avevo recuperato un po' di roba su un post di oberon :/ dovrei avere la voglia di incollare qua le informazioni
benebene, nessuno ha mostrato interesse per questo thread, ma io ho comprato dei semi di argemone che a breve dovrebbero arrivare, e dato che mi sto scimmiando con programmi di editor molecolari, i componenti attivi dell'argemone sono sostanzialmente 3: berberina, protopina e la tossica sanguinorina.
Berberina (i colori indicano la polarità della molecola)
con un momento dipolare di 86,514 D risulta solubile in solvente polare
Voir la pièce jointe 11067
Berberine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
momento dipolare di 3,356 praticamente insolubile
Voir la pièce jointe 11070
Protopine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
altamente tossica ma presente solamente nei semi! la cito lo stesso perchè come appena detto è altamente tossica, quindi se bisogna lavorare con la pianta meglio starci attenti (berberina e protopina sono nella linfa)
momento dipolare di 97,239
Voir la pièce jointe 11071
Sanguinarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nella linfa non c'è sanguinarina, ma se proprio si vuole stare sicuri, via di estrazione in acqua recuperando la protopina che non si discioglie...
sono infogato perso, aspetto i semi con impazienza per test pratici
Argemone mexicana resin, 0.1g to 0.3g approximately eated, down tongue and after eated. Efects:
-Good feelings
-Extensive pupils, real!
-You feel assurance, with talkativeness
-mix with MJ, blue lotus or Kratom is perfect,
but argemone resin without mixing is to very very good efects
-Very tempter, danger of addiction I think, it sits very very very well
efects "negatives":
-Small nausea probably, not important u_u very low
-if you going to work, umm better a coffe ^^, argemone perfect to weekends
"Well SWIM just put a small amount of argemone resin under his tounge, approximately 100mg he suppose, and it gave some relaxing effects. Curiously enough he also had some vivid visions appearing, though not sure if that had to do with the argemone or not but it seems likely, and then he fell asleep and had some interesting lucid dreams / visions where he was awake and aware and knew he was dreaming and could control the environment and was surprised of how real it looked and felt - among other things he had some naughty times with some chicks there - and some other interesting dreams.
As a sidenote, he also had an apparently psychic experience just before consuming the argemone, as he was in bed dreaming that the post man came with a package of good stuff, and while dreaming this the door bell suddenly rang and there was the postman with the goodies