undesirable, even if there is a group that is rather dedicated or even fanatical to the inclusion of drugs in spiritual practice?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Interesting question.

I agree that psychonautism doesn't necessarily include the use of entheogens, because then the one can be confused for the other. Just because you take shrooms every now and then doesn't mean you are a psychonaut. For me psychonautism is the willingness to explore the inner world and to not obscure this willingness by illusory dogma. Taking entheogens to do this is for me one of many ways. To each his own.

I guess that these terms (hallucinogen, psychedelic, etc.) tend to become more vague along the years, because people associate freely about drugs and even more freely on acid. There is no defined definition, because hippies don't want to be put in boxes and anti-druggies see everything in terms of boxes. Ultimately people don't want to be identified by a term that is derogatory in some eyes.

As you cannot control what words will mean in the future, I think you can use any damn word you please as long as you are clear about it in your writings and the word is somewhat connotation-free. If you are clear about it, people will understand. 'Drugs', for example, is unsuitable, because many people will think badly about them before even reading what you have to say. 'Psychedelics' is somewhat better, but I prefer 'entheogens'. As for the users you can use a collocation like 'entheogenic psychonauts' or something. People will try to change the meaning you give to it, but they cannot change your writings, so what will come out and how it is interpreted is outside of your control. But you can be clear about what you mean and those who want to hear will listen.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Great answer. Thanks!


Elfe Mécanique
4 Sept 2008
entheonaut? explorer of the god within? but then some people will say you are crazy because you think god is within you...

I also agree that psychonaut is a broader than exploring the psyche with substances...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"How do you call someone who does drugs for inner growth?"

A very very rare sort of person . Especialy on this forum , so far i`m only sure i`ve seen one and thats me .

I will write a fuller reply later.......... when i get over what i have read in the two threads on the subject .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Entheogenist. The word entheogen is merely a reference to mind expanding substances whichs allows the mind to experience the god within. So entheogenist would strongly define that the individual (the entheogenist) is practising a form of mind sailing supported by mind altering substances.

But taking a substance is only 1/3 from the pie. The entheogenist is using meditation, segragation from influences, preperation habits, and the steering wheel of his own mind to enter fields of his consciousness. The substance is the boat, all the additional aspects are the sails. Time is the wind.

A psychonaut refers in first instance to 'traveling through the psyche', which is also done by Buddhists for example. But psychonaut doesn't neccisarly include the reference to opening a variation of doors to mental constructions through the use of mind expanders.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
I do not have time right now to describe everything what I need to say but couple of guidelines we have here by me.

Hallucinogens needs two different names, two different sub-divisions at initiate beginning.
First sub-division is psychedelic(or hallucinogen).
Second is quasi-psychedelic(or quasi-psychedelic). What is, and what means each one division?

Quasi-psychedelic is trip when U are aware of hallucinations, little dragon in corner, more then lively tree, sprayed air or space with particles, etc and etc. Main thing here is that we know what we see is just hallucination, some kind of drug has changed our perception so we see and partially feel all of those changes. We know that all this isn't real,"tactile-visionary-hearing-taste-smell-emotional mind" is production of drug induced perceptive disturbances trough brain.

Second sub-division is psychedelic(or hallucinogen). Or "true"(some scientists put such declaration on it., true cause right word hasn't founded so "true" is substitute for now) psychedelic. True-psy are ones where we live them like real life and doesn't percept them as drug action on brain. Everything round us, when such part of life begin, we take it without any doubt. Snakes, visions, everything is real for us. U enter into new fantastic world(world can also be state of mind-soul, I describe it as "world") where other laws occurs. I do not know how to say more colorfully!? Every hallucination is real, emotions and interaction in that world is fully real, as I sad U doesn't know difference like U know them in quasi-psychedelics. U know that experience comes from cup of Ayahuasca but U took everything as 100% normal perception. YES!! U doesn't know, U doesn't see any differences between normal perception before drug taking and after it.
In fact hallucinations doesn't occur, cause they aren't hallucinations! They are real surrounding which Ayahuasca for instance has produced.

I will continue this text and divisions to the end and to other name/s for psychonaut cause as we all see such declaration isn't real ticket for what all are we taking it all those years.
Also such name probably come out from forum name?? Or maybe I am wrong? We will see, and hope agree bout new name descrip.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
if you use drugs for inner growth i call you a psychonaut, and wise[inner growth]
not all psychonauts use drugs though IMO but i think for most it is only a matter of time before they do because i you have an open mind you will see nothing wrong with it.you will see its potential

there are many wrong turns that can be made while exploring. just because you call yourself a psychonaut and use drugs doesnt mean you havnt taken one of these wrong turns. you may well be sailing into a cul-de-sac.

there are also "traps" set for the unwary. many esoteric systems have such traps built in. there is a correct method, and a wrong method, built into the system. Magick is about transmuting yourself into gold.or a toad. the spells you cast will only effect your own subconcious mind, not the external universe. ritual is a way of accessing the subconcious mind and altering your perception of the universe, not altering the universe itself. people who use ritual to access the subconcious (partly by giving the concious Ego busy for a few minutes) are also psychonauts IMO


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
druglessdouglas a dit:
there are also "traps" set for the unwary. many esoteric systems have such traps built in. there is a correct method, and a wrong method, built into the system.

Totally agree. Fascinating, isn't it?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
Forkbender a dit:
druglessdouglas a dit:
there are also "traps" set for the unwary. many esoteric systems have such traps built in. there is a correct method, and a wrong method, built into the system.

Totally agree. Fascinating, isn't it?

i think it was Crowley who said [of magick] "there is no point trying to teach someone who needs to be taught"


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
druglessdouglas a dit:
but i think for most it is only a matter of time before they do because i you have an open mind you will see nothing wrong with it.you will see its potential

that's exactly what happened to me

and I totally agree with the rest of your post also


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
Forkbender a dit:
I think you can use any damn word you please as long as you are clear about it in your writings and the word is somewhat connotation-free.

I like this because if you are explicit enough you get to make up words, like somebunall :)

Goran.Hrsak a dit:
True-psy are ones where we live them like real life and doesn't percept them as drug action on brain.

would deliriants be true-psys then???

an interesting note is that dreams also comply with the definition.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
Does it matter what name you are given? You know what your intent is, should it matter how other perceive you?



Elfe Mécanique
17 Sept 2008
I like Entheonaut. We shouldn't back down from the the term Psychonaut in my opinion. We don't really know how hallucinogens work in the first place (yet). Nor do we know why alcohol makes you drunk, or cannabis gets you high. Don't just take the anti-drug wars data, research for yourself. As far as hallucinating, I believe you are just much more aware of yourself and what is going on around you. DMT, and Psilocybin act as a macroscope (Like a micro-scope) if you will. Research the human eye, and the vestibular system and you'll have a better understanding of what you don't understand :) Also GOD, thats an extraordinarily bold statement, I do know where your coming from though. "Today I did Tobacco today for the first time and got REAL high!" That doesn't count, I am with you on that.


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Sept 2008
I don't call him, I meditate.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
tobacco to a non addict, or an addict who has abstained for a while, is a true ethenogen IMO the effects of which can be as profound as Salvia. there are south American tree tobaccos which are used as such


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
GOD a dit:
"How do you call someone who does drugs for inner growth?"

A very very rare sort of person . Especialy on this forum , so far i`m only sure i`ve seen one and thats me .

I will write a fuller reply later.......... when i get over what i have read in the two threads on the subject .


Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
FluidDruid and braha_kahn, I also had entheonaut in mind when I wrote my initial post. Brugmansia's term entheogenist seems to be an accurate description as well.

Does it matter what name you are given?
No, it doesn't, generally, but that's not the issue here. The question is what a particular name or term means, what is does and does not imply. With a name or word (i.e. a single word) you can make a statement to the world, for example through Wikipedia and search engines. I think it would be a useful experiment to coin or agree upon a new term to denote a subgroup within the broader psychonaut community that has a wide range of cultural preferences but some common characteristics that unites them all. I believe there are many psychonauts that live by the following principles, whether they express them or not (and please don't call me narrowminded for trying to put limits on a term, I'm simply trying to be precise):


A person who intentionally alters his or her state of mind to directly experience the divine (entheos). (Entheonauts/Entheogenists) tend to be pluralistic, willing to explore mystical traditions from established world religions, meditation, lucid dreaming, technologies such as brainwave entrainment and sensory deprivation, as well as entheogens (psychedelic drugs), which they consider to be the most ergonomic means of dissolving the ego (ego-death) and experiencing the divine.

They are aware of the medical, therapeutic and psychonautic effects of cannabis, and the beneficial applications of the plant in general (cosmetics, environment, etc.). They may or may not use it themselves however (cannabis is not for everyone, or for all times and places).

They are keenly aware of the difference between psychedelic or entheogenic drugs on the one hand, and uppers, downers, deliriants and the like on the other. They know about set and setting. It is one of their convictions that when an entheogenic drug is taken in a good set and setting, it has a conducive effect on the mind. They do not distinguish psychological from spiritual growth: these medicines are variously names psychedelic and entheogenic, but the process that occurs is one and the same.

They are keenly aware of the difference between the psychedelic or entheogenic experience on the one hand, and other types of trance states, such as those achieved through fasting, sleep deprivation, ordeals and the like. They acknowledge that entheogens provide the fastest, most reliable and safest way of inducing useful trance states in healthy human beings.

They are keenly aware of the difference between the psychedelic or entheogenic experience on the one hand, and other altered states of consciousness, such as those achieved through brain machines, meditation, visualization, alpha entrainment cd's, lucid dreaming, and the like. There's no need comparing them for they are vastly different and useful for different purposes. Meditation (achieving the alpha state) calms the mind, which is good. Psychedelics 'perturb' the mind, which can also be good. (Entheonauts/Entheogenists) make use of both states of mind, either simultaneously such as in meditating during the experience, or practicing meditation in the weeks between their entheogenic voyages.

They are keenly aware of the difference between psychedelic psychotherapy on the one hand, and non-psychedelic medication-supported psychotherapy on the other. They acknowledge that past research in this field showed to be very promising, and support the furthering of this research. They also know from practical experience that one doesn't need to have a neurosis to benefit psychologically from responsible use of psychedelics (and the empathogen MDMA).

They may prefer natural psychedelics over newly discovered compounds, but the semi-synthetic compound LSD is appreciated for its unique qualities. The (entheonaut/entheogist) is especially interested in (though not necessarily a current user of):

- LSD-25
- mescaline
- psilocybine
- dimethyl-tryptamine
- ibogaine
- cannabis

Some well-known (entheonauts/entheogenists):
* Albert Hofmann
* Aldous Huxley
* Alexander Shulgin
* Ann Shulgin
* Bruce Eisner
* Christian Rätsch
* Daniel Pinchbeck
* Dennis McKenna
* D. M. Turner
* Jack Herer
* James Arthur
* Jeremy Narby
* John Lilly
* Jonathan Ott

* Ken Kesey
* Michael Hoffman
* Ralph Metzner
* Ram Dass
* Rick Doblin
* Rick Strassman
* Robert Anton Wilson
* Stanislav Grof
* Terence McKenna
* Thaddeus Golas
* Timothy Leary

* Alex Grey


11 Juil 2008
magickmumu a dit:
GOD a dit:
A very very rare sort of person . Especialy on this forum , so far i`m only sure i`ve seen one and thats me .

You`re not alone :idea:
Though it`s not the initial reason i started exploring the psychoactive world, maybe we differ in that.

I don`t know if there`s any word that can describe this oddity, i guess the best titel for me is "Freak"
Inner growth comes natural to many, they don`t need "help"
Possibly we`re "latebloomers"?

"No more maybes
Your baby's got rabies
Sitting on a ball
In the middle of the Andes

Yeah, I'm a freak of nature
Yeah, I'm a freak

If only I could be as cool as you
As cool as you

Body and soul
I'm a freak, I'm a freak
Body and soul
I'm a freak, I'm a freak

Try to be different
Well get a different disease
Seems it's in fashion
To need the coldsore cream

Yeah, I'm a freak of nature
Yeah, I'm a freak

I don't really know
How to put on a "cool" show

As boring as they come
Just tell me where to go

If only I could be as cool as you
As cool as you
As cool as you
As cool as you

Body and soul
I'm a freak, I'm a freak
Body and soul
I'm a freak, I'm a freak"

*Silverchair - Freak*


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
How do you call someone who does drugs for inner growth?
How do you call someone who does drugs for outer growth?

I know what you meant by inner growth and I concur, but, here's my critical comment:
I believe any real value attached to a so called inner growth is always in reference to a so called outer growth; otherwise is just plain psychonaut escape: running away from reality.

Inner as in "mind", "soul" and the rest of the inner dimension gang, Outer as in contact with what lies beyond your skin; I mean.
They don't contradict one another, never! They necessarily imply one another.