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Age to start exploring mushrooms


Matrice périnatale
14 Août 2009
Would it be too early for a 16-year old to start experimenting with mushrooms? Would it interupt any development in my brain or body? If that's too young, what age would you reccomend?


Glandeuse pinéale
17 Juin 2009
This is very hypocritical for me to say but i would really really advise that you wait till your 22-25 before you start drugs. I started at 16 and ran into a world of trouble with some drugs, but thats me and im not suggesting you will be nearly as suspectible. I dont know much about mushrooms specifically. But decide for yourself as to what the best course of action is.


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Mar 2009
physically it won't be damaging, but it can be very intense mentally/psychologically and it might make you conscious of things you wouldn't want to be conscious of beforehand. We don't know you, and we cannot predict the effects of the mushrooms on you, but if you decide to try them, make sure you look up some tips on proper use (there are topics on this forum, I thnk under general psychonautics), this will give you an idea of the effect it can have on you and the dangers involved.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
I tried to get acid when I was 16, never succeeded to find it. At age 22 I had my first acid trip, at age 23 my first mushroom trip (and many more afterwards). In hindsight I am happy that I didn't do it earlier because I think I was not ready for it at age 16. But it's personal, very depending on the mental development of the person at that time.

If you feel you have to ask if you should wait, I guess you know the answer already. It's a decision you can only make for yourself. Things to consider would be 'how stable am I', 'How is my familiy life?', 'will I be able to provide to myself a safe environment where I can do these things wiithout being interupted by unknowing parents?'.

Also in my opinion it's wise to read up as much as possible about the safety of these things. Be well informed.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
I started around the same time as you. I think it is totally dependent on your culture. In shamanic cultures 14 year olds are drinking Ayahuasca or eating a few buttons of peyote. It will affect to development of the brain, for the good. But living in this western type culture, it would be a bad development, as our culture is completely opposite to the shamanic type culture. My advise would be to get rooted in life a little more. Learn from life, learn to be still, and have a solid experience when you think you are ready. Listen to the heart,

peace, love & light


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
I agree with user1919.

Myself I never did anything prior to the age of 20, only one night with alcohol at my 18th but apart from that occasion I'm a total abstainer from it. Started with MDMA and weed when I was nearly 21.

I did try plenty of psychoactives in my 20's and I do believe this 'late age' was very beneficial for various reasons even though it was coincidence, I more or less had passed my youth and was about to fall into a confined life. Ha, fortunately cannabis changed direction for a further profound romance which will hopefully only end once I pass away. :P

It seemed it wouldn't have served me if I had encountered it all earlier, at sober levels as a teen my sensorium was already a more extended than most with an awareness of it.

Times are gone for honest men in many area's, that's what you have to keep in mind.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Oct 2007
1 022
I'd say you could wait till you are 18, read a lot about mushrooms and tripping in general, find a good spot to trip (outside nature whit 2 and max. 4 people including you) prepaire youre mind and body, a lot of people don't eat hours before tripping, this doesn't work for me I'm 23years old and weigh round 57kilograms for a couple of years now. Imagine what happens when I don't eat for a long time, yes I turn into a very grumpie mrvn lol. Eat something, not much but just to get something in the stomach. It will make you feel better.
Make sure you get some fruit to eat while tripping, this will be like heaven jummie!

But all I and all the other members can do, is giving you advise. You just have to use youre common sense and listen to oneselve. When you think you are ready, well there's only one way to find out for sure, and thats taking them. As long as you are well prepaired and feel good about youreselve there's noting to worrie about. Enjoi!! (this is the best advise I've got for you, enjoi it)

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
You specifically mention mushrooms, so it sounds like you've got a preference for natural substances, which is a good sign. I guess you've also read up on their shamanic history. If not, do an internet search for Maria Sabina, as well as Richard Evans Schultes. There are some books on ayahuasca which can be a good preparation for using mushrooms. Also Aldous Huxley's descriptions of the psychedelic experience in Doors of Perception and Heaven & Hell are good to read beforehand. These people used psychedelics responsibly and lived productive lives, so if you're a young student, you can learn a lot from them. Check out MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, and see what they're doing in different academic fields.

As far as having the experience is concerned, I can't say whether 16 is the right age or not. I was 17 when I had my first experiences, and I'm glad I had the opportunity. My first trips were done without much knowledge however, so if you've got the chance, take your time to read up about all this.

When you have your first experience, it might be preferable to stay inside, so as already mentioned, make sure unknowing parents can't bump into your session. It's also a good idea to ask a trusted friend to remain sober while you have your first experience. He can hand you a drink every now and then and passively, silently be there for you, or actively when needed, for example to help you go outside towards the end of the trip, to a nice park or something like that.

What do your parents think about psychedelics, or related things like psychology, shamanism and spirituality?


Matrice périnatale
14 Août 2009
Thanks everyone for the advice.

Thank you for the suggested reading. My parents always look at me sideways when I talk about spirituality. I tried to talk to them about not following the christian religion and it just angered them. I would think that they would have the same reaction if I talked about shamanism. I havent talked to them about psychedelics, but they caught me using marijuana and it didn't go over well. Needless to say, I still use it because they can't stop me from exploring myself.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
If your parents don't know anything about these things yet, it might be best to just learn to get along without trying to educate them. There must be at least some basis, but if currently they are devout christians, it's probably useless to discuss these things with them, especially psychedelics. Better just learn to get along with eachother the best you can, and enjoy the things you can enjoy together.

By the way, since you mentioned both, keep your explorations of cannabis and mushrooms separate. Cannabis has a strong odor, so it attracts attention. If where you live cannabis is illegal, keep it out of the building during mushroom sessions. Be safe, and thus relaxed. 8)