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Je m'inscris!

H.O.L.Y. Shit. . . 60x


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I watch 2 people take it and start laughing uncontrollably.

I finally step up to the plate after being intimidated by "60x"

I sit down. I take the toke of a champion.

I am not looking at how the world operates in the most beyond-reality possibilty. I am submerged in a fractal, a billion people, going on forever are creating my world. They are holding up everything that makes me concious.

Imagine looking at a mushroom CEV and being INSIDE of it. I realize after sitting in the fractal that my 4 other friends are "Holding" my reality, literally all of reality is being held up by an infinite amount of people, going on forever. I quickly figure out that this world is fucked up! This can't be!! All of reality is like the "Truman show" - if you've ever seen it.

All these people are working to create my reality. I try to open up reality and it kind of moves, unexplainably like the people don't want me to know they are there. I eventually start to talk and tell them they are going on forever! "Aha! I've found you" - I'm thinking. "I now know what reality is!!"

Then I ask myself, but wait, what is viewing this? I realize half of my body is still in the ground, and I'm only the other half of reality, I try to be put back into my other half, so I can change what I'm viewing, and pull the people out that are continously controlling my every view and sight. Slowly I come back to, and my friends are actors, on a stage just like the people holding up reality. I hold one of their hands.

I told myself I'm !!! Oh my god my reality is a TV show! Holy fuckkkkkkkkkk... wait. No? Yes. No? no... yes. no. (this goes on for the next 10 minutes)

A cop comes up and talks to me... great timing. "Yeah, just did salvia, wouldn't recommend it" - I go on to keep eating my lunchable

This was so nuts.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
I understand exactly your trip IJC, or at least my last 2 salvia trips were very very close to this. (They were on 25~30X)

I had the exact same "reality torn up" aspect.

From a conversation I had not long ago with "gonzebo", describing my salvia trips:

"In short, it was kind of as if I was in a huge supermarket ..where you could "shop" for pieces of reality .. as in I would see pieces of the room and my surroundings all cut up in different places.. and I felt as if I was falling (I realized the falling came from me sitting on the sofa later..) in between those pieces.. or that someone was re-arranging them to form what I would see as my "current reality". "

Has anyone else had this same kind of trip? It's pretty intriguing to find a trip from different persons to be so close (almost identical I would say, except for how each might interpret it I guess)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482

Those were the people peicing together reality. Its so weird how it all works... like the salvia world makes perfect sense when you're immersed in it, yet you come out (slowly) and you're like damn... that was just the drug.

It was really weird being in-between. I was seeing faces in the rocks around me, i tried to rip them apart, when I was coming off it didn't work.

The thing I really didn't like is when I was on the trip, I felt as if my body was twist, like one side was..... jesus that shit is amazing.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
Hmm, about the salvia world making perfect sense.. I'm not really sure it was in my case.. or maybe it could have, but I was too scared of the change.. because the way Salvia works with me, is that when I'm in a trip, I have no clue whatsoever that I am in a trip, and that trip becomes my reality for the duration of it, and I don't know .. I guess the changes were abit too intense and sudden..so I wasn't too comfortable with it, very disoriented about what was going on. And as always, the unknown is scary..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
what possibly ran through my head was "So this is how reality actually works"

And it made sense. Of course.. given an hour of a salvia trip I would have commited suicide but 15 minutes is kind of fun, just to test your limits :lol:


Glandeuse pinéale
27 Mai 2009
IJesusChrist a dit:
what possibly ran through my head was "So this is how reality actually works"

And it made sense. Of course.. given an hour of a salvia trip I would have commited suicide but 15 minutes is kind of fun, just to test your limits :lol:
So then could you imagine how natives (or people NOW) would feel hours after chewing a quid? That shit freaks me out, I don't know how one would cope with that.

I know what your saying though, when I trip (or at least how I used to) it "simplifies" everything even media to childish levels. Plus the whole "World is made out of humans" thing gets my nerves after a while.

I can't even enjoy Salvia anymore that I know of, everytime I take it, it's more annoying then anything else. I think it's just that I can't stand the physical feelings it gives you combine with the type of stupor it locks you in.

On that note, please have a look at this new Toyota Prius ad, and TELL ME this isn't the exact Salvia divinorum experience.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
RushNerd a dit:
So then could you imagine how natives (or people NOW) would feel hours after chewing a quid? That shit freaks me out, I don't know how one would cope with that.

The quid is far gentler overall, in terms of the trip, and the comeup (20-30 mins, instead of balls to the wall in 30 seconds). The plateau might last 30-40 mins if you're lucky--once you spit out the quid, you're already coming down. You have time to absorb what's going on, to play with it, I never found it overwhelming. It's almost as if it were a different drug, in terms of experience.

The only problem is not swallowing your saliva for a long time.. and by the end you'll be tripping out while chewing the leaves.. that can get a bit interesting..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
RushNerd a dit:
IJesusChrist a dit:
I can't stand the physical feelings it gives you combine with the type of stupor it locks you in.

On that note, please have a look at this new Toyota Prius ad, and TELL ME this isn't the exact Salvia divinorum experience.

1. The feeling for me was almost like I was stale, like... I was full of a foamy substance clogging my arteries. And just gross, I felt like I was incapable of really moving at free-will.

2. HOLY FUCK YOU'RE RIGHT! I had seen this like 8 times and was dang thats weird. But now that you mention it L O L.


27 Mar 2009
st.bot.32 a dit:
The quid is far gentler overall, in terms of the trip, and the comeup (20-30 mins, instead of balls to the wall in 30 seconds). The plateau might last 30-40 mins if you're lucky--once you spit out the quid, you're already coming down. You have time to absorb what's going on, to play with it, I never found it overwhelming. It's almost as if it were a different drug, in terms of experience.

The only problem is not swallowing your saliva for a long time.. and by the end you'll be tripping out while chewing the leaves.. that can get a bit interesting..

I bought dried leaves yesterday to do the quid method. Looks way more pleasant than smoking extracts!

I read that it was better to rehydrate the leaves with water (flavored if needed). But can I use orange juice or lemonade (to ease the bitter taste of the leaves by neutralization)? Since salvinorin is a diterpenoid and not an alkaloid, will the pH difference do anything? Will that destroy salvinorin, will that make it more effective? Will it simply not do anything?


Glandeuse pinéale
27 Mai 2009
st.bot.32 a dit:
RushNerd a dit:
So then could you imagine how natives (or people NOW) would feel hours after chewing a quid? That shit freaks me out, I don't know how one would cope with that.

The quid is far gentler overall, in terms of the trip, and the comeup (20-30 mins, instead of balls to the wall in 30 seconds). The plateau might last 30-40 mins if you're lucky--once you spit out the quid, you're already coming down. You have time to absorb what's going on, to play with it, I never found it overwhelming. It's almost as if it were a different drug, in terms of experience.

The only problem is not swallowing your saliva for a long time.. and by the end you'll be tripping out while chewing the leaves.. that can get a bit interesting..
Is that so? Well it would make sense chewing a natural leaf is more mellow then smoking harsh leaf extract.
Maybe i'll plant salvia one day and try it.

IJC: I don't know how, but you hit the nail on the head when you said "stale" that's pretty much the feeling. That and purples and lavenders take on a WHOLE new meaning.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
IJesusChrist a dit:
what possibly ran through my head was "So this is how reality actually works"

And it made sense. Of course.. given an hour of a salvia trip I would have commited suicide but 15 minutes is kind of fun, just to test your limits :lol:

So you are progressing? ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
mysticwarrior a dit:
So you are progressing? ;)

Yeah. I'm learning the ways of the psychonaut. ..

Whether it is the fact I am losing inhibitions, and letting go, or because I am growing older and seeing some things different, I do not know for sure.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
tisanemaster a dit:
I bought dried leaves yesterday to do the quid method. Looks way more pleasant than smoking extracts!

(to the OP, sorry for going off topic ;) )

I got a lot of leaves last year for cheap off ebay. You can rehydrate them, it takes a few seconds to do and all it really does is make them easier to put in your mouth. This takes a lot of leaves to work and patience, and it might not always work every time either. You'll probably need minimum 5-7 grams of leaves... and you have to get them in your mouth and try not to swallow (because you can't digest salvinorin A all that well). If the first quid doesn't work after 20 minutes try another. I tried 3 times and batted 1 for 3.. The one time it worked, it really worked. The other two experiences, once I got almost there and the other time pretty much nothing happened.


27 Mar 2009
Yeah I know that. But I wanted to know if rehydrating them with something like lemonade or orange juice (neutralize the "base" taste with low pH) would change something, since salvinorin is a diterpenoid and not an alkaloid.


31 Jan 2009
On that note, please have a look at this new Toyota Prius ad, and TELL ME this isn't the exact Salvia divinorum experience.

Very true.

Alot of my trips turn into weird The Wall/Fantasia/Disney animation trips.

One time looking at the clouds, They all turned into a Steam engine Train, and I watched it puff away, and the people waved at me.

My friends face turned into a brick house with various windows, and I could see people in them, and then magically, beyond my understanding, his face turned into an airplane, or something.

Man, so fucking weird.


Matrice périnatale
10 Juin 2009
Im pretty sure that this is going to be my general routine now. I found this site with ideas for Salvia tea. http://www.hubpages.com/hub/howtomakesa ... ffectively and now I make it every day. Beginning of the day, sometimes I use milk instead of water but water is fine too. I sweeten mine with honey and natural cane sugar and it just tastes like black tea. They complain somewhere that it's bitter but so is black tea so I dont see what the deal is. It takes a few minutes after I drink it and I start to get excited about my day, which never happens. Before this I swear to god I was depressed every day all day and hated everyone. Now I still hate my job and most people but I will at least acknowledge their existance and I can honestly laugh and smile. I just wanted to recommend this to everyone who can say they havent laughed a real laugh in months. Life is funny and worth living. Thanks to my salvia tea.
Please dont ban it from me.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
^thanks for the link, interesting article. I've never heard of it before, though, can you tell me something about your experiences with it?


Matrice périnatale
10 Juin 2009
I have been using Salvia Tea for about two years now off and on. Probably three times a week. I dont really feel addicted to it at all and it makes me appreciate my day. I dont have to smoke it and hurt my lungs. I can just drink it which works out for me. When I wake up in the morning I am so angry that Im awake. I hate mornings most of the time. But then I make my Salvia tea,sometimes in the morning I throw some chrysanthamum in it too for a happy day mix. Then after it sets in I can start my day I feel happier and it calms me down so Im not so aggro when driving to work. Then I work all day just fine. I think the feeling wears off about four hours later because my happiness dwindles down after being at work for a bit. But at that point Im not horrible to be around cas I made it past the morning.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
RushNerd a dit:
IJesusChrist a dit:
what possibly ran through my head was "So this is how reality actually works"

And it made sense. Of course.. given an hour of a salvia trip I would have commited suicide but 15 minutes is kind of fun, just to test your limits :lol:
So then could you imagine how natives (or people NOW) would feel hours after chewing a quid? That shit freaks me out, I don't know how one would cope with that.

I know what your saying though, when I trip (or at least how I used to) it "simplifies" everything even media to childish levels. Plus the whole "World is made out of humans" thing gets my nerves after a while.

I can't even enjoy Salvia anymore that I know of, everytime I take it, it's more annoying then anything else. I think it's just that I can't stand the physical feelings it gives you combine with the type of stupor it locks you in.

On that note, please have a look at this new Toyota Prius ad, and TELL ME this isn't the exact Salvia divinorum experience.

lol!! that's true!!! the place where you are mentally on salvia is so fucked up and weird!!! i remember how it felt on my trips and viewing this commercial i can see how it strangely correlates to some of my salvia experiences... i mean the feeling and the fucked up colors and forms and stuff that come and go and how the whole scenery is like seeming to be made up just to let you believe somethin that they or whoever wants. ..


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
SallyDee a dit:
I have been using Salvia Tea for about two years now off and on. Probably three times a week. I dont really feel addicted to it at all and it makes me appreciate my day. I dont have to smoke it and hurt my lungs. I can just drink it which works out for me. When I wake up in the morning I am so angry that Im awake. I hate mornings most of the time. But then I make my Salvia tea,sometimes in the morning I throw some chrysanthamum in it too for a happy day mix. Then after it sets in I can start my day I feel happier and it calms me down so Im not so aggro when driving to work. Then I work all day just fine. I think the feeling wears off about four hours later because my happiness dwindles down after being at work for a bit. But at that point Im not horrible to be around cas I made it past the morning.

O.o wtf are you talking about?

Salvinorin A is destroyed by the stomach. I don't see how you're getting anything by tea. At the most, you'll throw up.