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Je m'inscris!

A stupid one, but still wanna know your opinion


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
When SWIY takes a full dose, how aware is he of his body and his environment?

Btw 350mg's in a joint. 40/50mg's is the starting point for a full dose. Putting 350mg's in a joint where a lot of it just is wasted because of this way of using it and claiming a full experience on DMT either means SWIY has extremely low tolerance of, isn't comparing the experience to a full dose.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
http://www.erowid.org/plants/mimosa/mim ... try1.shtml

http://www.*******.nl/smartshop/psyched ... ema_preta/

;) You don't have to be Shulgin.

Does anyone know or there's any info on shooting DMT IV? After all, extracted cocaine can be shooted too. This is even a step further than smoking cocaine.

The pure DMT is rapidly absorpted because all can reach your blood at once through the lungs when based. But IVing it would be insane.

I'm gonna try to purchase the material and substances for DMT extraction, as far as I know, they are all legal here.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Reports from the field suggest that IV is not as intense as smokiing. It was even suggested to Rick Strasman by Terence to go smoking route and not IV.

Personally putting a needle in myself to adminster a substance, is a border I don't (want to) cross.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
Yeah, in DMT: The Sprit Molecule, they were used the route of IV, and they needed a high dose to 'break through'. So smoking you need less than an IV.


25 Fev 2008
HeartCore a dit:
When SWIY takes a full dose, how aware is he of his body and his environment?

Btw 350mg's in a joint. 40/50mg's is the starting point for a full dose. Putting 350mg's in a joint where a lot of it just is wasted because of this way of using it and claiming a full experience on DMT either means SWIY has extremely low tolerance of, isn't comparing the experience to a full dose.

When swim takes a full dose, his awareness of body and so called world dissolves into a different structure of reality...sometimes he only have the chance to appreciate beautiful buildings, forms of life, and beautiful colourful and intricate existences...or experiences...

But some times he really have the opportunity to go further, not only into other reality to his senses, but into a formless dimension of oneness with the whole universe...and that out of the mind place, out of reason ( i.e. ego ), is where he most likes to adventure at with his very spiritual friend dimitri.

350 may seam a lot, and maybe swim and his friends got super tolerant over time, but if you consider that this one joint can take 5 ppl right out there, more then once, its no so much...but still like i said, its not the more economical way for it...

but i thought that since this info doesnt go along with the status quo, and since swim have experienced it personally, it would be a nice info to share here...

hope I`m not getting off topic...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"i bought a ph meter but it kinda didn't work.So I just eyeballed 1/2 of a tablespoon of NaHCO3 and added to the olution..and BAM!It all turned extremely greasy, with a color of coffee with milk. How come? it was almost crystal clear when I finished the filtering.Now it looks...well...scary! "

Yep that can be a bit very strange . The liquid looked clean untill the base made the water and fat parts separate . I have had terible problems with fats . Sometimes it seemed like i couldnt get rid of them , no mater how many times i washed it with benzin it just kept pushing fat out . It seems to me that it is probably best to seperate the fat out before cooking the mixture down , but that can be a pain if you have a big quantity to wash .

" then rolling a joint from a plant with a MAOI"

That wouldnt/shouldnt make any/much diference . The MAOIs make DMT oraly active , they cant have any/much effect on smoked DMT .


Swirmbiptbse told me that swim is realy you . ( Swirmbiptbse = Someone Who Is Realy Me But Is Pretending To Be Someone Else ) .

"what Swim knows is that Dimitri splifs works like a wonder just with the good old tobbaco... "

Swirmbiptbse also told me that that is right . Exept the bit with "good old" !!!!!


I dont want to split hairs but....................... nobody smokes anything !!! , its allways vaporised . The main diference between what we call vaporisation and smoking is the amount of heat used . Vaporising is distilling , at best , with the llowest posible temperature . Smoking is when the drug gets vaporised as the heat of the burning part is drawn over the rest of the drug . Burning is more destructive because the heat destroys some of the drug as you "smoke" it and because you breath in some of the burning products = fats , tars and gasses . It seems that DMT "needs" to be smoked with something so that it has some place/time to expand to make its take up easyer . Some people i know say that its all in the way you take a pull , that with tobaco you can sometimes get a realy good hit with one pull and that with vaporising sometimes it takes three pulls . As far as i know there is no DMT tolerance or build up resistance .

Banisteriopsis Caapi contains S-carbolins , mainly Harmin and Harmalin wich should/could have no , or very little , effects when smoked with DMT .

"When SWIY takes a full dose, how aware is he of his body and his environment? "

Good question !!! As far as i am concerned he should not be aware of his body or his suroundings , if he is he hasnt had a full dose .

"Does anyone know or there's any info on shooting DMT IV?"

Yes its hard and fast . If you look for information about clinical studys you will see that they were done with IV and IM doses . Stephen Szara did the first tests with pure DMT in 1957 using injections . Tim Leary and Humphry Osmond have published reports about them trying IM DMT . A.Shulgin describes the effects of 15 - 30 mg IV doses of DMT in his book TIHKAL . He said "I was hit harder than i had ever been when smoking the stuff . The onset was similar , but the euphoria was less"



25 Fev 2008
GOD a dit:

Swirmbiptbse told me that swim is realy you . ( Swirmbiptbse = Someone Who Is Realy Me But Is Pretending To Be Someone Else ) .

"what Swim knows is that Dimitri splifs works like a wonder just with the good old tobbaco... "

Swirmbiptbse also told me that that is right . Exept the bit with "good old" !!!!!


Indead...and pardon me...tabacco isnt good for anyone...not even for those who are already addicted to it...But for those adicted it unfortunatly feels sooo good...LOL

Btw I loved the Swirmbiptbse definition...