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Je m'inscris!

Blotter that did not work at all-how's that possible?


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
The title says it. There only was the body load lasting ~8 hours plus mild headache, but absolutely no visual/mental effects. Other people using exactly the same batch did perfectly fine, under the same set and setting.
What could contribute to that? Have never experienced this...


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
what kinds of substances was your body metabolizing at the time? How recently have you tripped, and can you trust the source to have provided 100% the same thing to you and your allies?

The only time I have experienced something along these lines was on DXM. During the day I had consumed about a box and a half of wheat thins crackers with tomato and basil powder on top of them. I forget what the dose was, something around two bottles. but all I felt was body load, plus minor light sensitivity then bam, the next day I had a migraine headache all day long and puked up what looked like thick delicious pizza sauce, (Thank you wheat thins)