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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
That's just silly. We just passed through the summer season, and the French section has become more and more popular in the past one or two years. Very often all posts on the front page are French threads. I once made a screenshot of it, because I thought it was funny.
I agree that the French section is very popular, but everytime I looked at the top posters of the week, it was at least even between the two forums. Maybe this is just a feeling (I cannot really give you concrete data) but I have the feeling as if we lost productivity. What's the importance of the summer season, by the way?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
I am dealing with it.
Like John and Yoko I am doing a bed in for peace.
The god show is over if you want it. :lol:


Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
restin a dit:
Maybe this is just a feeling (I cannot really give you concrete data) but I have the feeling as if we lost productivity.
Surely the current debacle alienated some members, and I agree there haven't been as many inspiring or thought-provoking topics as there used to be, but it's difficult to say it's because of a particular thing that happened, or because of someone's presence or absence.

What's the importance of the summer season, by the way?
On many forums post counts go down when it gets sunny outside. This was mentioned by someone in that gaming thread posted by Ahua, and confirmed by Dr.Leospace. I do think we've reached a historical low though.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I never understood all the circus. it was in my first years of school that I learnt that if you are called names you are best off ignoring it. seriously, why is there such a fuss about god?
(edit: that is my view, not from the view from the admin who has to watch several members leave..)

and if a person hijacks a forum he/she definitely deserves a ban, no matter which person it is, nice or bad, senior member or a new one.
this is nothing personal CM. I like you for what you are, for the things you showed me. I hope we can stay in contact.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
"Surely the current debacle alienated some members, and I agree there haven't been as many inspiring or thought-provoking topics as there used to be, but it's difficult to say it's because of a particular thing that happened, or because of someone's presence or absence."

causality......highly ironic, CM.......

My guess is that it wouldn't be 'because' but rather......

'related to'


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Psychoid a dit:
ROFL like you're gonna get away that easily. Who cares if they don't read the forum.
That's not what I was referring to. All my colleagues know what I've done, we do discuss such things over lunch you know, but since they have not been a witness to all that occurred in the past one or two years, they have no way to tell whether it was a wrong or right thing to do. From a conventional point of view it may have been wrong to take things into my own hands like that. Only those who've been paying careful attention, reading lots of posts by different members, can understand why I did what I did.

restin a dit:
I only want to remind you that the english-section had a high fall of productivity - if you watch, the top posters are all French (who did not participate in the issues), CM (who has been very active recently) and Ahua (with his 10-posts in a row).
That's just silly. We just passed through the summer season, and the French section has become more and more popular in the past one or two years. Very often all posts on the front page are French threads. I once made a screenshot of it, because I thought it was funny.

As far as 'productivity' is concerned, may I remind you that the "word association thread" was one of those very "productive" topics? As Fork said (emphasis mine):
1. Read the last posted word.
3. Type output of step 2.
4. Improve post-count/dick-size.
5. Waste more time by waiting for a reply.
That thread had a whopping 35 pages. There were more topics like that.

I should laugh reading this but I can't because the discouragement overcomes the funny side. You're talking pointless shit, which has no link on the subject.
I don't think it is a coincidence that the drop in participation in english forums occured EXACTLY when you did your megalomaniac pussy move. It was summer in France too, didn't you know? Lots of people left, and I would have been one of them if I hadn't been here for such a long time. Who would want to start investing time in a forum that stinks so much from dishonesty and manipulation?

Being intimidated and not being able to face others' opinion are two different things, BTW.

OFF-topic, is douglass still around under another username?

EDIT: Thanks for pointing out that you lunch with other people that work on the forum. This answers the very question I kept asking and you kept dodging. Don't try to tell us you can't do anything on the forum a regular member can't. You still have as much power as before, it is just hidden.

I'm disgusted. You are a shame to the real psychonaut's community.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Jan 2007
1 518
Interesting, how I go semi inactive (reading only now and again) to return to this. Thank you for a mirror to some of the bad mistakes I've made myself in "being on a forum". I haven't ever taken offense to GOD's bad language because in my experience it's been so grotesque that it's making a point by showing it's only there to make a point (not to offend someone).
My main point though is that it seems to me that people have hurt other people intentionally or not. Step one is sincerely being sorry (and also showing this to the other person). Whether or not CM needs to be banned is something I'd rather not judge (because I like him as well as GOD and nearly anyone).
Testosterone, do not let it ruin this beautiful forum =|


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
It isn't really about a person, it's about consequences for actions. We all have to suffer the consequences of our actions, in cyberspace, and in the real world.

Where I live, people drive extremely rudely and dangerously, thinking that they are immune to personal consequences. When someone gets offended enough, or feels threatened enough to follow such ppl to a parking lot, or wherever, and confront them with their behaivour, it ALWAYS ends up with the offender backing down, because they know they were wrong, they just thought that they were protected from the consequences of their behaivour.

(yes, it has happened several times)

I don't really care about a 'formal' sanction against you CM, I don't dislike you personally even though almost every conversation we have had places us in diametric opposition to each other.

*However*.....you seem to be evasive as all hell about this area, and you haven't really acted contrite, because I don't think you believe you did anything wrong. Well, you did.....

I'm not for any kind of ban, but dammit, you need to realize what happened and the role you played in it. Aya, you are a central figure here too....
and don't come at me with fractal caterpillars or any of that evasive passive aggressive bullshit either.

You both should be ashamed of yourselves.....may the psychedelics tell you in a more eloquent manner than any of us are capable of.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
silv a dit:
I haven't ever taken offense to GOD's bad language because in my experience it's been so grotesque that it's making a point by showing it's only there to make a point (not to offend someone).

And everyone who has a minimum of maturity and intelligence has noticed the same thing and it's why people don't want GOD to leave.

The problem is, I'm sure the owners and other people around him are with CM, so it's hopeless. He's not even gonna get a slap on the fingers. We will have to either endure the rotten apple or leave.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
No, there's a third choice;

As a group, hold him responsible for his behaivour, regardless of what anyone thinks or doesn't think.

It's called peer pressure


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Yes. Good idea. It would have come naturally from me though ^^

Here's the simplified message so you can understand Caduceus:

You are not welcome anymore here.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
It's kind of strange you guys ignored my post on this one... CM stepped down willingnily from moderator status. If he didn't and just sanctioned GOD for going against the rules (and he had been warned, and he knew) noone would have said nothing.

I wholeheartedly agree that the action was drastic, and as I took it personally, GOD took it personally. But then again, I put myself in his place, and I would have done it too.

I wouldn't have cared much for the resulting ban. Because like it or not, he did not hijack the forum, there are much more subtle ways to do that.

He just did what he tought was right, and you will all have to do things like that in your life, if you live your life truely.

And you might be wrong, but then after you might not know how wrong you were, it's not black or white... I sometimes ask myself why I take the time to explain my point of view. It's not like it was a permanent ban, GOD knows he can come back, he chooses not to come back because he cannot have fun insulting people anymore. He never could... there is a mutual respect rule in place since all the time I was here. What he did was more wrong than CM.

The action, like it or not, is a simple kick, whilst GOD's game was out finding people's wounds and turning a knife into them. Sorry for being so graphic, but thats what it is.

Edit :

You agree that you will not use this website nor its forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, excessively vulgar or obscene, hateful, harassing, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

Defamatory : infraction one... (he said false things about me and others many times) Inacurate (he said CM giving me astrological tendancies made me suicidal, I said no, he said yes again, implying I don't know what I think) Exessively vulgar or obscene (yes I don't have to give any examples), hateful (again do I need to quote ?) Harassing (I asked him often to let me post my posts that most people do not even take seriously, some even laugh at them, just leave me be)

I realise I should not have reacted to much of this, and I wouldn't have, if I didn't see how much influence he held on many members, and how he faked to become my friend just so I would reveal what can hurt me most. I opened my heart to this community and yes I felt hurt by many of his comments, he did not even honor our more intimate messages and started revealing what I sent him in pms, in a most twisted way)

No I don't hold any grudge, I explained myself to him directly and I don't mind if he continues to post.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I pretty much posted how I felt about this topic when things were going down, and it hasn't changed at all since then. My first concern was the forum because I think it actually is an important thing to have on the web, it's a resource of information and safety, etc. And having people leave just isn't cool, especially knowledgeable and experienced people, but it appears the damage has been done already and we are more or less just recognizing it here. Also, I DO respect CM's personal experiences, and he's a long term valuable member of this forum. I was really hoping that time would be the healer here, that we could all move on.

As individuals we all feel really strongly about certain topics and situations. There are appropriate ways to deal with personal concerns, and inappropriate ways. When you are dealing with a community with a structure in place for handling disagreement, bypassing that structure and taking matters into your own hands undermines everyone. It says you know better than everyone else, and you are going to enforce your view of how things should be done onto everyone else. It's an ego/power trip. The consequences of which, it polarizes people into supporters and dissenters. It excaberates disagreement. In this case, it took a disagreement and blew it up into several long days of utter chaos+confusion.

It's important to note: this didn't just happen because of GOD. This happened when restin split Ahua's thread and CM told restin to repair the threads (which physically couldn't actually be done anyway) then he jumped in. The GOD ban came shortly thereafter.

The bottom line is: Whatever the reason might have been, no matter how right you felt you were, taking control like that was completely out of place. It was a breach of trust as well. As an analogy it would be like me suddenly throwing a coup over a democracy, to insert myself as a ruler and make decisions for everyone because I believe I know best, so I'm going to take over and do things my way. It says how much you truly understand+respect the nature of power, your own power, and how you wish to use the power you have when your beliefs conflict with others.

An apology to the people most affected by this would help... About what happened to the forum, I don't think this has anything to do with GOD. It's about the action and the result, not about the justification.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
That was very mature of you to communicate in such a structured way, I think it really enhances the fluidity of the dream. I'm not as mature in essence, sometimes I really think I should. But if I did, there would be no me anymore... for I have no adult model to evolve into. It ruined most of my friendships.

Heck I used to like everyone here, and now I spend more time wondering who hates me the most, and who would punch me if they met me IRL. I even backed off from posting my silly smile for that reason.

It's evil we talk about, and I think I am the one who swam in it for the longest time yet. I was the first to get here, and I will be the first to be forgotten. I will never forget the smell, and if something seems to frustrate me, is when someone is breathing it in numbness.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
then deeds need more recognition. like what CM did and what he is doing to make it "like it was like it was good" again. don't get me wrong CM or any other who reads this... it's simply that i can't take the talking that results from not enough mutual respect or whatever to solve this conflicts. if you "fight" on you will have war and i thought this place should be more a place of peace.
i mean it gets pretty complicated already so why would any of you want to make it more complicated by making war? in communities you don't make war, why would you want to put down your own people????????????????????????



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Anarchy versus Law and everything in between. Food for conceptualizing a higher order of adulthood while being a foetus simultaneously.