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dream herbs


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
I think thats a good one yes :)
learning to dream is learning to live
I think that's why being able to dream lucid...and also being able to remember and interpret dreams is very important, since u can learn a lot about them

when I dream vivid.. I actually almost never do whatever I wanna do.. and change the wholy storyline of the dream
cause when I do that.. I turn back to a normal boy.. all my specials powers thatI might have had are gone.. all the strange things are gone
so when I realize i`m dreaming.. I just stay in the storyline.. and just go with the flow, but this time Knowing it
sometimes u can even forget that u are dreaming again haha
but atleast this way I can learn things about my dreams.. u cannot do that when u start flying around somewhere(I can't, I can't even fly anymore when I step out of the storyline)
I mostly notice when I'm dreaming because I see that all the Views are all wrong
normally u see thru ur eyes.. but I see thru other people's eyes myself
or I see myself from above, sides , below and I can see myself from different angles at the same time
so thats really strange and I think waaaait a minute , waaait a minute :D this is odd , and that's when I realize
I take a quick look around and continu the dreamin conscious


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
something that sometimes helps me remember my dreams is sleeping with a quarts crystal under my pillow, occassionally alternating with a sachet of mugwort.
i seem to remember what i dreamt for atleast 15 minutes in the morning.

what if dreaming is simply showing humans what really exists in day to day life, the possibilities of things that we have been trained all our lives to ignore.
example: ghosts, fey, monsters, demons, and so on.

dreams to me seem like a tool for awakening reality and not just random images pulled from mundane stimuli.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
I`m planning on painting the words "REMEMBER YOUR DREAM"
in big black letters on my ceiling ... so it will be the first thing I see when I wake up :)

if I miss that ... I will make a background on my computer
that says the same thing ... because that's one of the things I mostly turn on when I wake up :)

last week I was able to remember every dream I had that night.. sometimes up to three a night
and they were the most complex and insane realistic dreams :D
I wrote them all down .. in short version
also this helps a lot to remember to think about what u dreamt last night


Alpiniste Kundalini
4 Oct 2005
edit: btw very much like i would like to do :) but i think :
When you decide to remember your dream it is too late..
(Did you have flashbacks of dreams taking the bliss balls??)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
I have not had any dream flashbacks on the bliss balls no..

and when I decide to remember a dream mostly It comes back to me..
so I guess its more a personal thing then

but often it also happens when ur not thinking about the dream
for example .. I Was riding back home from school and all of the sudden I saw something .. somewhere or had a thought about something which made me remember my whole dream
sometimes even days laters .. that I remember my dreams

it can be very random.. but lately i`ve been writing down all my dreams...
and it really helps.. to think about what your dream was when u wake up
and I can sometimes remember 3 dreams


Alpiniste Kundalini
4 Oct 2005
You really should try this thing with Lsa, it happens to me almost everytime.. When the trip is ending, try and write stuff. You should notice there is a slight dissocative feeling, you can write without thinking, do 2 things at the same time.. There is you body typing, your mind thinking and totally unrelated memories boiling up from within.

This is the time when wave after wave of dreams start emerging in your mind.. It is like you can activate parts of the brain where the memories of certain dreams lie. I am really amazed of this effect because i am able to remember clearly dreams of years ago i totally forgot. You think of a train and boom there is this dream, then another, etc, like there is a unknown connection, and you are vivid enough to take the time and write them down. Just as you say, when all of the sudden dream memories start rising when riding a bike. Like hitting a button 8) But maybe this is also different for everyone.


Elfe Mécanique
2 Jan 2007

I seem to remember my dreams pretty well.. I usually have a few dreams every morning of wich I can remember at least 1 quite good.

One crazy thing though.. I had a dream in wich I felt like I had smoked salvia (gazing straight ahead and not being able to move). In that dream I was in a hospital and they constantly let me smoke salvia to do some research on the effects it had on me (I got all kinds of equipment on my head). It got pretty scary near the end cause I don't like salvia at all. Sad detail, when they were done they decided I couldnt live anymore. (But I escaped, muahah).


Elfe Mécanique
26 Sept 2005
heh soulcatcher, I had a similar experience. Only I was smoking some 5-meo-dmt or dmt in a small bong. It was incredible, like i imagine it. Submerging your whole body, until all the extremities, a huge rush. But i woke up very soon after it. :( I dunno where that happenend though..it was a few weeks ago. I want to try both of them, that may have given rise to that realistic dream


:shock: never read :shock: those effects yeah has someone experienced this???
an ancestor can give you the answer that is beautiful


Alpiniste Kundalini
4 Oct 2005
I did try this other dream herb, Calea S a couple of nights ago..
I had deep dreams but no revalation of some sort.
For some strange reason i was trapped in elevators, falling down.
I did realize i was dreaming and convinced myself of this fact
and decided to wake up..
Don't try this the night before something important, it is pretty impressive to dream sometimes :D


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
this is a blend of my own design.

equal parts of the following:
pedicularis densiflora

and about 10mg of deadly nightshade leaf, gives the floaty sensation. but as most of us know this is poisonous so be careful damn it. i also take no responsibility for what others do with this.
i think salvia would mix well with this but i don't usually keep salvia on hand.


17 Déc 2006
I do have some experience with this. I bought some of this off of iamshaman.com and i ground it up, and made it into a tea every morning when i would wake up at 6:30 and every night about 30 minutes until bed. I didnt notice much change except i started getting acne which i dont really get. I stopped drinking the stuff a few days ago and every night after that ive been having interesting dreams. Except for the night i was stoned. The dreams were really interesting, and so realistic, but thinking about them they made no sense at all. Like driving a pink convertible chevelle off a gravel jump and actually controlling the physics and gravity around me.
Im still trying to figure this root out a little better. But if your interested, and curious, and dont mind spending a few dollars and experimenting with it you can go for it.


i've read somewhere that sinicuichi is not meant to be taken as a tea, although everybody says so. i, this afternoon, made sinicuichi tea, and since i heard it was so bitter, i boiled it to a manageble quantity. i was supposed to drink it all in one gulp. let me say to you it was the most bitter thing i ever tasted. and i've eaten many things....
while i put it in my mouth, i vomited. i will try to smoke it, but i will never drink it anymore. i'll never forget that taste. and the tea smelled real nice!


Alpiniste Kundalini
21 Août 2006
I personally didn't mind the tea....well not that much anyway lol. I will say that galangal is the nastiest I've tried. I've also tried a wild dagga flower quid. Wouldn't recommend it. It's acidic and it made my mouth all raw ><. As far as sinicuichi the tea didn't do anything and the only time smoking did was my first time. Though maybe the leaves are too old now. Really dry and brittle.


my sinicuichi leaves are green and wet!
smoking the leaves made me a little stoned, like the beginning of drunkness. i got some birds by the window, and a backyard full of trees, and the noises that bird did started to play a little with my head, and for an instance, it seemeed like the sounds were coming from my living room. nice, but not worth another shot, i think ?
is there more to sinicuichi than this ?


oh, and i almost forgot!
don't drink galangal tea!

here's a two recipes that make you get a good effect out of galangal:


boil rice, and in the water place one tablespoon of galangal.

the thing that bothers is that you have to pick the boiled galangal out of the rice. i think placing the galangal in some kind of strainer or something inside the boiling water will do (how silly seems that phrase ? you get the point)


place fry steaks in oil. with bayleaf, galangal, salt and pepper (little pepper). eat the steaks as you like. with french fries, chips, rice, vegetables, you name it. if you were my neighbour i would invite you over to dinner!


Alpiniste Kundalini
21 Août 2006
Yum steak :p I didn't get much out galangal not worth a third try. And your right sinicuichi feels like your half drunk half high. That only lasted like 5min for me after smoking though.


yes, 5-10 minutes at most to me too.
please try that steak with galangal. you will not be sorry, i promise. just don't use too much: a tablespoon for each steak will be enough.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
Sinichuiche works good for me, it is the only thing I take these day's. since I got a major depresion I stoped taking heavy psychedelics, but sinichuiche seems to help me relax when i cant, so here some way's to prepare this magical friend.

normaly I smake about 3 grams of the dry material without tabaco, and this works good for me, or I roast a hand full of fresh leafs very shortly and let it shimer for a couple of minutes for a taste full tea :)

perhaps the rice method would be tasteful, perhaps rice with some lemon rasp and a bit of peper and a hand full of choped sinichuche leafs :)

perhaps I wl make a complete meal with sinichuiche :) or a botle of white wine and soak the dry sinichuiche in this wine since I had realy good experiences with alcohol and sinichuiche. or a desert of cold sinichuiche tea with agar-agar and tahoe... hmmm inspration! :D

and I stil have to try a quid.