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Ayahuasca, P. viridis, B caapi. First time prep.


Matrice périnatale
18 Mar 2013
I've never made or taken Ayahuasca before. I just bought 100 g of P. viridis in powder form and 100g B. caapi, cut and sifted. I've been reading various different ways of preparing this mix, but none describe using P. viridis in it's powder form or say if the brew is dosed for one person or many.

The only two people that will be taking it will be me and my girl and we don't want to do too much at first we want to just put our feet in the water before we decide to swim.

Is there anyone that can suggest the best way to brew?


8 Avr 2013
Dude, I have a number of questions to this?
Are you aware of the diet needed to be followed, no sugar, no salt, no dairy, no pork for atleast a week before? Ayahuasca can be fatal otherwise!
Are you aware that no sex is needed a week before or the plant spirit will run you ragged on the journey? She is the queen of the jungle and is a very serious journey not to be taken likey.
Personally for me aI have been working witha shaman and tribe in the Amazon with ayahuasca and she still kicked my arse. As for brewing singing Icaro's into the brew are recommended as these are healing songs in the language of the plants (shipibo) and also a sign of respect to the plant spirit.
This may seem a bit excessive but beleive me I'm sure if you see your own death, relive every painful experience of your life and literally become terrified to the point you have actually died because you have not followed the suggestions you'll thank me.
None the less she is a beautiful healing spirit but it's definately not like Psilocybin, LSD, LSA, 2-CB or even mescaline. Although I always perform a ceremony with the plants spirits of mescaline too.
If I could go bk I would definitely have smoked DMT before I drunk ayahuasca. I have drunk ayahuasca about 10 tens and it is unpredictable everytime and almost impossible to navigate.

Hope this helps man,


Matrice périnatale
18 Mar 2013
yeah it helps, I'm aware of preparing yourself for it and also it's intensity. Was looking for a dosage reccomendation though, because I'm not doing it to get high.


8 Avr 2013
I'm really not sure of the dosing but I'm sure there is info online. Try Erowid, they are usually spot on. Hope the healing go's well, glad to hear of more people looking to heal through plants. It's fantastic! :-)
