Greetings fellow Psychonauts!!

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restin a dit:
Words for Words but how would we communicate without diversity of the meanings of words?

Divide and conquer is really the way to wholesome communication, yes. [/sarcasm]

answer: There is only one meaning, diversity is superficial.
nothing is true. everything is permitted. Thelemic magick is an excellent system. unlike religion it does work. you only find that out through experiencing it
depends on what you mean. Talking e.g. about religion you may say,yes,diversity leads to war, basically all religions want peace and love, so why don´t we celebrate the "true" religion (as all have the same roots)

But in language I disagree. By cutting language into a simple structure, you

1. kill the beauty of language

"how do you like the painting?"

"Great,gorgeous,beautiful" vs "good"

2. make communication a lot more difficult.

Complex language is a basic for complex society and complex society is a fundament for our today´s world
"Divide and conquer is really the way to wholesome communication"

Are you refering to me ???

The quote wasnt from me and i didnt define religeon . The quote calling it a religeon came from McAllister . Its says "by Aleister Crowley for the religion he founded "Thelema" . = thelma is a religeon . If you want to know more ask Barny .
He calls it religion but I wanted to say that it isn´t a religion in its profound meaning
druglessdouglas a dit:
nothing is true. everything is permitted. Thelemic magick is an excellent system. unlike religion it does work. you only find that out through experiencing it


peace :weedman:
Fork , what about explaining to them what truth is ? Or why definitions arent definate ? Or the reliability of personal interpretations ?
Go ahead!
Yes,please, I love such discussions :D

Truth is the result of the procession of impulses in our brains...

I agree that there needs to be space for personal interpretation. That´s the freedom of everyone. But there have to be rules,structures,that define the meaning of the word? I can interpret religion as bread, for you it won´t bake any sense though? So you have to follow some rules in interpreting words.
GOD a dit:
Fork , what about explaining to them what truth is ? Or why definitions arent definate ? Or the reliability of personal interpretations ?

Definitions are only definate, if they definately define the truth.

Truth is a metaphor which can be used when the user (of the metahpor) thinks he definately knows the truth about the subject he is talking about or at least definately knows the truth of the argument he is talking about. Everything else is abuse of the word. :mrgreen:

Personal interpreations are NEVER reliable.
Fork the word twister strikes again !!!!! I ment you could explain , and better than me . C`mon give èm a brain haemorage ...........

peace. :weedman:

I don´t understand what the last two posts want to say.

GOD: explain me the "truth" about the words :wink: If I don´t understand it at first, we´ll have a nice discussion :wink:
I pass , we`ll leave that to Fork , hes the semantic genious . But in the mean time heres my definitions :-
very interesting. The dash symbolizing the duality and symmetry of truth...The minus defining the negative aspect of definitions? But can we really be sure he means a minus? How do we define a minus? Maybe it is a plus?

/Sarcasm-o-meter: off/

It is philosophical to say that definitions are futile...But I don´t see any logical conclusion to this result. Please explain.
it was sarcasm... because of the image drugless posted i had to make that reply....

sorry 8[
are you angry,GOD? :D

Don´t deny communication, I am only joking.

I´m going to sleep now...looking forward to interesting posts.
I believe with religions it's the same as with the psychedelic it's the intention you bring to it that makes the difference.
I know a thing or two about thelema, I would not call myself a thelemite.

I would not want to call it all hocus spocus bullshit. It's worth checking out (if you like that sort of thing) the philosophy and poetry (religion) of thelema is very vague and occult. You need to bring you head to it to understand it only a little.
The good thing about thelema is that it empowers the individual.

The first original thelemites where the real thing. These people broke boundaries.
They where also psychonauts and explorers of the mind.