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Datura stramonium


16 Jan 2006
wow :shock:

I have no interest in taking datura....But i've got to love people who do cause it's always an amazing story :D


Elfe Mécanique
7 Fev 2008
thanks for the link , it's kind of intersting , maybe more interesting than usual - now let me ask you: how did they record their experience??? :P or, maybe, how do you imagine such an experience could be recorded ? :P

ok, lets accept all these are true if only a bit exaggerative.

THIS GUYS ARE/WERE IDIOTS ... well more that that ... words are not enough...


Glandeuse pinéale
31 Jan 2008
one guy obviously lived.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Fev 2008
Actually two lived, as far as I can understand..

Well, maybe you don't know that the recollection of events for someone on tropane alkaloids is minimal to zero especially in this seemingly large dose?

I mean, how did they 'record' the dialogues?

It's possible that the event is better remembered because of the 'accident' and possible complications, trial, psychward, police testimonies etc.

Still, it's a bit hard to see how this is documented so well :)


well I thought of a possible scenario for this: one guy didnt eat it, but he later claimed to have also eaten to avoid legal matters.... maybe....


21 Juil 2007
5 922
hmmm are you sure that the story is nonfictional? well mmh as they were so many people maybe it could've been easier to recall the experience together.
hahaha funny story really heeh :D scary shit is this datura. it seems to be a real "trumpet of angels/angel's trumpet" but not only sending angelic vibes ;)
the name mentioned in the previous sentence is the name they gave it in german.

Peace! :P


Glandeuse pinéale
31 Jan 2008
it may be fictionol but many things like it have happened to people on datura.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Fev 2008
Sure it might be fictional...

Actually 'angel trumpets' are a common name fro Brugmansias, also known as tree-daturas, even though they are in a different genus. I grow 10 or so Brugmansias , 3 different colours, really beautiful plants!



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Nathaniel and Mutant , How many times have you consumed Datura ? How did you do it ? And please tell us what happened ?

The name 'angel trumpets' comes because of the results of consuming them = because they have killed so many people = you get to meet the angels personaly .


I don't think the html file is called mumbo for nothing :roll:

GOD a dit:
Nathaniel and Mutant , How many times have you consumed Datura ?
Nathaniel a dit:
I have no interest in taking datura....But i've got to love people who do cause it's always an amazing story :D

I don't think Nathaniel has ever (or will ever hopefully)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"I don't think Nathaniel has ever"

Thats why i asked him , i wanted him to realise that he has no right to say ".But i've got to love people who do cause it's always an amazing story" as he hasnt done it . But we shall see what they both have to say about what i asked and if they realise that .


Elfe Mécanique
7 Fev 2008
Oh I saw that Datura is also sometimes refered to as angel trumpet, not only Brugmansia - my bad. The etymology is not necessarily what GOD says, nevertheless. Anyway, that is not the point anyway.

GOD, [lol, this is the first time since my very early years that I refer to someone as GOD, it seems to me I'm doing my prayer] , I already said I never bioessayed them in my first post, that one you said [and was pretty obvious] annoyed you so much. I laso said I cultivate sveral species from the family, in which there are both valueable edible vegetables as well as the infamous tropane plants. What exactly would you like me to realise?

Since I read my initial post again though, I don't think your anger was so justifiable - you spent numerous posts to say daturas are lethal and noone should bother to know anything about that plant, even to people that seemed to be pretty sensible like krnjason who was obviously put off by your tone and never wrote again.

There are few individuals that are capable of 'performing' this kind of sensible use, don't be amazed, not everyone is an idiot and they have done it - I understand you worries though, there might be quite a lot of people in here idiot enough to harm themselves , but hey noone really said it is enjoyable or that people should do it. And you know what? Idiocy is not something I am really concerned man. I know how to speak responsibly and not promote any dangerous psychoactive, but I also know some people will not listen to any warning. Their fault! Fuck them!

And fuck, daturas are one of the most famous stories among people in such things, so why should I cry about the casualties? He has no right to say what? That he enjoys reading such stories? OK, I wouldn't ever write it like this myself, I don't love those people, I actually feel sorry for them [becuase of the pathetic state of mind that leads them to do such things] but then again, fuck it. If they die, its only an idiot less. What's the big deal ? Armies , dictatorship, hunger kills hundreds every day.

If bored teens in America cant seem to understand , leave them go on ingesting datura!

Sorry if people cant handle datura, but i had an ok experience.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"The etymology is not necessarily what GOD says,"

The name angels trumpet comes from exactly where i say , check it out and you will learn that .

"What exactly would you like me to realise?"

To realise that there are ignorant and weak people out there and that if we have learned anything from psychedelics we have learned that we are all one , that we should love eachother , that we should help eachother , that we should not be glorifying poisoning people and that we should not be recomending people to do things that we havent done ourselves .

"I don't think your anger was so justifiable"

It`s not anger , it`s concern , it`s trying to help to stop people harming themselves . Like i would be concerned if i saw a blind man walking towards a cliff . Or saw a child playing with matches .

"you spent numerous posts to say daturas are lethal and noone should bother to know anything about that plan"

No i didnt , i said that people should know about them , that they should know the facts and that only fools play with fire .

"Sorry if people cant handle datura, but i had an ok experience."

Did you read his description of his experience ? I dont think anyone would call that enjoyable or would want to repeat it . Maybe he didnt come back because he didnt listen , maybe hes in a mental hospital , maybe hes dead . I wish he would come back .

" Idiocy is not something I am really concerned man. I know how to speak responsibly and not promote any dangerous psychoactive, but I also know some people will not listen to any warning. Their fault! Fuck them!" - "so why should I cry about the casualties?" - "but then again, fuck it. If they die, its only an idiot less. What's the big deal ? Armies , dictatorship, hunger kills hundreds every day. " - "If bored teens in America cant seem to understand , leave them go on ingesting datura! "

What does that realy mean ? And why do you say that ? What does that say about you ?


16 Jan 2006
so GOD,

I've never taken Datura,and therefore I may not enjoy reading Datura tripreports?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"I've never taken Datura,and therefore I may not enjoy reading Datura tripreports?"

Dont twist my words , and stop being childish . You were glorifying reading about people harming themselves .

"But i've got to love people who do cause it's always an amazing story"

You shouldnt be glorifying things that you havent done and if reading about people poisoning themselves is fun for you you sound like a very heartless and calous person . You sound like you are full of hate and have no respect , no compassion or love for others and very little experience of life . You show that you have obviously not learned the basics that psychedelics have to teach .


Elfe Mécanique
2 Nov 2006
I have no intention of getting into crossfire but:

For me, psychonautics is about exploring different states of the (human) mind. Not only the pleasant ones. And I believe that datura can be used for this purpose. Yes, it is dangerous. And it is not for anyone. In fact the majority could not handle the experience. But shamans and witches all over the world were using it. Does this mean they were a bunch of idiots playing with their lives and sanity? No. They have learned to benefit from it and use it for spiritual purposes. This can't be bad, I guess.

Personaly I have no experience with datura. Never tried to ingest it and do not intend to. And I do not encourage anyone to consume it. All I wan't to say is that datura CAN be used as a tool for psychonauts. I do not say it is a psychadelic. Neither is dreams. Or meditation. Or oxigen deprivation. But all can be useful if one masters (knows) them.


16 Jan 2006
GOD almost all your posts reflect a great knowledge,and I have nothing but respect for that..


Respect the choice of a free human being,even if it's the wrong one (in one's opinion)

It's not my fault people,with or without the needed knowladge,take datura

Datura tripreports are,for me, always an amazing read,and I love amazing stories


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"Personaly I have no experience with datura."

Again someone who has never had it , and never studied it expressing an opinion about its usefullness.

"But shamans and witches all over the world were using it" - "They have learned to benefit from it and use it for spiritual purposes."

There are imature people playing games calling themselves witches , but they are not witches . There is no evidence that real witches , the wicca , ever used Datura . Shamanan come from Siberia and there is no evidence that they ever used Datura . Please give me proof that anyone anywhere used or uses Datura for seeing , healing , gaining wisdom or spiritual purposes . Even if there was any tradition , that is a tradition where people are trained by knowledgable people , people who have had their knowledge gathered and handed down for thousands of years and not what we are talking about here = inexperienced people talking dangerous crap about Datura that they have never had and people abusing themselves with Datura .

So show me proof of what you say . What people ? Where ? When ?


Elfe Mécanique
7 Fev 2008
"The etymology is not necessarily what GOD says"

The name angels trumpet comes from exactly where i say , check it out and you will learn that .
Don't be so fucking sure all the time man. I have done my reading. I even said "... not necessarily..." , now please YOU give some link suggesting the name is after the many fatalities that came from the plant.

The angel's trumpet (Brugmansia) is everything its name suggests. Its pendulous flowers are not only shaped like trumpets, but they blare at you with their enormous size, prolific quantity and sweet scent. Moreover, consuming any part of this plant could result in your seeing angels' trumpets since it happens to be a highly toxic flowering shrub. Angel's trumpet is consumed purposely as a hallucinogenic, but it also has the potential to be fatal when taken ...
http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G1-836 ... ?Q=Trumpet

The name Angel's Trumpet refers to the large, very dramatic, pendulous trumpet-shaped flowers, 14–50 cm long and 10–35 cm across at the wide end. They are white, yellow, pink, orange or red, and have a delicate, attractive scent with light, lemony overtones, most noticeable in early evening.

Last time you were so sure that amanita urine inebriation is a myth, you didn't continue it for long. Let's see what you will find this time.

To realise that there are ignorant and weak people out there and that if we have learned anything from psychedelics we have learned that we are all one , that we should love eachother , that we should help eachother , that we should not be glorifying poisoning people and that we should not be recomending people to do things that we havent done ourselves .
No, no, no. This is what YOU have learnt from psychedelics. I am who I am, I am not one with anybody. Furthermore, loving or helping others is not some self-implied command or dictum. Also I never glorified anyone's stupidity in choosing to ingest datura, I never recommended that anyone should ingest any psychoactive, unlike you, and finally I don't think anyone ever poisoned anyone by exchanging information on some plant.

I didn't really want to say something more practical, but you said it's impossible to determine this plants potency because it's so varied, so you might die if you try, which is wrong, so I gave an example of how could someone deal with such a situation as highly varied potency.

[quote:2286mjpm]"you spent numerous posts to say daturas are lethal and noone should bother to know anything about that plan"

No i didnt , i said that people should know about them , that they should know the facts and that only fools play with fire . [/quote:2286mjpm]
So you think people should know what you believe? And, sorry mate, that's the way with fools, they will always play with the fire, whatever you tell them. Computers, the internet, ketamine, LSD, amanitas, psilcybin, matches, daturas, alcohol, even a pen can do harm. OK, daturas don't need much to fuck people up, but everone knows by now they are fatally toxic, no??

Did you read his description of his experience ? I dont think anyone would call that enjoyable or would want to repeat it
So fucking what? Anyone who decides to experiment with daturas knows that they're not considered enjoyable. So many people have read tons of reports of idiots carelessly ingesting daturas, then they go do the same thing! Says a lot about human nature ;)

Maybe he didnt come back because he didnt listen , maybe hes in a mental hospital , maybe hes dead . I wish he would come back .
Yeah, maybe an airplane crashed on his head. You ditched him man. I bet that's the reason he flew off.

[quote:2286mjpm]" Idiocy is not something I am really concerned man. I know how to speak responsibly and not promote any dangerous psychoactive, but I also know some people will not listen to any warning. Their fault! Fuck them!" - "so why should I cry about the casualties?" - "but then again, fuck it. If they die, its only an idiot less. What's the big deal ? Armies , dictatorship, hunger kills hundreds every day. " - "If bored teens in America cant seem to understand , leave them go on ingesting datura! "

What does that realy mean ? And why do you say that ? What does that say about you ?[/quote:2286mjpm] OK, you caught me. What does it say about me?

You shouldnt be glorifying things that you havent done and if reading about people poisoning themselves is fun for you you sound like a very heartless and calous person . You sound like you are full of hate and have no respect , no compassion or love for others and very little experience of life . You show that you have obviously not learned the basics that psychedelics have to teach .
Oh come on! He didn't glorify anything, he said it as a guilty pleasure. Datura stories are indeed amazing - even though I am more amazed by the performers idiocy, but whatever the case, it usually makes a pretty entertaining story, usually ending with warnings and demonisations of the plant each one of those idiots has disreaspected.

And who the fuck are you who will dictate to us what psychedelics have to teach? You, who responded like this to some guy in a serious conversation who said "All we need is love"
(i also believe that all you need is Love)
All i need is loads of MONEY , coke , hash , sex , a porsch , a cleaning lady , (with big tits) , a holiday in india , a new liver , a flat screen TV , satalite TV , plastic surgery , more money , a new computer , sex , money , a life , sex , grass , coke , LSD , DMT , tits.....................
Hmmm it looks as if you got all psychedelic truths straight, huh :) - was this joke or what?

Again someone who has never had it , and never studied it expressing an opinion about its usefullness.
So show me proof of what you say . What people ? Where ? When ?
Are you sure you wantto play this game once more? You want links? Okey, Goran.Hrsak posts in the first pages of this thread is dangerous info, I already said that. So you're asking about links?? What about books? What about hundreds of scientific, botanic not related to psychoactives that talk about the long history of tropane plants use in europe and elsewhere? What about global ethnobotany that records the use of the plants? What about the beers and wines fermented with tropane plants which are made according to traditional recipes? Just a few links will show you that there are serious people that take interest in those admitedly dangerous and potentially fatal , but nevertheless fascinationg plants. You really want to see them or you resign now ? [think of the previous challenges: amanita urine, angel trumpets etymology]

I left the 1000000 dollar question for the end... here's your quote
How do i know what i am talking about ? Because i used it many times over 4 years and i`m the 1 in a million that survived the bigger than death dose .
Fuck man, YOU did it! Why? Why did you do it repeatedly ? "Many times over 4 years?" If it's so toxic and unpleasant how did you live to repeat it? and why did you repeat it since it was so unpleasant? Are you some kind of GOD ? :P Only fools play with fire, huh? I think even God likes to play with fire sometimes - or God is a fool?

And, for antichrist's sake, PLEASE tell us the story with the bigger than death dose and how you survived. Nathaniel here DIES for a good old datura story ;)