Concerned about death.

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Matrice Périnatale
What is death? Are you ready to die?
It is a serious question. Because I know that you can die during a bad trip (ego death)
I think that there is no difference from physical death and psychological death
In the sense that, you experience the same feelings, but in the latter you come back to your material body (according to Timothy Leary in the Tibetan book of the dead)
I've never gone through it, but I've been close. If you have, please let me know about your experience.

I found this enlightening information:
''Death is a very important topic in shamanism. The fear of death that human beings instinctively have actually hinders one from accessing higher planes and certain Otherworld realms. Therefore the fear of death needs to be overcome and one's attitude to death be transformed. Instead of seeing death as the enemy -- the common viewpoint of our materialistic society -- death, once faced and overcome, can become the shaman's friend and ally, enabling the fearless shaman to traverse the Otherworlds and spirit planes in total freedom and fearlessness. Therefore many shamanistic cultures and ancient traditions had initiation rites that put the initiates through a death experience. Coming to terms with death and freeing oneself of the fear of it, is a must for every serious shaman!''

Thanks a lot!!!

Even Paulo Coelho (or rather its teacher, in "Camino de Santiago") takes up the theme of the death, "friend and counselor" (Don Juan), in an exercise in which one imagines, step by step, his own funeral until get rid of this tomb with a scream, and there, she will appear ....

Death, Dark Night :rock:
It mentioned some poiseness plants. I think you need to be very skillfull and have knowledge and wisdom to take this plants alone in the Woods.
i would not do it.

Ego death, it,s the letting go part that is the hardest. You are confronted with our inner demons our deepest fears and deepest emotions.
it,s your intention and preparation that makes the difference. If you are not preparde things will likely turn bad.
If you are preparde and you do let go you will experience what is behind the mask of the ego, and then make a connection with your inner power.
when we make death our close friend, we will experience some form of inner peace. We stop resisting it and stop fighting it.
I am not standing before it, so I don’t know if I’d fear death. I’m not scared of it at the moment.
I do fear which way I’d go. Will I suffer; there are horrifying ways to go.
When I was younger I experienced a transformation of my self. I took 2 huge thick mushrooms and that night a lot of scores were evened. I woke up to a different reality in life and it is still active today. I saw the outcome of relationships and I experienced what it was to become “loose of the ego”. I saw people and things clearly, free from my own judgement. Don’t know if this could be classified as an ego death. But man what an enlightened moment in life it was for me and all the people surrounding me.
This was a long time ago. The mainstream reality is something that grabs you by the other hand and tears you apart from the other . So I moved on and often forgot about that wonderful specific night where a lot was evened.
I personally strongly believe it is important to work out your insights during the trip in this mainstream reality.
While tripping it is “YES EUREKA!!! I see it now, it was like this all the time and it should be like this, now I understand, yada yada blabla” You know how it goes….
Coming down and practicing it isn’t as easy as it looks. It is easy in the first week, but mainstream reality has it ways of distorting a peaceful vibration.

Last trip, on a high dose, confronted me how serious it is and how much dedication and preparation it takes to plunge yourself into the abyss. It wants to become a lifestyle.
You should feel “this is it, this is my moment.” It should feel a 100% comfortable and I wouldn’t recommend anyone a high dose in life. It comes with great responsibility. It is just something one does, or doesn’t. It’s important you get in harmony with your surrounding environment before plunging in. And remember, after plunging in, you asked for it :snakeman:
Psychedelics are not a magic bullet, or a short cut to a spiritual awakening. Psychedelics can give you a glimp of the spiritual realm.
They get you high (on top of the mountain) for a perriod. But just like Richard Alpert discoverd before becoming Ram Dass, you eventualy will get down (to the valley). Eventualy there is this mainstream reality that sucks you back in again.
Richard Alpert as you may or may not know went to India in search of a connection with the spiritual tradition. He found his connection with the spiritual tradition and became Ram Dass.
A lot of hippies and spiritual seekers went to India and got in touch with yoga tantra and meditation. They where introduced to all kinds of teachers and guru,s tradition and lifestyles.

You can have this eureka moment with mushrooms. But it,s hard to hold on to. We may have weird ideas and funny ideas we forget, that,s not what i am talking about. It,s the feeling unity, that is hard to hold on to. We have a seed, but we need to give it space, food and time to grow.

The ego is not something we need to get rid of for ever. The ego just needs to know it,s place. There needs to be balance between mind and hearth.
I think that is very personal. If psychedelics aren’t a magic bullet, then what is? :) I was always “looking” for something that would’ve suit me and I knew after one specific night I found it. I had always heard of magical experiences, but to me it was just a funny ride with nice colours. Until the first ass kicking… I was scared at first, but at my peak “finally it is happening to me, I have seen a light!”
I experienced a short cut, I am not sure if I would’ve figured this all out without them. I am talking about looking at people, life free from my own judgement. They resetted everything and it became what it originally was. I was entering a magical world that could be applied in the here and the now. I woke up to a different reality, and sober went to all these people praising their good qualities. Man you should’ve seen the look on their faces :-).
Looking at things free from the “ego” /judgement may not be an ego death? I’m not sure about this all, this is all so unknown to me. An infinite abyss.

A light shining and shutting the light out, can create a blind spot. A remaining mystery one puzzles over in the here and now.
They just don’t tell me weird things, they tell me how to live! Stop smoking, eat healthy, drink more water! It lifted my girlfriend up to a vibritional field the entire block could experience just by giving in to everything that came naturally at the moment.

When I thought I was dying of sickness they explicitly told me: why worry while smoking?
I should become a vegan and be more active in life, … These are feelings I have been getting during my trips. And that is not even mentioning “funny ideas”. I didn’t tell my girlfriend a majority of insights.

Was this all a conversation with my ego?
And is this dark shadow lingering around my ego?
maybe we can figure how many times we met with the death thanks to details in our body like birthmarks on the skin, bad posture given by the bending of the spinal column, ... or also by accidental cuts or burns... ...!!

Demahadi we both know, we radiate outward a strange energy while we are smoking industryal tobacco -bad energy that it seem the death viewed with fear, that it isn't the Death that gives friendship, the natural death; this like cigarette, alcool, egoismo, heroin, are unlucky death, no?!
After 10 years, thanks to friends, Kambo, dreams, a proper diet and a bit of garlic, I'm stopping to smoke...! trying to stop smoking without the fear to smok, you know?! is the energy that you give

Death is a vision, who wan't know his death?
Finarfin a dit:
It,s very personal indeed.

I heard Terence saying in an audio once: Take 5g dried mushrooms, sit in a dark room and see what happens!
After eating only 4g dried I just could not believe one advicing such a thing to the mass.
It's not that it is "bad", but people might need more guidance in this field. Like the woman you speak of in that book.

About it being personal, I feel people do get the same message out of it. They go through their own personal feelings, but it also addresses general items in this world we should be putting on the map.
Abej^a G. a dit:
maybe we can figure how many times we met with the death thanks to details in our body like birthmarks on the skin, bad posture given by the bending of the spinal column, ... or also by accidental cuts or burns... ...!!

Demahadi we both know, we radiate outward a strange energy while we are smoking industryal tobacco -bad energy that it seem the death viewed with fear, that it isn't the Death that gives friendship, the natural death; this like cigarette, alcool, egoismo, heroin, are unlucky death, no?!
After 10 years, thanks to friends, Kambo, dreams, a proper diet and a bit of garlic, I'm stopping to smoke...! trying to stop smoking without the fear to smok, you know?! is the energy that you give

Death is a vision, who wan't know his death?

Yeah, Tobacco was originally used to clear out "bad spirits" . The additives in Tobacco current days are indeed a chemical toxic hazard. It is those additives that make them a whole lot more addictive.
I tried quiting smoking, even rolled my joints with alternative Tobacco. It wasn't the time yet :p

I don't know an awful much about birthmarks, or health issues. But death is certain, no escaping it.

And maybe when you experience an ego death, it is overbreaching "lies" (the ego has misguided you) with "truth".
I do like to hear about more experiences.
Demahdi a dit:
I heard Terence saying in an audio once: Take 5g dried mushrooms, sit in a dark room and see what happens!
After eating only 4g dried I just could not believe one advicing such a thing to the mass.
It's not that it is "bad", but people might need more guidance in this field. Like the woman you speak of in that book.

About it being personal, I feel people do get the same message out of it. They go through their own personal feelings, but it also addresses general items in this world we should be putting on the map.

About it being personal. People (generaly) get the same massage, but it,s what they do with the message that is very personal.
When i wrote about psychedelic not being a magic bullets i was trying to say that while psychedelics may open you up and give you a message, it,s you that has to do the work, whatever this work may be. I now call it work but work is a bit of a wrong term, it could be a lifestyle or a practice or something you want to change.

About Terence Mckenna i have the same feeling you have. Five dried grams in silent darkness without any guidance is a bit tricky.
It also deppends on what mushrooms you take. Some strains are stronger then others.
i think that if people want to take mushrooms for the first time just begin with a low dose and next time take a little bit more. Get a friend and take turns being each others guide.
Yeah while in it, it is so in the Obvious. But then you come down and the true venture begins... "What just happened, ..." I am still figuring the majority out, but lately I have puzzeled a great deal out. An image is appearing.

I don't know any people using psychedelics. I knew some in the past, but life has moved on... And trust me, their current mindset isn't hooked to plantspirits.

Terence has his ways to persuade people, and to say what you have been thinking somewhere deep inside all the long, but we must never forget our Western mindset. We are in "overdrive" and when this is intensified you might not grasp fully what is happening at the moment.
I never heard anyone speaking in the field about "preparing". Only what not to eat combining maoi.
But to really prepare the mind is an important factor we should never forget...
If your midchakra isn't resonating a love/peaceful vibration for an entire weak, I would not advice a plunge in the depth.
But we are all free as we are, and those interested do it anyways. And we will be waiting to hear about it :D
Terence Mckenna is persuasive and a very talented story teller. Terence Mckenna read a lot of books and had a lot of knowledge, he was very much influence by science fiction and things like alchemy. he was intressted in a lot of aspects of culture as well as nature.

Terence talked about this five grams in silent darkness.
According to his brother Dennis and his ex wife Kathleen Harrison, Terence did not take any mushrooms from 1988 till he died, because of a terrifying experpiernce with the mushroom. Even for Terence himself doing high doses of mushrooms was a bit to much, so it seems.

Terence talkes about what he called the other. he talked about the alien (ufo,s and such).
Personaly i found that i did not really resonate with this idea of the other. I also think that the timewave zero and this whole 2012 thing was nonsense.
The other, aliens 2012 timewave singarity at the end of time. It are all external things. Terence did not say that much about the inner world, the self.
Reading into his biography and his books, it is clear he is indeed carrying a lot of baggage. When he was unpacking it you are just submitted … About his timewave zero, it became clear to me in the invisible landscape that this man is about making money too lol. But I don’t blame him one bit.

Now about this other. I have been poking in this board, hoping for individuals to come out… And I did only read about “some” experiences. I don’t think we (as a species) have gotten the full potential out of it yet. Maybe some have, but I think they are figuring it out themselves too?
Now take this ego death, I am not even sure I had one, I just saw things clear again and it became free from my own judgement. But time progressed and it got judged again over time! Years after picking them up again, it wasn’t anything near an experience like that. it was totally different. My ego got “shut out”, though more came to the surface. I am looking at a woman now and I am communicating with her from this energyfield that is communicating with me. She is reborn, we are reborn…. We are awestruck and just found “our thing”.
But as this “our thing” is becoming “my thing” too it is showing me potentials. Potentials that are without bounderies. I just had to think it, get it straight, and there I’d be! “Anything you wish for master”.
Weeks later I am bowing calling it master myself and totally giving myself into it….
Today I realized I went way too fast and need to over think the entire experience slowly. But if I didn’t have anyone sober with me, I might’ve gone insane man. This was just ALL happening at ONCE at it came out of NOTHING. And it was only beginning to come up and I was already passed my peak. BANG shot down my synchronicity!

Today, last months, I have not jumped in anymore and I feel my ego being judgemental again about everything. It’s like I am being brainwashed by 2 realities, and there are only 2 options to choose. One master to serve. I know the road before, and this other road is scaring the shit out of me. Picking up the conversation is easy, dealing with it is another… Living by its code is the camel through the eye of a needle in this reality.

Is there in the psychedelic field anything else then an ego death? I heard about “stages” you can go through…. But is there anything like this going around?
I don,t know if there is anything like this going around. I don,t even know if i understand what it is you experienced, because it,s your experience.
What i do know is that there is much more then ego death. There are ayahuasceros and shamans who experience telepathy and who communicate with all kind of spirits, it is not uncommen.
Aztecs also took mushrooms and they have there own mythology and religion. Maybe it,s worth looking into this?

You write about calling it master.
I don,t know what you mean by this, but i think it has to do with believe.
Personally i would not call anything outside myself master. It,s my believe that it are the inner teachers and inner guides we need to listen to.

It,s about believe anyway.
Well to make a long story short, something moved. And in the progress it was making me do things. I was felt of as a chosen one and things only a religious nutcase would ramble out.
I have been trying to live without my ego. But it is driving me fucking insane. People are talking about a goddess, but I am like fuck that bitch!
My ego had things done and feminine touches only disturb my energy field and it has had its peak.

We are heading for a different way of life. And I don't think relationships with "regular" people is my dada.
When I dealt with it for 40 to 50 hours per week I had more time to feed my ego desires.....
Is there in the psychedelic field anything else than an ego death? I heard about “stages” you can go through…. But is there anything like this going around?

perhaps the "ego death" is the death of his own convictions, the stages concern the purges, passed its own traumas there will be the travel..

There is an initiation rite in which the initiates sleep or go into a trance in precise sacred caves, where the Beings Dreamtime will do the appearance, tearing apart the bodies visible for building bodies of light, removing some organs from inside the body, to then replacing them with quartz crystals; In this rite the initiates, moreover, they drink water where has been put some quartz.

(The quartz crystal is considered a sacred substance, sacred "ice petrified"; It can stimulate the inner senses and bring out an inner knowledge preserved in the depths of the mind; also, they are unalterable over time.

In the Amazon were found skulls of quartz, the Skulls of Destiny [THAT IN BRACKETS ARE BEAUTIFUL], fixed or to mobile jaw, probably used for divination; them have power much benevolent as evil: Legend has it that if we put all 13 in one place, the world will end, or they will transmit to man all their knowledge, to having a new world with new men.) :rock:
Demahdi a dit:
Well to make a long story short, something moved. And in the progress it was making me do things. I was felt of as a chosen one and things only a religious nutcase would ramble out.
I have been trying to live without my ego. But it is driving me fucking insane. People are talking about a goddess, but I am like fuck that bitch!
My ego had things done and feminine touches only disturb my energy field and it has had its peak.

We are heading for a different way of life. And I don't think relationships with "regular" people is my dada.
When I dealt with it for 40 to 50 hours per week I had more time to feed my ego desires.....

What are regular people???
Relationship is a topic on it,s own. How to find the right one. How do you keep a relationship fresh? How do two people keep the flame of love burning? Relationships are not easy, for most people. Every couple has it,s own Chemistry.

I am a bit of a taoist. Within the philosophy of taoims finding balance is important.
I do not think the ego is something bad or wrong. I do not think judgement is allways wrong. We need our ego and sometimes we need to Judge.
The thing is, ego and the innerself can work together and can be in balance. Sometimes this is called, connecting the hearth and the mind.

Feeling like a chosen one and rambling like a religious nutcase, is something that can happen. I think this is a sign of the hearth and the mind being out of balance. (but maybe i am wrong)
Feeling like a chosen one of believing to be the savior is sometimes called the massiah complex (by psychiatrist and such)
It,s sort of lika a pendulum. First it swings this way and then it swings that way.

There is the sacred and the profane. Rituals and ceremony are a way to create a time and a space for the sacred.
I'd rather not die while in terror, horror, or extreme pain.
But I do not fear death, in fact, I am excited by the idea.
IJesusChrist a dit:
I'd rather not die while in terror, horror, or extreme pain.
But I do not fear death, in fact, I am excited by the idea.

Hi IjesusChrist. welcome back:)

I do not know if i am excited by the idea? I mean is excited the right word for it?
Death is a fact of life.
At this moment i do not wish to die.
I think i want to get very old. I do not want to live or die in terror horror or extreme pain.

When i think about death i do not only think of my own death. I now i am to die some day and my loved ones will also pass away some day. I am not excited about losing my loved ones. I know it is inevitable.
It,s the losing the letting go that is the hardest. Death is Always with us. Death walks along with us on our path.
Fear is just one emotion, death confronts us with a spectrum of emotions.