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auditory vs visionary


Elfe Mécanique
17 Oct 2003
hi, i was wondering what all of you like most in mushroom experiences : the visionary or the auditory states. I myself have never been very visually gifted. not in real life, not in my dreams, not in my trips. if you ask me to imagine something e.g. a oak standing in a forest, i end up with some sort of uncertain tree, but i can imagine hearing his leaves, i can hear the sound of the forest and the wind.
in high-dosage mushroomtrips i have strong experiences with voice(s). this voice has helped in a way no human being could ever manage to do, it's like a lifeguide (or a guardian angel if you wish). there's a study done on this : Listening for the Logos where more than 1/3 of the participants experience it, and still i never hear anyone talk about this auditory state of tripping, except for some rare individuals. everyone is full of visions and colors and moving particles and so on, but never do you hear them mentioning hearing a voice between their 2 ears. well, my opinion is that it doensn't come from within the head, it has told me things i didn't know beforehand, so.
my first auditory experiences with mushrooms date from long time ago, but at that time i was afraid of it, and told it to leave me alone, and that's what it did. a couple of years ago i started experiments with syrian rue and mushrooms, and the voice came back, more pronounced, more clearly, and it didn't freak me out, when time passed i learnt to communicate with it. I can now trigger this phenomenon without the use of syrian rue, with mushrooms alone. I have also experienced auditory telepathy with living humans, male and female, using high dosages.
maybe it's a weird thing to say, but maybe the visionary state is just a side-effect? well, not really a side-effect but more like a pre-effect.
also, does anyone know what blind or deaf people are experiencing using mushrooms?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
About the blind or the deaf I cant tell you anything, but you can read about colorblindness in erowid, about LSD.
Let me se if I can get the URL... wait...

Here it is, so you can read about it:

LSD & Color Blindness

About the visionary or the auditory sensations, I had this kind of conversation one of these days, when I was tripping with my girlfriend, using philosophers’ stones.
Actually, I'm a more visual-trip kind of guy. But I suppose the reason for that is because I’m a very visual person. I study architecture, and therefore, for me is very easy to visualize something, and I can imagine all the kinds of images and stuff. When I’m tripping hard, with LSD or shrooms, I see a lot o patterns, and that is very normal with this kind of trips. But I had talked about it with many persons that had used LSD and shrooms, and I think that I can see more than them. It’s not the quantities of visions that I have, but the extreme details that I see. I don’t think I can explain easily, but is like seeing everything to the microscope, seeing every atom, every particle, and be capable of changing it as I please. Many times I see myself imagining and visualizing extremely detailed landscapes, buildings, even monsters and stuff, it’s great.
About sounds, well, sometimes I really give more importance to sound and music. But I never had an experience like you, I don’t ear voices… but I really enjoy the music. It seems to be more profound, more complete, more breathtaking… The music becomes somewhat heavenly. All is beautiful… that’s why I love to trip…


Elfe Mécanique
17 Oct 2003
i don't mean that i don't enjoy the visuals of trips, i notice distortions in sight, bright colors and fractal patterns, and i also see real things on to the atomic level (well, not really of course). it's just that those visuals always seem the same to me, they don't seem to evolve over the years and i can't give them direction like you do. i see them now as introduction for what's going to happen further down the trip. if the visuals are very pronounced, i may expect a meeting, if they are less strong, then it sticks to visuals... and feelings of course...


Alpiniste Kundalini
1 Déc 2002
Hello!Well,as for me,my trips are normally very visual filled.Usually my visuals are very influenced by the environment in wich i am tripping and a lot by the music,so much that when i trip at home,i enjoy switching from style to style of music just to experience diferent feelings,if i'm in nature somewhere,i might see from animals that aren't really there to creatures(not evil ones)apearing from plants,and no music is needed since nature itself sings its own melodies.I had an amazing experience,once on a new year's party,on the beach at night,we were walking and looking at the sky and saw faces and drawings on the clouds,under a beautifull full moon.I personally don´t think about visuals while i'm tripping i just...let them appear and flow.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
I've seen some animal ins clouds as well, but not with LSD, only with P. Tampanesis, hehehe.
I also love to chance music during the trip, but once, I was triping with p. Cubensis and one friend changed the music from ambient, chill-out to Ricky Martin... It was horrible... really. It's not because of the music itself, but instead, because of the kind of music, that in my way of seeing it, it's very negative, always talking about relationships, pain, and that kind of stuff...
After awile, we changed again to trance, full on, and it was amazing again...
Everyday I like trance more, and less the rest... it's so nice, so positive, so "in the mood"...
For me, it's the perfect music to trip, as well as ambient, and I eally like to trip earing sphongle... it's great!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
But actually, the place were I like the most to trip in on the beach, during the sunset, with warm weather... earing the sea and the waves. To have some tower to be laid down on the sand, have something to eat and drink, and my girl...
These things are all from my "perfect" scenario to trip, and when I can, I try to do it. I have the advantage to do it many times (weather permiting) because I live by the beach, and I just have to drive for 1 or 2 minutes ti get there...

Do you guys have a "special" environment or place where you love to trip?


Elfe Mécanique
17 Oct 2003
yeh, i love the woods at night, really magical


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
I have to try some weekend by the riverside, with lot of trees, a beautifull sky full of stars, a glowing moon, and a fireplace... a couple of blankets, a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate, and some LSD... or shrooms, for all that matters... Here in Portugal we have nice rivers, with beautifull landscapes, very inviting for this kind of experiences...


Elfe Mécanique
17 Oct 2003
i saw the pics of where BOOM is taking place, i would surely like to trip in an environment like that, great pics btw.
on the sea must also be great, from what i heard water is ideal for DMT, i will do this if i get the opportunity.
were you ever able to change the clouds at will? this occured to me twice.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
I never had control over the clouds, but I've read here in this forum about some guy who could... you should try to find that post... If I find it, I'll tell you.
About DMT, I would love to try it, but I can't get any around here...


Elfe Mécanique
17 Oct 2003
you can order a great deal of dmt containing plants on ******* and if needed make an extract yourself to obtain smokable dmt, it's not that difficult at all. i'm not a chemist and have done it once with phalaris i picked myself and it was great. i suppose this plant also grows in portugal, or just take the plant material orally together with maoi's, like it's been used for thousands of years.


Matrice périnatale
20 Juil 2003
so there are more people who visit the forests at night while tripping /forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
when the trip is going to get less heavy i always get that irristeble feeling to go to the forest and feel the forces of it.especialy the tree`s giving me so much strenght.
but a friend of my is very scared for the forests while tripping.but he don`t like nature at al.. /forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Elfe Mécanique
17 Oct 2003
it's especcially great when it's full moon, i take my sleeping bag with me in the forest, when i come down i can take a little rest and then watch the sun come up. in one word : fantastic!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
But ingesting DMT is very different than smoking it. I can buy ayahuasca which contains DMT, and I did bought it, but all articles say that smoked DMT is the most intense hallucinogenic experience. I can get "oral" DMT, but I can't get any DMT to "smoke".


Elfe Mécanique
17 Oct 2003
yep, it's quite hard to find smokeable dmt, but once in a while you may stumble upon it.
aren't you into kitchen chemistry?


Alpiniste Kundalini
1 Déc 2002
Yeah,i'm another night woods tripper,i love our landscapes in Portugal,specially under a beautifull full moon,pure and magical... /forum/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forum/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forum/images/graemlins/cool.gif.My favorite landscapes & places to trip so far are,Gerês(portugal) and Asturias(spain),special places to feel the natures pulse and feeling,as well as its amazing power and greatness...beautifull.
How can we extract DMT from any of its sources,wich is the best way and source? /forum/images/graemlins/think.gif


Elfe Mécanique
26 Mai 2003
DMT it´s a fucken damm experience!
We aren´t all prepared for that!
Once u smoke it gets printed in your head and soul for all your life!
Many cannot return, others like the experience but do not repeatet often and some do it all the time! /forum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Once in while friends of mine get crystal DMT! ( 1gr- 300€)!
But 1 gr can get 10 freaks K.O.!

My advice is read it about, talk to friends that have did DMT and take it easy or else u can stay forever in the world of bending souls, color refluxs and state of paranoia! /forum/images/graemlins/demon.gif


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
Uaua, that looks to be soooooooo nice /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
But I never stumbled in any dmt... maybe one day, who knows.
Can you talk more about dmt experiences?


Alpiniste Kundalini
1 Déc 2002
Now i got really CURIOUS.Yeah,can you share some more experiences,or explain that paranoia thing better?thanks.