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Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
Because I can't reply in this topic: http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... 45&lang=en

I do it here. :)

Well, I used Ritalin and Concerta for half a year and it's not worth it. In the beginning it seems like a miracle, but after a while it gave me the side effects of speed. Im off Ritalin for half a year now and i'm feeling alive again!

I do a lot of sport now, that's the best!

I still have a lot of packages ritalin and concerta here, but i'm not gonna use it again!


kékidit ????
nan pasque je viens de terminer les 280 cp de ritaline du moi en une semaine donc si ten as en trop fait peter , chuis prio g une ordooooo XD

et sinon ..... kestuveux la ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Doods, this is the English section.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
to HappyMind:

What made you think you need medication in the first place? Did you feel unwell?

If you say that in the end you felt good - can you attribute this to the medication?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
His parents probably put him on it.

My friend has a theory that these ADHD pills are causing stunted growth. (I just tell him its probably mal-nutrition) but who knows.

Also, yeah these drugs are basically speed. They are close enough, and effects are similar. I would say limit use to only when you really need to concentrate. Tests, studying, etc. They are very very useful but fucking pharmacologists decided hey, its 'safe enough' to use every day, why don't we just do that?!

Truth is some drugs, especially mind-altering should never be taken day to day. Glad to see your coming off and loving it! Thats a very awesome thing :o

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
I also do have adhd/add and have experimented a period with ritalin medicines. Like Happymind says, in the beginning it feels great, but in the end it works in the exact opposite way. This is not only my experience, but the experience of LOTS of people who have tried it for a period of time.

Restin a dit:
What made you think you need medication in the first place? Did you feel unwell?

On a certain age, i realised that in a unexplainable way, my brains seemed to work different. Of course i can't proof this, but a lot of research have been done and it looks like the brains do indeed process in a different way.

Is this a problem? No, not really. But it becomes a problem if society asks you to behave and go trough life in the same way as others do that don't have adhd. This is just impossible, i mean, you can't expect that someone who spends his life in a wheel chair, because of a problem in his brains, that he suddenly stands up and walks away because society expects this from him. In that same way, you can't expect from someone with adhd, to act and use there brains in the same way as others seem to do.

Is it a disorder? Not if you ask me, tough living with symptoms that look like those of adhd, can make things very hard to accomplish. But if there where not so much expectations and if i could live my life as i wanted to live. You wouldn't hear me complain :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
It's a dutch website: http://www.zielenknijper.nl/ But it has tons of articles stating how ADHD seems to be a fraud, and how dangerous it seems to be to ingest Ritalin and other attention deficit disorder meds.

I am still wondering what the cure for adhd would be, in a society that works so different, that lots of people with adhd can't fully enjoy life. It's just always a chaos, you automatically forget lots of important things and run against TONS of problems that causes a lot of stress. Especially because people without adhd can't understand how it feels to have adhd.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
Can you somehow...describe the *difference* you feel? I am just very curious.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
restin a dit:
Can you somehow...describe the *difference* you feel? I am just very curious.

Hmm, i shall give it a try. But it is the same thing, as explaining to others, how it feels to have a psychedelic experience :)

There are various symptoms, but for me the hardest part is to direct my thoughts. To me it feels as if i am driving a car, but somehow i am not the one who decides which direction i am going. In other words, today i can decide what i am going to do tomorrow, but when i wake up i just can't realize the things that i have planned to do, even if it are things that i like and really would enjoy to do. Because i just can't feel the motivation i should need to do that what i want/must do.

Then there is the chaos in my head. I just can't categorize/organise my thoughts, and think about multiple things at the same time. It's also hard to direct my focus. For example if i am cooking, i can't handle more then one cooking pan. It's like the time is going a way to fast to handle more then multiple things at the same time.

Then there are also this moments that i just can't sit still when i need to sit still. It's so damn frustrating. If i experience something like this, then it doesn't matter where i am or how important it is, i will just leave for having a walk, even if it means that it does cause trouble. If they would just give me the time to walk around for a couple of minutes, only then i would be able to sit still for a while.

I really forget everything you can imagine and constantly need to write things down, which of course i also forget. I can't for example, having a list in my mind, with the things i should do that day at home. Because when i have finished the second job, i have already have forgotten what the other things are.

Then there are the moments that i am overloaded with to many thoughts/idea's, and become frustrated/irritated and are very itchy. Which also causes small moments of depression, because i just don't know what the think/do or feel. But this doesn't happen as often then i experienced 10 years ago.

I need to spend LOTS of time at my own. I just can't spend the whole day with the same person.

Well i could go on endlessly, but it is something that i think you must experience it to fully understand. But unless adhd is a fraud, it does exist and causes LOTS of problems in our society. Especially because the people who are living with the adhd symptoms are increasingly growing.

But its just impossible to live life in the same way as others seem to do.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
okay, thanks a lot. :wink: I really appreciate that.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
A very good docu on the subject of adhd and psychotropic drugs for children:

"The Drugging of our Children" by Gary Null:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 5493&hl=en

you are really not going to believe what you see and hear (like a school forcing a mother to put her kid on drugs because some school advisor said he needs them)


Elfe Mécanique
20 Fev 2009
ADHD, yet another neurological condition that is not fully understood by society.

And having a neurological condition myself ( schitzopherina) it some times really burns me up that people expect you to function day to day in the same way as they do.
but that's a another story.

chemical imbalances can really be tough to deal with even with medication. i thought your explanation was good there were many symptoms commen to skitz i found it interesting.

adhd medications are potent inhibitors of the presynaptic norepinephrine transporter they also target doapmine which is were I think the commen symptoms occur.
if that makes sense!

but i've read that there are newer drugs that are non stimulant but may increase suicide thoughts.

glad to hear all is well.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
The so-called disorder called 'ADHD' is 100 % fraud!

I really recommend those who do not believe that read this book--and also checkout the history of psychiatry, and the other bogus 'diseases/disorders' they claim are biologically caused:

The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes "Patients" of Normal Children , Fred Baughman MD
http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=3R4X ... t&resnum=6


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
The so-called disorder called 'ADHD' is 100 % fraud!
well, it's not a disorder but a condition.

(I didn't watch your vids yet.)


Elfe Mécanique
17 Sept 2008
ADD/ADHD is a way of doctors telling parents why their child is different from the others, and then so they throw medication at them; in turn making big pharma companies very rich. I was prescribed Adderall at a fairly young age. I started off by having to take Concerta also. It made me zombie like, and really freaked me out ( my first drug experience). I was prescribed to Adderall for maybe 2 years of my youth. I had roughly 4-5 episodes of amphetamine induced psychosis due to taking the Adderall, again all before having any of my own drug experiences. I seem to have some sort of sensitivity to all drugs, even cold medications.

Fuck Pills.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
FluidDruid a dit:
ADD/ADHD is a way of doctors telling parents why their child is different from the others, and then so they throw medication at them; in turn making big pharma companies very rich. I was prescribed Adderall at a fairly young age. I started off by having to take Concerta also. It made me zombie like, and really freaked me out ( my first drug experience). I was prescribed to Adderall for maybe 2 years of my youth. I had roughly 4-5 episodes of amphetamine induced psychosis due to taking the Adderall, again all before having any of my own drug experiences. I seem to have some sort of sensitivity to all drugs, even cold medications.

Fuck Pills.

I pretty much believe the one psychiatrist in the docu (the link posted above) who says that there actually is a condition called adhd, and it might need very well monitored medication - but by far most of the indications today are false, these kids mostly don't have adhd, they wouldn't need medication to begin with, but they're given medication without close supervision and in too high doses.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
ADHD doesn't exist. People think if a kid can't focus, he/she needs to be strapped down and medicated. Kids are supposed to be all over the place. Stop medicating kids.

I'm glad you're off that horrid drug.