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Je m'inscris!

a life worth living....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Cute .

If you read a good survival manual it will explain how to build a shelter . You will probably need a shovel and an axe for a decent one .

Growing plants is a.....nice ......idea . What are you going to do if the harvest fails and what are you going to eat untill you can harvest ? Then how are you going to preserve the food you harvest so you have something to eat in winter ?

Look at the loompanics web site for books on survival , gardening and shelter building .

Get a copys of "The whole earth catalog" , "How to grow more vegetables" by John Jeavons and "Survival into the 21st century" by Viktoras Kulvinskas . ( Alltrhough you will have to be carefull with the last one because a lot of it is hippy shit ) .

What you are thinking about is not imposible but just go and look at the homeless people hanging around on the streets and ask them if its easy / romantic / nice ?

Examine your motives . Why do you want to do it ? What dont you like with your life now ? What do you think will be better if you go walk about ?


Glandeuse pinéale
11 Déc 2008
OH just to throw this out there.... I weighed 110 lbs when i started this fast. iv been a skinny mofo all my life. i have the fastest metabolism of anyone i know. How does the speed of my metabolism change Anything? iv tried to gain weight before but only gain about 5 pounds and it never goes really any higher. Iv been eating 3 meals a day for like 3 years now and i still never get over 120. How does this change things if anything? OH if any of you would like to add me on Myspace. www.myspace.com/sprish


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I have 0 experience with your project, but can imagine it is pretty hard, especially the first few years. Knowing edible plants is key. There isn't always game around and you don't want to kill a little girl's pet rabbit because you are hungry. The richest areas are those inbetween woods and grasslands, on the edge of the two biospheres.

You said you was going away to find yourself. My question to you is: Who is going away then?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Dont know , cant say ............ but i weighed 62 kilos all my life and when i stoped smoking cannabis i put on 12 kilos in 6 months . Dont worry about your weight . Eat spagetti with sunflower oil , bananas and exercise . Burn it of and make muscles .

If you dont feel weak or unhealthy your weight is irelevant .

Eating dead animals is the easyest way to survive outside . Have you ever killed an animal ? Skinned it ? Cleaned it ? Ate meat raw ?


Glandeuse pinéale
11 Déc 2008
GOD a dit:
Examine your motives . Why do you want to do it ? What dont you like with your life now ? What do you think will be better if you go walk about ?

Forkbender a dit:
You said you was going away to find yourself. My question to you is: Who is going away then?

I am trying to escape my ego in a sense... its like... i have this glimpse of what is waiting on both side of this coin. on one side is the world of mind expantion and the infinite freedom of my mind...

OK - Have you ever got blazed or taken any hallucinogens and Demanded of your self you not gonna waste this high, your gonna spend the whole high and every minute of it just tripping away in outer space.... then things in this world distract us from that very thing(eating, cleaning up after the drugs, just plain old getting distracted) and but your high when getting distracted so its "ok" since your still high.... an example--- when i used to smoke (weed) in florida i would Swear to myself next time i smoke im gonna spend the WHOLE trip in the closet(big closest with blankets laid out and whatnot). the closet being the darkest, most quiet room in the home. To me it is a safe haven for my mind. Now you have no clue what to picture when i tell you about the anonymous "closet" all i think about is where my head has been while in their... and time after time again every time i trip i will catch myself doing something and Not doing the one this i want to be doing. THE WHOLE REASON I AM LEAVING IS NOT JUST TO EXPERIENCE NATURE BUT TO NOT EXPERIENCE THE DISTRACTIONS OF A LIFE LIVED HERE. this thread is just another distraction from me expanding my mind. so i force my distractions to be ones that will bring me closer to my end goal... i am living off this thread, hitting refresh about every 20 minutes of every hour till i sleep... Im just looking for a safe haven for my brain, though enthogens.

OH look at the time ... 24 hours of fasting has been completed. 2 more days to go. or maybe even longer....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
sprish a dit:

Okay. You don't have to yell. :wink:

IMHO (YELL!) it is best to look into the distractions, to see what you are doing with yourself. You keep going away from the important things for a reason. You might be afraid. Or angry. Or..........?

How can you be sure that you aren't distracted outside? How can you be sure that you aren't distracted again the moment you return?

If you cannot be 'enlightened' while on times square (for example), are you 'enlightened'? If you can only be yourself if you don't have any contact with other people, are you really yourself?

Being distracted is a choice. You let it happen. Ask yourself why.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
mysticwarrior a dit:
Then i am doing something wrong :P

Why? Distraction isn't a bad thing in itself. It's a mechanism of protection. The real core of the problem is a false sense of who you are, triggering this mechanism at unnecessary occasions.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"How can you be sure that you aren't distracted outside"

You wont have time to be distracted . You wont have time for any fantasys . Your whole life will be hunger and a fight to survive . Go and ask a tramp if he has time to play games or go to any social events . Hermits cant aford to fantasize .

"Im just looking for a safe haven for my brain, though enthogens."

Big mistake . Clear your head up first . Then use sacraments . If you try to do it the other way around you will fuck yourself . ,,,,,,,,,,, ( safe haven = running away ) .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
GOD a dit:
"How can you be sure that you aren't distracted outside"

You wont have time to be distracted . You wont have time for any fantasys . Your whole life will be hunger and a fight to survive . Go and ask a tramp if he has time to play games or go to any social events . Hermits cant aford to fantasize .

I guess that makes sense. But if one's goal is not to be distracted, I think being hungry all the time doesn't really help. It just channels the distraction into one big one.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Exactly .

It would be much easyer to go to a monastry and live there . Or get put in prison...........

Dont fast longer than three days . Find out exactly what you are doing before you do it or you will harm yourself .

Go out of your house tommorow morning before eating and stay outside for 24 hours with no food and no money .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I'd reckon it works pretty good then.


Glandeuse pinéale
11 Déc 2008
Forkbender a dit:
Being distracted is a choice. You let it happen. Ask yourself why.
i have asked myself this Many times and the answer is clear. i know if i dont give my brain the chance to get distracted then i wont. Out of sight, Out of mind. My favorite matto. I know the way my brain works enough to tell i am slipping away from what the ultimate goal . my Home. i see the way the world is under the spell of mainstream media, ethics, Proper manners. the NORMAL. FUck the normal! Maybe Your big mistake is letting yourself me attached to the world you live in? Could you right now walk out of your house and never come back? with no "consequences" . the reason for life is to prepare yourself for the "life" that comes next. My experiences are my own and my life will MEAN something. not to dis your life. but i feel your not living unless you LIVE FREE. and i dont mean go live in the woods, eat bugs, fight hunger, eventually get some disease and die. that is just one way of breaking from this society , or world for that matter. So dont think i just need "rethinking" because We all need some rethinking. everyone who reads this knows their is "more" than meets the eye. I am gonna find that "more" with your help or not(any help i can get IS GREATLY APPERICIATED, even is you pray for me) This is My story. THIS is YOUR story.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Free your mind and your ass will follow.


Glandeuse pinéale
11 Déc 2008
Forkbender a dit:
Free your mind and your ass will follow.
HAHA very good quote . exactly.
again rule one of astral projection : No matter how far you leave your body, you can and will return... I just want to dive into my head and never return to my body... not that i dont want my body or the things i can do with it, I love life! i just love the place in my head impenetrable by judgments, negativity, anything....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
But the source of all the negativity is YOU. Not your surroundings.

I'm not dissing you or yours decision, I'm just giving you something to think about when you hit the road less traveled.


Glandeuse pinéale
11 Déc 2008
Forkbender a dit:
But the source of all the negativity is YOU. Not your surroundings.
EXACTLY again! and the the current way of life isnt Healing in any way. not that nature is a Cure-all. but it doesnt have social status or any of the other expectations to live up too. other than living.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
These expectations are in your head too. If you don't like them, get them out of your head first, otherwise you'll just encounter more expectations when you go away and even more when you will eventually come back. Ask yourself: what if this big step of closing the door behind me isn't going to rid me of expectations? What if it doesn't change who you are?


Glandeuse pinéale
11 Déc 2008
Forkbender a dit:
These expectations are in your head too. If you don't like them, get them out of your head first, otherwise you'll just encounter more expectations when you go away and even more when you will eventually come back. Ask yourself: what if this big step of closing the door behind me isn't going to rid me of expectations? What if it doesn't change who you are?
Your destiny is to read this, This very moment. no other time but NOW. even if you reread this tomorrow it will be NOW. IF my words are running though your head then I am ... You. your voice is now my words. will you run from them? There really is only now. NOW. and no other time. people are afraid of death for the reason that their life is over and forgotten... well do you remember what you where thinking yesterday? Really. can you remember all the thoughts that went though you? Then your yesterday self is dead, never to return. do you remember your thoughts as a child? i dont. my kid "sean" is dead as if it never happened. its a hard concept to explain so ill try in one last direction. Think about you thoughts right now. 10 min later try to remember them word for word, try this again in another 10 min. you will realize the person you were 20 min ago is gone. then aply this theroy to your whole life... you realize you only have one moment to live on this world. noW. beacuse the new you will replace you this very second... So in a sense. You die and are reborn every second you live. What i say may be contradicting but i wrote it down as fast as possible as to live in this one moment, because after i post this i will ahve died again and be the New me and this will only be a memory, only to deteriorate as time passes and the new me dies again.