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first time 2c-e


29 Août 2005
im gonna try 2c-e for the first time next week :D
can anyone post there experience with this rc and wich dose i should take since this is my first time ?


Yeah start really low, start out with 7 or 10mg.
The 2-Cx serie is really potent so you only need little to feel something of it.
Can't help ya further since I don't have any experience with the 2-Cx range...

2C-E dosage
2C-E experiences


29 Août 2005
Would it be smart to smoke some 5-MeO-DMT while tripping on 2c-e ?? probably not but i like to experiment with combos.
i already smoked N,N-DMT while on mushrooms and 5meo_mipt wich was ok but not realy what i expected, i think the 5meo_mipt wasnt of a high quality cuz i did 40 mg and on erowid a high dose starts from 15+ mg.


I'd suggest to expiriment some more with 2C-E before trying any combo's


Elfe Mécanique
5 Oct 2006
Please report your experience as i to want to try this


29 Août 2005
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
I'd suggest to expiriment some more with 2C-E before trying any combo's

your right, although if everything goes well i might smoke a litle anyway :twisted:
ive been reading on wich dose i should take and some trip very hard starting from 5 mg and thats a light dose on erowid. i think i'll start with 5 mg and redose another 5 if it isnt enough.

UTHTURN a dit:
Please report your experience as i to want to try this

im not good in writing reports since my english isnt that good realy but i will try.
but for other reports on 2c-e you can go to http://www.erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_2C-E.shtml


29 Août 2005
its also gonna be the first time i smoke 5-MeO-DMT :D
i smoked N,N-DMT before so i know what to expect :)


Better try the 5-MEO solo, before mixing with 2C-E
In my experience, 5-MEO was a lot different from N,N-DMT


29 Août 2005
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Better try the 5-MEO solo, before mixing with 2C-E
In my experience, 5-MEO was a lot different from N,N-DMT

yea ofcourse i was gonna try the 5-MEO first :D
in what way was it different then N,N-DMT ??
less or more visuals ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Sept 2005
1 060
First time i try 2c-e, it take 15 mg...
The trip was intens, but well... So i decided to try a combo. I smoke some salvia, just normal leaf! It was pur terror!!! The worst time in my life!

After that... I have stop psychedelic for some time... And i say good bye to big dose!

So please, don't try a combo!!! And take a samll dose first! Don't be so stupid as i 'am!

And sorry for my poor english!


Well, it seems to me (speaking from my experience) that N,N-DMT connects you to the "global unconsciousness" and mother nature and life and all energies in the universe and 5-MEO seems to bring the void, the self reflectant type of space.

At least these are my findings and I didn't get the idea that it was any less visual...
Just keep in mind that or 15 mg 5-MEO can be as heavy as 50mg N,N (when having good quality stuff...)


Elfe Mécanique
26 Sept 2005
kingkong : sad to hear :(

Khan: I also wouldn't advise you to do that sort of combo before knowing them well, as both are really powerful.

hey space tell us some more about it, I'm very interested.
Was 5meo way more intense or does it compare? Maybe just dose related?
Do you find both useful? How do you use it in your life?
I've read that where 5meo shines is when you come back to life, as you know that after all you "can" be happy because you have everything at disposal or make change as to be so. Well I still have to read some more reports, but I plan to do both of them sometime when I am ready (if that ever happens...).
As I never smoked anyything except salvia, that has effects within seconds, which one would you recommend trying first? I'd guess that salvia is nothing like it that's why I'm asking...when i did it, not only wasn't it a real breakthrough but i didn't feel any fear because i was completely in the trip (which only lasted a few secs...), well after reading trip reports both dmt and 5-meo-dmt seem far more overwhelming
Your opinion would be greatly appreciated ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
From what I read 5meo dmt is sometimes referred to as "the power" and n,n dmt as "the glory". While n,n supposedly gives you more visual trips with visions, the 5meo may just grab you and put you in a place where you can't see a way out. This is just what I read from reports.
My only experiences have been n,n dmt containing herbs with a maoi - and speaking from my last experience, if that was "the glory", I don't wanna know "the power" ;)


tryptonaut a dit:
While n,n supposedly gives you more visual trips with visions, the 5meo may just grab you and put you in a place where you can't see a way out.

That's the void, but I still had the same intense colorful symetric "devine" patterns as with N,N...

But I'd say try N,N first, the most loving one of the 2.
Also N,N seems more natural and 5-MEO alien.

WaseFraKa a dit:
I've read that where 5meo shines is when you come back to life, as you know that after all you "can" be happy because you have everything at disposal or make change as to be so.

Yeah with 5-MEO I really was glad to come out, but I wasn't in panic or anything, it was still a very cool trip although I'm not really shure what happened.
Mostly because of the total ego-loss, but I was welcomed back into the warm world of having a body and was so happy to see my friends again :D

And the way to integrate it into your life... you'll have to figure out yourself my friend. For me it was so insanely profound that I had much much more apreciation for life and having a body with all it's ups and downs.
I wasn't afraid of death anymore, but man we are lucky to be living!

WaseFraKa a dit:
I'd guess that salvia is nothing like it that's why I'm asking...

I also didn't have any real profound and beautiful experiences with Salvia, so the angle I'm leaning at is comparing a really drunk walk in the park with an awe-inspiring space stravel.


29 Août 2005
While n,n supposedly gives you more visual trips with visions, the 5meo may just grab you and put you in a place where you can't see a way out.

that convinced me to not try a combo the first time :) tnx guys!!