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experiences with sniffed yopo seeds

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today was a terrible day for me. i woke up, took my breakfast, and begun to roast the yopo seeds. i grund them with a spoon, until i got some brown powder, and added the lime with it. i got a nice powder...smelled like peanuts.
i did some major lines and inhaled them (i did a very big smiley - i love to draw smileys with this kind of alchemy). sniffed it all. i've read that yopo seeds real burn...but they do not burn much more than kanna, i guess i'm used to snort burning stuff.
first effects:
stoned feeling. then, i felt like i was going to faint real fast...i felt like i was going to puke also, and i was very confused about what was going to happen next, if i was puking or fainting. i ran to my WC with my pillow and lied near the toilet. then, the burning in my nose travelled to my brain, and i felt that someone was frying my brain.
the trip:
the light from the WC was really hurting me, and i couldn't get up and turn it off. i turned around, and i got some colours and lines, very, very thin: i mean, it didn't seem real, it looked just as a mild hallucination. then, the only "true" hallucination was a green cube with something red written on it, which i couldn't decipher.
curious things:
my breathing sometimes stopped, and i was obligated to start breathing over and over again, because when I forgot to breath, i wouldn't breath.
when the trip began to fade, i begun to hear a terribly tuned voice (i'm a musician and i notice that stuff) singing. i still do not know if it was real.

then, i went to bed and slept for about 4 hours, which is very much for a person that woke up 2 hours before, after a 13h sleep. i guess the DMT in it knocked me out.

different/similar experiences anyone ?


Matrice périnatale
24 Oct 2005
I have snorted Yopo too.
First I took 5 seeds but while I roasted them I burned 2.
Then I grounded them and added some lime powder.
I tried to snort it but I had to stop very often because I couldn't stop sneezing. When I had completely snorted it, I started to feel strange and nausea.
15 mins later I ran to the toilet because I had to puke.

I didn't had any visuals probally because I took too little I guess.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I had a little trip with one line of yopo (couldn't snort another because it hurt so bad!). I also couldn't enjoy the closed-eye visuals because I felt like my head would explode every second. My face got dark-red (I looked like I just had a stroke or something...) and I had a headache for hours...

There are better ways to consume DMT, I think...


Elfe Mécanique
6 Juil 2005
I've done Yopo-snuff a couple of times. First one hurt pretty much, but I got some very nice visuals. Next times the pain was far less intense and I had pleasant trips.

The last time I did it, I had a pretty bad hangover (yeah, I know, not the smartest move). This time I had also nice, surprisingly intense visuals, but it also enhanced the nausea from the hangover considerably. I mostly just lied on the couch and tried to focus until the experience had passed.

All in all, most of my Yopo experiments have been at least somewhat pleasant, and I'm sure to try it again at some point.


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Nov 2005
While Viaticus was going through his happy hangover experience in the living room, I went through mine in the bathroom. We'd split the crushed yopos into four lines for both to sniff, but I only managed to do three before I got the feeling that my nasal cavities were so full of the powdery crap that I really couldn't do any more of it. The snorting hurt my nose, but the pain wasn't unbearable. Too bad it wasn't the only bad thing I got.

About 5 minutes after snorting down the lines I began to feel very intense nausea, and just managed to drag myself into the bathroom before I went Linda Blair all over the place. Thankfully I hadn't eaten much that day. I continued puking, this time into the toilet, for a while, and every time a bit of yopo-encrusted nasal mucous would drop from my cavities into my mouth I felt another rush of nausea. It was like my body hated the taste or something.

The moments I wasn't either puking or dry heaving were rather cool actually. I saw some very nice, twisting colour patterns and got a very peculiar sense of space around me. It was very neat, but due to the puking bit and the fact that trying to smoke that stuff a few weeks earlier had earned me only slight vibrations and the worst chest pains of my life, I've decided to skip on yopo from now on.


it has been a while since i last posted, but much has happened :smirk:

last weekend, i got a gig with my jazz band and i met with the trombone player before, so we could travel together. i was very tired, because i couldn't sleep the night before...i was with 30h since my last "wake-up". so i remembered: i'm gonna snif the yopo seeds! i had grund them somedays before, with the mortar and pestle, so it got really, really small grains, really nice to inhale. i did a nasty error: i inhaled it with a pen, and forgot it was so thin! i got this huge load of the powder in my brain. i started to feel my brain almost roasting. i thought: i'll just try to overcome it and drive in my car. i went and carried my keyboard to my car and tried to put it in the trunk. i just couldn't make the trunk open. i began to see lots of flashes, with no images, just like the time had frozen. i asked my friend to store my keyboard in the trunk so i could went home, throw up and lie down. when i arrived home, i threw up real bad, and all the colours had changed. the tap water was dark blue, the water bubbles were green and when i closed my eyes i got all these visuals, plenty of colours. then, i looked in the mirror: i was really, really red, like i was on fire. then, i saw my body covered with tatoos (i do not have any), very strange tatoos. i looked at the palm of my hand and i saw a big spiral, spiraling in my hand. i enjoyed this.
the problem was that my head was hurting like hell...i felt like i was in a horror movie, or i was about to die or something. very bad. i have tried it sometimes, and this time was the worse.

i finish with an idea: i once mixed this powder with strong hash and got a really good feeling, smoking this mixture!


by the way, the concert that night was great! i managed to drive an hour after the heavy trip.
someone told me that i was very calm that night :thud: