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Je m'inscris!

A stupid one, but still wanna know your opinion


Elfe Mécanique
2 Nov 2006
Somewhere I read about some smokeable extract that australian shamans used. It was a mix of dmt and maoi and the site claimed that induces a hallucinatory state that lasts for an hour or more.

Anyone knows what is this substance called?*

It sounds like it could be produced by boiling dmt containing material and collecting the tar. Could it be that australians learned how to freebase it?
Or is it just that effects of dmt could be more intense because of smoked maoi? Maybe the tar is realy weak but if maoi is added the efects are stong enough.

@daytripper: If you can make sinicuichi tea (never experimented with the herb), you can make a water extract. I tried it with hops. Made strong tea, strained and let it evaporate slowly (high temperature would probalily destroy the active compounds.). It had a simmilar efect to a alcohol extract with the same amount of hops.

*found it. It is called changa. link: http://forums.mycotopia.net/dmt-spice/12180-anyone-ever-hear-changa.html


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
haven't heard of natives smoking dmt. Yes, I know that this way it'll be impure and apparently not smokable..just doing this out of curiosity.i will try to make it more basic by adding some NaHCO^3, as phalaris had advised.
By the way, how much of it should I use?
:roll: Will one tablespoon be ok?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
By the way, how much of it should I use?
Will one tablespoon be ok?

If you want to be accurate, you would have to check the pH of your tap water, as well as the plant material solution.

But as a quick experiment you can try:

(1) - First dry the solution to dryness under mild heating. This step is to find out how much extract you really have. Do this on a hot water bath or heat lamp with ventilation. Most likely 'dry' will mean: sticky and oily dark goo.

(2) - Mix in NaHCO3 ~1/10 of the weight of the crude extract.
add a little bit of warm water to partially redissolve and homogenize the mixture.

(3) - same as (1)

(4) - scrape from plate.

(5) - smoke from glass pipe.

(6) - cough your lungs out.

(7) - potential liftoff into hyperspace.

This is a somewhat similar to baking crack cocaine.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
soper: could it possible be Yopo seeds?


yopo seeds weren't smoked, but they were sniffed after being mixed with crushed shells.
is there a way to snort dmt, like if one was snorting cocaine ? it might help for those who don't like to smoke.


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
I'll check the zoo store nearby..I recalll obtaining ph meters there when I used to mess with aquariums :)


Elfe Mécanique
2 Nov 2006
@user_1919: "It is made by mixing 1-part dried caapi leaf with 2-parts alcohol-extracted resin from Acacia (Obtusifolia?) bark."

Have no idea what alcohol-extracted resin is supposed to mean. Resin != freebase DMT?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
I have never heard of such a thing. Isn't caapi the vine though? Or does it have active chemicals in the leaves it produces also? Be a cool experiment to try.

Hopefully I will be studying these types of mixtures in the near future, as I want to go into studying psychactive plants. :D



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
daytripper a dit:
yopo seeds weren't smoked, but they were sniffed after being mixed with crushed shells.
is there a way to snort dmt, like if one was snorting cocaine ? it might help for those who don't like to smoke.

I've heard taking DMT nasal truely works. I've tried a tiny bit once, but it burns like hell...


entheonaut, it really works. but be sure to lose a little time learning the variety of your seeds. i cannot recall their names and i am too tired to search. it burns a little, but that's nothing compared to what you'll feel a minute later, if you snorted a high amount like i did. be sure to make a line, like you would do with coke. i made the mistake of crushing the seeds really into a fine, fine powder, then, i stuck a piece of a pen inside, and snorted my lungs out. man, it was a crazy afternoon. i have a review of that trip somewhere in the internet, don't know where, but it was in 2005, as long as i remember.
in that same week, i smoked it with some hashish with tobacco with a friend and it definitely did something to us. i am done with those seeds, nevermore!


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
but afaik yopo mostly contain Bufotenine [5-OH-DMT?], not DMT. Although there are some similarities found in the effects of these two, bufotenine, at least if taken intranasally, is of a much higher bodyload. Therefore I doubt that snorting yopo could be comparable to snorting DMT.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
afer how is the drying going?


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
I've just finished the filtering today.The liquid is finally free of any visible suspension and transparent, and after staying in the firdge there's no sediment forming on the bottom of the jar.
Tomorrow I'm going to add NaHCO3 and boil it down to a small volume.However, I'm still not sure about the drying technique....


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
Holy shit!!!!
i bought a ph meter but it kinda didn't work.So I just eyeballed 1/2 of a tablespoon of NaHCO3 and added to the solution..and BAM!
It all turned extremely greasy, with a color of coffee with milk. How come? it was almost crystal clear when I finished the filtering.Now it looks...well...scary! :?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
daytripper a dit:
entheonaut, it really works. but be sure to lose a little time learning the variety of your seeds. i cannot recall their names and i am too tired to search. it burns a little, but that's nothing compared to what you'll feel a minute later, if you snorted a high amount like i did. be sure to make a line, like you would do with coke. i made the mistake of crushing the seeds really into a fine, fine powder, then, i stuck a piece of a pen inside, and snorted my lungs out. man, it was a crazy afternoon. i have a review of that trip somewhere in the internet, don't know where, but it was in 2005, as long as i remember.
in that same week, i smoked it with some hashish with tobacco with a friend and it definitely did something to us. i am done with those seeds, nevermore!

I also have yopo seeds, but haven't tried those yet. I was accually talking about snorting N,N-DMT crystals, not the seeds. I reckon the seeds aren't that nice to snort, but snorting DMT crystals can be pretty nasty.

Excuse my off-topic posts by the way :wink:


25 Fev 2008
[/quote]I also have yopo seeds, but haven't tried those yet. I was accually talking about snorting N,N-DMT crystals, not the seeds. I reckon the seeds aren't that nice to snort, but snorting DMT crystals can be pretty nasty.

Excuse my off-topic posts by the way :wink:[/quote]

Swim have snorted the cristals...well it was very intense...and lasted longer...aprox 30 min...but he spent half the journey suffering from the incredible pain in his nostrils...
For him it was not really worthed...but he recons that if one doesnt like to smoke, this may be the best route...maybe also anally...but swim didnt venture in this direction yet...and not really planning on it...LOL

Take care !


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Somewhere I read about some smokeable extract that australian shamans used. It was a mix of dmt and maoi and the site claimed that induces a hallucinatory state that lasts for an hour or more.

The only thing that I read and that comes close to that, is that appaerently in Australia people found a way to smoke DMT in joints and and have it trigger a full DMT experience. The way they do it as I understand is by doing a DMT extration, then rolling a joint from a plant with a MAOI, mixing the DMT in it.

I never heard about a shamanic tradition of smoking DMT but I could be wrong.


25 Fev 2008
HeartCore a dit:
Somewhere I read about some smokeable extract that australian shamans used. It was a mix of dmt and maoi and the site claimed that induces a hallucinatory state that lasts for an hour or more.

The only thing that I read and that comes close to that, is that appaerently in Australia people found a way to smoke DMT in joints and and have it trigger a full DMT experience. The way they do it as I understand is by doing a DMT extration, then rolling a joint from a plant with a MAOI, mixing the DMT in it.

I never heard about a shamanic tradition of smoking DMT but I could be wrong.

Thats interesting...I wonder what sort of maoi plants they use there...what Swim knows is that Dimitri splifs works like a wonder just with the good old tobbaco...

he actually preffers it over vaporization cause he can control much better the journey and yet go as far as vaporizing...only downside is that its not the most economical way for using it...but for Swim its certainlly the nicest...



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
he actually preffers it over vaporization cause he can control much better the journey and yet go as far as vaporizing...only downside is that its not the most economical way for using it...but for Swim its certainlly the nicest...

Personally I tend to look at these reports somewhat sceptic because controlling a journey on DMT is a contradiction. Don't get me wrong, I think that SWIY has great experiences doing it that way but I really question if he ever had a full blown experience. To get a full experience your smoking technique is very important and with a joint, you just are unable to get there fully because you are simply not smoking enough, fast enough to deal with the tolerance which kicks in within a minute.

Don't get me wrong, half a DMT experience can be more overwhelming than a full mushroom of acid dose and can be very rewarding and a majority of psychonauts never come close to a full blown mushroom or DMT experience. A big questionaire done about dosing on shroomery over a year ago, strongly suggests this.

Now the smoking in combination with a MAOI, and I believe it was CAAPI but I am not 100% sure, could theoretically induce a full DMT experience because the MAOI seems to intensify the experience and you need less DMT so you basically get more loaded before tolerance kicks in. However reports of 'seasoned veterans' who tried 50-100mg doses vaporized multiple times and also smoking in combination with a MAOI using smaller amounts of DMT seem to suggest that it is quite impressive but not entirely breaking through.


25 Fev 2008
Hello heartcore,

Its interesting that you have pointed this out...Swim have for many years believed on that, and it was a big surprise for him to find out latter he was not right...

Actually when he started experimenting with it years ago he read all over the internet and in the literature about this resistence build-up factor, and also about how the dimitri got burned away ( literally ) and could not be really usefull with flames touching it instad of vaporizing...so he assumed then that the only way possible for experimenting with it would be by vaporizing...

For many years he vaporized and beleaved it was the only way to go...and he loved it...but eventually he came across a friend that insisted with much enthusiasm about the joint way...and so swim tryed thinking it would be a time and xtals waist...but for his surprise it wasnt...

He went astonished back to the web to try and find new references for this but he couldnt...and still today I dont know of any reffs in the web for this...

But the fact is that he found out that the so called build up resistance dont make much sense as he now spend as much as 12 hrs smoking, and could be longer doing it if he didnt always gets too tired after about 10 hrs sessions...

He doesnt experiment very often anymore, as he finds it very satiating and after one session he doenst feel the need for a while again but when he takes the opportunity to do it he does likes to go very far...

I think that what he means when he says that he can control better his journey, is that he can start smoother and go deaper progressively, and back very deep many times before hes tired.

This completely contradicts what he always read...but he knows it to be true from personal experience.

What swim likes to do is to roll a big joint, with 250-350 mg and smoke with up to 5 friends...this joint lasts for quite a long time as it normally goes off after one round as nobody can even hold it anymore by then.

He likes to start with 2 tokes in the first round...he says for a smooth transaction out of the reason...then he likes to take from 3 to 4 puffs in the next rounds, each time going total out of the body into the formless dimension...and repeat until hes tired...

Swim thinks that this way he can have many deep immersions and have oportunity to process the experience in between hes immersions

It may be that swim got sensitive to the molecule overtime, but it wouldnt make much sense as it works for all swim friends, even for his newbee friends when they experiment with it...the fact is that he can go as far with hes joints as he goes with the vapor

I`m sure he would also be very skeptical about that too, and he had to try for himself before believing it...so if one day you have the opportunity swim recommends the experience...

All and all I think it may be swims personal taste, and I`m sure some will still prefer the vapor after trying in the joint, as a few of swim friends still does...but its definitely a very strong, moving and worthwhile experience...

However Swim have never tryed the caapi other then in the aya...do you mean they use the leaves over in australia ? or some extraction ?

Anyone have experimented with smoking caapi leaves ?

I heard the leaves are also somewhat active...it really may work well in the joint and make it even stronger...oh god...one more interesting project to think about...


Peace !