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First Time DMT


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Next week i'll have my first DMT experience ever!

Will Dante manage to get the right dose to have threshold effects?
Will he be able to control himself?
Will he freak out as soon as he start hallucinating like he does with Amanita?

These and other questions answered in
First Time DMT
By Dante Div86
next week on psychonaut.com
stay tuned


Elfe Mécanique
11 Nov 2006
Most likely you wont be able to control anything. ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
lol, true. I cant wait to try this fantastic entheeogen! Iv tried accacia/passionflower tea with my buddy, but unsucsessfull. Prob gonna try and extract from accacia instead :)

Good luck man, id be sleepless for a week if i was in your position, lol. not that thats a good thing :?

The intergalactic space cannon is allready aimed at your brain, :lol: .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
-Will Dante manage to get the right dose to have threshold effects?

Depends on your lungs. Are you a smoker? If so, it's not hard, if not, if can be impossible to get enough in.

-Will he be able to control himself?

Depends if you get enough in ;)

-Will he freak out as soon as he start hallucinating like he does with Amanita?

Everyone I witnessed smoking DMT the first time in their life, experiences a feeling of 'this is good', 'no worries'. Just make sure you follow general trip guidelines.

Have a great trip!


Sale drogué·e
10 Juin 2006
Hahah this sound like a exciting episode of DMT :P

Good luck man, you're gonna have a Blast forsure :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Uff :D you guys thanks
at the moment i'm writing up a good report so that it makes sense
i'd like to express the best out of this experience in the best way possible so people can understand what i felt :D
thank you again :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
OK here it comes, but since i am not capable of describing with words what happened to me i decided that i wasn't gonna spend time on the form of the report, here it is as it comes.

I extracted the alkaloids from Phalaris Arundinacea about 500g of fresh plant material.

the amount of DMT taken wasn't calculated but the resulting "paste" (a small teaspoon) was cut in small pieces and placed on top of the bowl of a waterpipe (without water to ensure that the DMT wouldn't get lost in the cooling) charged with oregano. then i lit it and smoked it. the smoke was harsh and my lungs hurt, i couldn't help it but cough.
total tokes taken 5 before effects could be noticed. i went on torturing myself for another couple of tokes. i gave the pipe to my sitter after these last too ones
and (boy was that smoke hars i tasted and smelled burnt plastic) then all of a sudden i feel a pull to the side (flashes of patterned light. just like i described in the thread "strange dejavu") and i feel i am immersed in a waterbath (light worms are crawling on my skin and thay feel like warm creatures of light), and i could see myself as if my head was far from the body and my vision is immersed in this liquid state and i feel as though i'm not breathing and is really strange. suddenly this entity materializes behind me, i can't turn around but i definetly can feel it. and many many things happened of wich few i can remember. however i stayed in this infinity with the entity who was feasting on my lies and he basically put me naked to the consciousness of the universe
i feel the links of and the powers of the universe all this information came rushing to my mind and tearing my body apart...but i wasn't ready for it, not yet. so i started kicking and shouting and tried to fight my way back to consciousness i was in panic and fear. but then again i was taken by a quicksilver spring and transported to another place where everithing was in fractal form, everything was perfectly, mathematically functional and there i stayed for what seemed aeons, i definately wasn't ready for it and the entities made it up to me by giving me a break so they returned me to my consciousness. slowly the fractalic reality gave space to the mathematically chaotic one and i could see the room i was in i saw patterns for another 5 minutes after i returned and had a strange feeling for about 40 more
so in the end it took about an hour from beginning to complete end. though my trance lasted 7 mins ca.
I still shake at the thought of this experience, excitement, awe, fear, panic
i will do DMT again and again because , as my first thought was when i was sucked in this other dimensional perception, "this is IT" and when i came back my first controlled thought was "IT is the ultimate un/conscious experience" people should do this at least once in a lifetime. It is true it can change you, i wasn't ready for an experience like this and the merciful beings of intradimensionality understood that and interrupted the connection in time.
I apologize as i can't explain all the things that i understood about myself and this world while i was there, the things i have to do and not.
Unfortunately i haven't completed the task that was assigned to me
and this makes me feel incomplete (as is this report of many points an things that happened). i'm looking forward to do it again and to even risk m sanity if it's that what it takes to understand. :twisted:

I forgot to answer, gee..
1 the dose was over threshold effect
2 no control whatsoever
3 i freaked out and it's nothing NOTHING like muscimol


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Unfortunately i haven't completed the task that was assigned to me

It sounds like you had a great and intense first encounter with the magical spice. That's a TASK in itself to complete so why not giving yourslf a pad on the shoulder realizing, you have now first hand experience of the most legendary 'drug' of all (in my humble opinion;)).

Its also cool to hear that the challenge of REALLY describing what the hell is going on 'there', is shared :D

Great report and thanks for sharing!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Thankyou, ok i will follow your advice.^^


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Sept 2006
"this is IT" and when i came back my first controlled thought was "IT is the ultimate un/conscious experience" people should do this at least once in a lifetime.

I totally agree with you :"THIS IS IT" ! 8) :shock: 8)

SWIM had a similar (and also hard to deal with) experience. I'm not sure every people should do it, but people seriously involved in a spiritual way should undoubtly experience it one time, at least to recognize that THIS is not what they dream about.

I'm however happily surprised that you reach such deep level with a PA extraction. What tek did you used ? Was this wild PA ?
SWIM tried an extraction with more than 1 kg of PA and got almot nothing :? Recently he did the same with Phalaris grass with no more success.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
It is a mistery o me as well this wasn't the first time i extracte from Phalaris
as a matter of fact the 5th and this time i cured a bunch that was living near my house
and then two weeks ago when the sun was shining on the leaves i went to the plant, did my prayers and collected about 500g of leaves
but i'm not sure wether it was 500g my balance is kinda fucked up but it was nearly as much
and then i acidified with HCL i cut to tiny pieces then i let it sit for 4 days
then i defatted with naphtha put in fridge and add more naptha to break the emulsion
then separate
then i basified to Ph 9 with NaOH
then i added naptha and separated
then i let the naphtha evaporate (ONE FRIGGEN WEEK!!)
and then i scrap up the resulting red goo (this means it is not pure DMT there is other impurities, probably i didn't defat enough) in one small teaspoon
i didn't have a way to weight it so i just smoked all i had (one small teaspoonfull)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
that's true if you think of it
it's since the last extration that i wanted to try to get to pH14
one more thing is that there are indicator substances present in the solution, and i bet they are also buffers, as colour changes changing acidity (yeah i was bored and i played "little Chemist") so i guess throwing the balance to the complete basicity could do the trick...mmmm gotta try this one...
So anyone who knows a better solvent (than naptha) that is available at the hardware store?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
So anyone who knows a better solvent (than naptha) that is available at the hardware store?

try something like toluene or xylene for the defatting step. Probably even gasoline (car petrol) will do.

How did you get the grass into small pieces ? just hard labour for hours ?

I have a patch of this grass growing in my garden, and it needs to be harvested as well. But grinding grass is a pain in the butt if you aks me.

However, I am interested in the difference in effect between plain DMT and the mixture of MeO-DMTand DMT that is in Phalaris grass.

and MeO-DMT is more potent too, this could come in handy as I am a real wussy when it come to holding in the smoke.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
as i said i took ca 500 grams of LEAVES and it didn't take long to cut them...i simply used a mini peamer^^ since they aren't juicy they don't attach to the wall
so...easy and i will never ever try anything like car fuels... however i'll try the toluene...then add some nitro times three and i get TNT, KABOOM yay, OMG! EXPLOSIONS! FIRE!! yeah i know...i'm insane :twisted: HAHAhahaAHAH!
anyway next time i extract from: Mimosa!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
hmz, just hours of plucking leaves then to get to ~500 grams :?


and i will never ever try anything like car fuels

why not, ? it is just a mixture of different low boling solvents.

But pure toluene would be better, I agree.

:) setting off a few hundred grams of TNT would be sweet indeed.. but I never had the guts to get into high explosives.

..fireworks, well.., thats a completely different story ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
:twisted: You like fireworks? well pal i think we could do businness together :twisted: because of the mixture of the gasoline it contains aromatics that are indeed very VERY harmful and carcinogens that are indeed very nasty besides :\ i've made a trial evaporation with my car's fuel and it left a really bad smelling yucky substance i don't want to ever get near to... :crybaby: i want an electric car!!!!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
OK, a short one before going to work.

You like fireworks? well pal i think we could do businness together

we should talk about that. seriously.


I though you were going to use the solvent only in the first step of defatting the phalaris grass. In that case, it does not matter. In the last step, extracting the freebase, the solvent must be a clean one. and also, naphta is better for that step, xylene will hold much of the freebase even when put into the freezer.

ps, xylene is aromatic.. that's why it's such a good solvent.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
I just realized i said bullshit forgetit i was on sumthing
i don't get what you mean by: holds much of the freebase even if let in the freezer