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A Santo Daime experience on acid...

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
The following is my report of the trip I had the day before yesterday, Thursday, September 17 2009. The blotters were of unknown strength, but on the basis of a previous experiment with three blotters, I figured they were between 50 and 70 ug each.

Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Right now Venus is slowly moving into the sidereal zodiac sign Leo. I've scheduled a trip for next Thursday, the peak of which should occur around noon.
So everything went as planned. In the morning I made some final preparations (mattrasses in all the rooms of my house, some final cleaning and showering), drank a little Amanita tea, and at exactly 12:00 I placed the first four blotters on my tongue. I continued preparing a bit, and half an hour later took the fifth blotter. In the morning I had spoken with Kasia (the mother of my children), and she told me she would find it interesting if I called her when I'm tripping. A couple of months ago she started drinking ayahuasca twice or thrice a month, but has no experience with acid. I said I might, or might not, depending on my state of mind. We ended the conversation and I laid down in the dark. After a short while I drifted into a dreamy state and then realized I was tripping. I had some slowmotion visions of how I navigate and create existence by the use of the color spectrum, or something like that... In any case I was immersed in visions of rainbows. I had difficulty finding suitable music, and so decided to call Kasia instead, and after a short talk about the effects I was experiencing, I was quickly becoming quite disoriented as far as space and time were concerned,. When it became obvious that I couldn't really understand what was going on anymore, she got her Santo Daime songbook, and started reciting the following incantation, first a few lines in Portuguese (which I could understand), then in English:

Inside the infinite circle of the Divine Presence which completely surounds me, I affirm:

There is only one Presence here, it is Harmony, which makes all hearts vibrate with Joy and Happiness. Those who choose to enter here wil feel the vibration of the Divine Harmony.

There is only one Presence here, it is Love. God is Love, which embraces all beings in one feeling of unity. This place is filled with the presence of Love. In love I live, I move, I exist. Those who choose to enter here will feel the pure and holy presence of Love.

She continued with several more verses, about Justice etc. While she spoke those words, over and over in a very serious voice, it ceased to be the voice of my ex, but became the voice of God, or the Goddess. I immediately entered a luminous, sacred space, and then experienced a very overwhelming encounter with a very, very powerful and intelligent force I cannot possibly describe. When I realized this force had arranged it such that I experienced God and these unusual aspects of myself by the arrangement of my ex reciting a Santo Daime prayer to me, well, I was overjoyed and struck with awe. I understood the power that was invested in the incantation, and recognized it as a manifestation of the divine intelligence itself, and I understood that whoever wrote that incantation must have had very deep realizations. I saw my children as manifestations of this same cosmic arrangement. Every now and then I realized it was actually my ex speaking these verses to me from her living room, so exhilerated I urged her to continue. This must have taken place around 13:30, indeed right after the above-mentioned Venus transit. I guess it lasted about two or three minutes, but it was definitely the most intensely sacred experience I ever had in my life.

Notice the elements of Venus present in the peak experience: the voice of a woman reciting an incantation about Joy, Harmony, Love, Happiness and Justice, all qualities of Venus.

After a while I hung up the phone and the visions became quite a bit darker. I thought of the different kinds of suffering in the world, accidents, deformed limbs, pollution, old age, death and things like that. I didn't resist these images in any way, although when one of these thoughts or visions seemed to freeze to a standstill, I started feeling quite uncomfortable. There was no panic however, no getting up, no faster breathing or anything like that. Indeed, throughout this darker episode I was aware I had just experienced God in a marvelous way, so was feeling quite content.

But in my 'confusion' I did perceive myself in need of help, and somehow told Kasia "send help", and she then contacted my employer. And so twenty minutes later the phone rang and to my surprise it was Shroomlady, asking how I was doing. I said I was doing fine, and that I was surprised Kasia had contacted her. She told me that if I did feel uncomfortable, she/they would come over. I assured her I was fine, and laid down in the dark again, now putting on sitar music.

Of the above-mentioned prayer, most impressive to me was the line "Those who choose to enter here..." Whenever that was said I indeed entered a deeper, more illuminated space.

The rest of the trip I remained a bit gloomy, thinking about how much I crave for sacred experiences like the one I had just had. I had no sensuous or sensual feelings whatsoever. I remember looking up to the light above my head, and seeing a whole swarm of luminescent insects flying around it, only that in reality there were no insects there at all. Around 20:00 I listened to a lecture by Stan Grof for a couple of minutes, and then went to the park, where I sat for about half an hour listening to Hawkwind's Xenon Codex, amusingly but realistically mistaking an airplane for a UFO for a couple of seconds (Moon square Neptune: confusion).

Around 22:00 I felt sober again, but remained awake until about 2:00 in the morning.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Two things that came to my mind this morning (three days later):

- Although there were no sexual elements involved in the trip (not even a single image), I also realized that there had been no alien aspects either. Aside from the luminescent insects and the "UFO" in the park, both of which I knew were not real, there were no feelings of communicating with an alien intelligence or ending up in an alien world. It was all about the human world, this Earth, my family and God. But on ayahuasca and mushrooms I always seemed to contact some other, somewhat weird and alien dimension, and very often experienced sensual feelings and sensuous visions.

- Perhaps the gloominess was to be expected, because although my birth was relatively easy (nonlabour cesarian with general anaesthesia), I did experience a lack of physical contact and emotional presence in the first one or two weeks after my birth (in the hospital). So not only would it be good to plan the recital of sacred incantations during a future session, but also to make sure that during the peak I have the option of being held by a loving mother ("anaclytic therapy").

I wouldn't mind a higher dose. I think I'm ready to try 500 ug now. But I also want to plan a psilocybin trip again, to see if my trips in general are becoming less alien and sensual. I also feel much more attracted to the idea of ingesting ayahuasca in a sacred ritual.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
I took some of mushrooms the same day you took acid
We where was staying in a caravan in the south of Holland (Limburg).
Were back now

I took the mushrooms in the evening around 18.00.
The come on was a little hard. To much things where going to my mind.
I wanted a little peace of mind and started meditating trying to get into the trip.

Sometimes my meditation was successful and I started going of into trance
At one point I could see snakes swimming inside my blood stream.
I Listen to some music and felt completely relaxed while enjoying the setting sun.
At Another point my mind was going into directions I didn't like.
I had visions of concentration camps. I saw people being killed. Some died crying other died laughing. I was laughing at this horrible scene and someone shot me in the head. My body was dumbed on other corpses and started rotting. This all happened very fast and I was a little upset by it. I didn't freak out or anything.
Then I started meditating again to get out of these horrible visions and feelings. There was a hum and I started humming with it. Buddha and Maria,s appeared before me. Maria took care of me I could feel here presence all around me. Buddha looked me in the eye and transferred knowledge.
Something I can not put in words. Buddha and Maria calmed me and I sat up right. Inside me was a tree. My brain was the crown of the tree. The tree was full of birds. And glowed with a white light.
I let everything go and entered a very calm state.

Buddha and Maria are one. BuddhaMaria has become my new mantra. It helps me to get stay calm.

The rest of the trip I felt very calm.


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Sept 2009
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
So not only would it be good to plan the recital of sacred incantations during a future session, but also to make sure that during the peak I have the option of being held by a loving mother ("anaclytic therapy").
...sounds like a potentially very powerful thing to do.

When you said you weren't held much in the first two weeks after being born, why was that? Was the hospital isolating babies?

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Proteus a dit:
When you said you weren't held much in the first two weeks after being born, why was that? Was the hospital isolating babies?
Hi Proteus. Not really, I was in the same room as my mother, but was taken into her arms only a few times a day. Thus trauma by obmission, but probably nothing severe.


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Sept 2009
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Hi Proteus. Not really, I was in the same room as my mother, but was taken into her arms only a few times a day. Thus trauma by obmission, but probably nothing severe.
* nods * Do you 'feel out' that trauma? Find it in your everyday emotional relation to the world?

I was taken away from my mother when just out of the womb (a common practice in some hospitals) so she ended up screaming and shouting at the hospital staff until they brought me back.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Consecration of the space

Inside the infinite circle of the Divine Presence which completely surrounds me, I affirm:

There is only one Presence here, it is HARMONY, which makes all hearts vibrate with Joy and Happiness. Those who choose to enter here will feel the vibration of Divine Harmony.

There is only one Presence here, it is LOVE. God is Love, which embraces all beings in one feeling of unity. This place is filled with the presence of Love. In Love I live, I move, I exist. Those who choose to enter here will feel the pure and holy presence of Love.

There is only one Presence here, it is TRUTH. All that exists here, all that is spoken here, all that is thought here is the expression of Truth. Those who choose to enter here will feel the presence of Truth.

There is only one Presence here, it is JUSTICE. Justice reigns in this room. Everything practiced here is inspired and ruled by Justice. Those who choose to enter here will feel the presence of Justice.

There is only one Presence here, it is God, the BENEFICIENT. No evil can enter here. There is no evil in God. God, the Beneficient lives here. Those who choose to enter here will feel the Divine Presence of the Beneficient.

There is only one Presence here, it is God, the LIFE. God is the essential Life of all beings, the health of body and mind. Those who choose to enter here will feel the presence of Life and Health.

There is only one Presence here, it is God, PROSPERITY. God is Prosperity because he makes everything grow and prosper. God expresses himself through the Prosperity of all that is undertaken here in His name. Those who choose to enter here will feel the Divine Presence of Prosperity and Abundance.

Through the esoteric symbol of the DIVINE WINGS I'm in harmonious vibration with the universal currents of WISDOM, POWER and JOY. The Presence of Divine Wisdom is manifested here. The presence of Divine Joy is deeply felt by those who choose to enter here.

In the most perfect communion between my lower self and higher self, which is God in me, I consecrate this place to the perfect expression of all the Divine qualities that are in me and in all beings.

The vibrations of my thoughts are the forces of God in me, which are stored here and radiate to all beings, thus making this place a center for emission and reception of all that is GOOD, JOYFUL and PROSPEROUS.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Proteus a dit:
Do you 'feel out' that trauma? Find it in your everyday emotional relation to the world?
I'm not sure if it's solely because of those first days of my life, but throughout my life I've avoided casual physical contact with others, and have been somewhat of a recluse at times. All in all it seems my transition into the world wasn't that traumatic. I was taken out of the womb before the contractions started (non-labor cesarean), so it was just a very quick, artificial and drugged transition, not a painful or frightening one.


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
I was on truffles that night, funny that I wasn't the only one who figured it was a good day to trip. Also had a very nice and profound trip, with a harsh onset though. Also quite coincidentally I experienced this unity feeling discussed in the quote of that Santo Daime mantra, although it isn't exactly a new feeling to me I just hadn't recognized it as such before.
[edit]: my trip was actually a week later, I hereby declare my post irrelevant :P

Sounds like a very satisfying trip man!

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
An old friend told me he had also had a very spiritual experience that week. Last Thursday (when you did truffles) I did another experiment with Amanita muscaria (25 grams, cold water extraction) but again the effects were not very significant. I will continue experimenting with it though.

Regarding that incantation I cited, it's from a prayer booklet of the Santo Daime church. It's called Hinario Cura and was written or compiled by Alfredo Gregorio de Melo. I like the incantation, but the rest of the booklet... It's really all about Jesus Christ, Maria, the Father, the Master, the Queen etc. Not my cup of tea.


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
Yeah it's sounds likea very useful booklet, but as is the danger with Santo Daime perhaps a little too Christian. Those quotes still make a lot of sense though :P

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
I actually found out yesterday that the incantation was not written within the Santo Daime religion, but by another Brazilian ayahuasca group (not UDV).

Here's one by the Daimists that I like:

Sol, Lua, Estrela
A Terra, o vento e o mar
A floresta e seus misterios
Para todos estudar