Favorite Trip to Date?


Glandeuse Pinéale
Of all of the psychedelics you have tried to date...

What has been your favorite trip (and why obviously).

My most favored trip was an extreme amount of mushrooms. We had shared an eight 2 days before and had fun, then that Saturday the world changed. We started for sharing another eighth, had the BEST time I've ever had. My most psychedelic trip ever too! There was a layer of iridescent patterns and colors over everything. We lay on the floor with Bob Marley on and Black lights, laughing, talking, and tripping. Then we (not thinking about it, mixed two kinds of shrooms) and ate an eighth each to keep it going. Threw on Yellow Submarine and I will say that no movie has ever meant that much to me. That night I had a breakdown/breakthrough. The whole NOWHERE MAN… I later tripped hard, almost too much so, and would freak out if I did not have a task, a purpose. I had to have structure, something to do. I went off on a rant with my lover and we began to realize that it was because in my life, I felt as though I had no purpose, no direction, and as we talked and worked it through, I began to see my direction. The night got a bit too crazy and my body gave out on me, but mentally, it was the most amazing thing to take a trip, and understand why my mind and the universe gave me what it did.

Please share yours!
http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... 28&lang=nl

Most of my ayahuasca trips were very significant as well, but I'm not in the mood to do another 8 page write-up that they deserve.

C.Serenity: I love how you use the term "lover", it puts sexy thoughts in my head. Of course, I've been picturing you as a stone cold fox; please don't correct me if I'm wrong. But I must say that I'm equally turned on by your proper spelling and punctuation.
:mrgreen: I cannot correct you, wrong or not. As you have heard, it is in the eye of the beholder. Thank you for appreciating my want to sound even mildly intelligent! I use lover in that sense, because boyfriend, best friend, soulmate does not do it justice. That night our love grew beyond dimensions. You will hear me refer to Jimmy as many things, I wish you all could have the pleasure of meeting him. I enjoy your posts Bewmaster, it is fascinating to see what lies in the minds of others. If you have myspace, you can find me there. See my URL at the bottom of my post. **share love**

Oh yeah... what part of the US do you occupy?
CSerenity, I'm holdin it down on the east coast. Richmond, VA

MySpace is the devil. All my friends who have a page check their shit every fifteen minutes. I'm worried I'd get hooked like them and I'd end up getting even less work done around here ( work ). I chat with the degenerates on this page enough as it is. :D
Myspace is rather evil. Too bad its a brilliant communication liaison!

It's the only way to get a hold of some people. I am not a huge fan, got suckered on by family. I don’t check it every 15 minutes. Maybe a time or two a week, or if I know something is waiting. Can't go on at work, want to laugh? I have this habit of randomly typing in words on yahoo search and on the images. Just to see what comes up. For example, type "Serenity" into the images search and lots of art will come up. It’s interesting. I randomly typed "psychonaut" into Yahoo Search. First link was this website and I’ve been hooked since. It was meant to be!
Of all of the psychedelics you have tried to date...

What has been your favorite trip (and why obviously)

I've had a handful of shroom trips that were extremely wonderful in the second half. They were high doses (like 8-10g dry cubensis) as a tea and they all were pretty scary at first and then turned into spiritual bliss. One time I had what I can only call an ecstatic "brain orgasm" when listening to Shpongle's "Shnitzled in the Negev". It was so joyful that I almost lost conscience.

What has also been great and very exciting was my first trip on mdma in '95. It wasn't a real trip in my opinion (mdma isn't that psychedelic) and I don't even know if I got mdma or mda and if there was speed involved)
I had this pill called white Barney (from the Flintstones). When it kicked in I was introduced to a new world of emotions and human interaction that I hadn't known so far. I was at a big rave and the feeling of being best friends with everybody changed my world view forever.
The best trip I had was in august on this festival called Solar www.solarweekend.com

We took half of a lsd gel tab, and after 15 min we took some laughing gas.

Because my friends phone rang while he was tripping on the laughing gas, and he spoke in a language that I can only describe as "mental nuttcase language" and I was afraid of telling him he sounded like a nuttcase because I knew it would sound the same, we both had to laugh which continued for 5 hours. We laughed our asses off, tears were dripping of our cheeks, but it was so damned funny !

The next day we had stomachepains from laughing.
I used to love those trips, when you laugh so hard it hurts your stomach and cheeks from smiling so much.

Much better than the times demons were trying to steal my soul
I remember being young and SOBER and high on life and laughing like that.

But its a lot mroe funny when you are on somehting. I will wake up the next day, my toungue is sore, my cheeks hurt, my stomach is sore, and my butt hurts. Not quite sure why, I think I fall on my ass a lot. =)
For me is impossible to say , i dont have favorite trip , but i had remarkables experiences with LSD , Ayahuasca , Peruvians Torch , shrooms ,DMT(smoked), 2c-e , and Iboga .
3 pretty weak acid tabs,1990,meditated,tunnels,big empty space,light in distance,come to me ,or I went to it,joined,time stopped,felt the size of universe/cosmos,ejaculated,bliss,felt dead and didn't want to come back.Amen.
P.S.Marc,I've always wanted to try laughing gas,especiually when on mushrooms.Laughing on mushies is the dogs bollocks(good).
the three thousand year talk i had with my friend mark.
everything felt just like a dream for 3 days that felt like three thousand years. no drugs, just coffee, sun, laughs, the film waking like, and amsterdam, which is such a trippy town sometimes i still can't believe it...

alice :shock:
Sorry for the topickick, but I never noticed this one before ;D.

I recon my best trip yet still has to come. The few shroomtrips I had we're pretty nice and intense, also the two Salvia trips went nice.. but i'm still waiting for a major breakthrough experience actually.

.. and in the meanwhile just enjoy myself to the max 8)
Hmmm, since the 1st of november I've been thinking about this question and I still don't think I can really answer it, because I've had so much insanely profound and fun experiences that I really don't know what my favorite trip to date is...
Most insane trip ever was with DXM, I left my body flew over my apartment, talked with god and more shit like that :rolleyes:

But most nice trips are always with mushrooms/LSD, with some friends, in the forrest or other nice place.
Dr. Leospace a dit:
Most insane trip ever was with DXM, I left my body flew over my apartment, talked with god and more shit like that :rolleyes:

Sounds like you've been (or are) in heaven ;).