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Eating raw hash


Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
anyway about a year ago i started to eat my hash just like that i started with 0.3 grams and i usualy can take up to 1.0 now i love the trip that it does since it has a fantastic body high that smoking simply does not and simply visuals that one would expect from a small dose of acid one thing that is fucked up is sometimes it can become uber paranoid (more then anything else i ever took) but the body high is suberb


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
It works better if you dissolve it in some fatty substance like oil, milk or chocolate. I really love the bodyhigh as well, so much more full compared to smoking it. I never felt paranoid doing it, though.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
one thing that is fucked up is sometimes it can become uber paranoid (more then anything else i ever took)

That is possible with hashish (but even more so with good weed). I hardly do cannabis anymore because it tends to make me paranoid. When I'm around people I never smoke more than one toke or so (and even that is a mistake mostly). When I'm alone I can do more, but quite often it is much harder on me than 5g shrooms (not from the strength of effect, but from the level of paranoia/bad feelings). I got used to shrooms and hardly get any bad feelings - and if I do I can fight them and they're gone.

With hash and weed the paranoia got more over the years. I always thought it was nature's way to tell me not to abuse pot anymore (I had been a pothead with a daily consumption of up to 3g weed, and that just wasn't right)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
With hash and weed the paranoia got more over the years. I always thought it was nature's way to tell me not to abuse pot anymore

I had this probelm also. I would always be paraniod about everything! Latly I have been chilling out, and no so worried about people finding out. When you really think of it, what can happen?

(I had been a pothead with a daily consumption of up to 3g weed, and that just wasn't right)

Wao! That's a lot of pot! Just a question, anyone who smokes that much, do you grow it, or spend massive amounts of money everyday. Here in Canada, 3 grams is about 30 dollars a day.



Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
well the one really good thing about israel my friend is REALLY good and super cheap hash and i mean super cheap "like" third world country cheap everything else cost either the same or more

but only for hash

anyway i usualy take a small candy bar like Kinder Bueno i take it apart carefully and then heat the hash a bit mix it with the cream inside and close it then it looks perfect and unopened and its great for a dull night


Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
Just make some hash milk, I think it works better and longer than just eating raw hash.
But maybe it only feels that way... :roll:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
I haven't tried eating hash yet, I'll have to definitely give it a shot. It took me a while to make some honey oil, and I loved that so I can't wait! :D
And to user_1919 about 1-2 years ago I was roughly smoking between 3-6g/day of some incredible buds. I could easily spend anywhere from $400-$700/week. Sadly I don't have that kinda cash anymore, and the tolerance of rubber.

Growing is such a hassle when you got enough money to go and buy some, it would of made the difference of a long time in jail or a LONG LONG time in jail. ;)

Next time I find myself with about 1-2oz of some buds I'll have to bust out my old PVC pipe and get some hash to munch on.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Same, I love the high, I love the so gentle, gradual onset and comeup, I love the visuals, and the thought patterns. Eating hash==awesome.

I don't do it often, so usually .3g does the trick for me!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
a friend and i got into the habbit of eating hash 3/4 days a week. we did this because the "soapbar" that was all we could get wasnt worth smoking. the effect was very similar to the crap acid we were getting about the same time but without the tollerance. at first there was a lot of para on the 4mile walk home especially stagering past the boys in blue. i would find myself staggering towards them uncontrollably! the more i tried to act normal the more id stott into them.eventually i thaught "fuck it" and decided to talk to the blighters. its amasing how quickly they realise theyre needed somewhere else when aproached by someone whos "obviously drunk" at 4am. the end result though is my friend and i rarelly see each other nowdays.[who told you to say im paranoid?] i believe cooking the hash makes it stonger by a factor of four by converting cannibinolic acid into thc, a process that happens when you smoke it. could be wrong


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
something else to think about when eating raw hash. if the hash is charas or hand made finger hash chances are it contains a bit of spit. the maker/ makers probably spat on theyre hands to get the resin off theyre fingers and theres just the chance of catching hepatitus. probably doesnt matter with polem or heated bar hash but worth keeping in mind


7 Juin 2008
yup...eating hash rocks.i have done it quite a few times.try making hash tea .its not bad tasting at all.just need to heat it in some oil and aadd it to the teathe high is so amazing, slowly it just grows on you.and it last much much longer.....


Matrice périnatale
3 Avr 2008
eating hash is sure effective, but i think it's fucked up.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
GhostlyOne17. ive eaten charas several times. ive found eating a gram or 2 of Manali finger hash(it comes as finger shaped bars) to be a lot like 5-10 e's, maybe less energising but as cerebral. imported Charas tends to be cured for some time, also it is made by gently rubbing the living plant, usually in the morning, then collecting/ rubbing whats on the fingers onto an apron to be scraped off later. there is very little plant material in it and it doesnt smell or taste strong.
friends of mine regularly travel to N india to buy the best. they also help make it.
it was they who told me of the practice of spitting on the hands to help remove the resin. it was also them who warned me to cook it as all types of hepatitis are common in N india. im not sure how long Hep lives outside the body but i believe hep B is viable for at least 3 months. so supposing it has been cured for 1 month, takes a couple of weeks to get to you and you chomp it, there is just a chance of getting a swolen liver.
apart from that heating(cooking or smoking) converts cannibolic acid to THC increasing its strengh by a factor of around 4, making it more efficient and cooking it in fat or oil makes it a lot easier to absorb.
i normally crumble mine and put it in a tablespoon with a little cooking oil, heat it till it dissolves, then drop it into a pot of yoghurt(toffee hides the taste a bit) and viola! your a mess! :D

ps it just feels like its laced with opium. sometimes an older bit will have white mold growing in or on it (from the spit? or the fact its made in the early morning and has dew in it). it doesnt really spoil it but i think thats where the opium story came from. its possible the odd piece has opium in it but i doubt it.
ive eaten opium. thats a different story


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
Is the "Nepal" hasj they sell in coffeeshops charas? Its like a small ball of black clay and tastes a bit different from hard hasj, still very nice.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
yes, if its real Nepali its charas. they do fingerbars and balls sometimes called "temple balls". the strengh varies from valley to valley but its made the same way. if its fresh its soft like Afghani but older bits are as hard as glass


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
Most afghaan around here tastes like car tire :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
theyll put a JIHAD on your ass!
Afghani's not charas. i did get a bit last week that hardly had any car tyre in. something that looked a lot like a pubic hair though. i didnt eat it