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2nd trip bad as first


22 Déc 2010
i wanted to get into psychedlics so i tried mushrooms and went way overboard (post-41033.html?f=9 trip report here) i didnt want that to ruin it for me so i was gonna try a low dose me and a friend were both doing 1.5g dried this was about a month after my first trip i think

it was liek 11 pm or 12 am when we ate them so we made out piles there were alot of caps (i heard caps are more potent true?) but we ate them up and were just chilling for awhile nothing was happening so we went and smoked some weed we smoked a bit and my friend said it was starting to hit him (this was his first time) there was this glue on the wall and he was trippin out on it saying it was breathing. i still didnt feel ne thing

so we went back to my room i was laying on a couch just watching tv and i remember my mouth went completely numb not like after a dentist but like it dissapeared which kinda reminded me of the first trip and i started feeling this almost like a heart beating really fast but it was on my chest not by my heart and it was the muscle so that kinda concerned me but not that much then i started getting this fcked up feeling, it was like there were 2 pair of teeth inside of my tongue and they would bight down at an angle and then transform into a chunk of bone and slide down my throat (best way to describe it) and it was painful and i was also having flashbacks of my first trip and my heart started beating i think i had pretty much a panic attack the whole time. my heart was beating so fast it felt like it was melting and i was just trying to distract my mind i remember i saw grand theft auto game case and i just kept saying it in my head to distract my self it didnt really help.

it was lasting longer then 8 hours too i was suposed to go to pay a speeding ticket with my grampa early but i was still freaking out till liek 10 am then i think i fell asleep for a bit till liek 12. my friend left (he had a good time said he felt just really high) and i went to pay my bill while i was sitting there waiting for my turn for like an hour i was freaking out felt like i was gonna trip again and lose control or somthing.

then when i got home 2 other friends wanted to smoke some weed and we smoked one joint and i was gonna brg out a bong and smoke some more but when i went to get the bong i felt like i was gonna trip again so i went out and told them and left and i startied getting a milder feeling of that tongue thing again.

after this i felt sooo shitty and depressed for about 1 or 2 weeks

any advice would be apreciated. and if somone could explain that tongue feeling i described


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
You did mushrooms too young! How old are you, 16? 17?

You should hold out for now, you don't know who you are yet, you need to learn alot about the world. The reason you had these thoughts is you were bored - you had to focus on something other than the external world - and that was you; yourself, your body.

You just need to cool down. Don't smoke and don't do shrooms for a long while - but that is not to say forget about the trip. This trip will be something you have to come face to face with. You need to accept it happened, and you have to face these fears - these ideas that have been implanted into your head.

There is alot to say about "bad" trips, but alot of it has to do with the tripper learning about who and what they want to represent. We are born with a shell, a shape to fill with nature, but it is only partially true to say we control what we are exposed to.

Don't worry about it, but realize that the thought, the feeling, isn't just going to "go away". Let us know how you feel. We all love ya.


22 Déc 2010
Yeah. i was 17, around my 18th birthday. I'm wondering did u read my first trip report? or are you just talking about this one?

and yeah i wouldn't dare do mushrooms again. i don't smoke weed anymore either.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Try shrooms without smoking weed! It might help a lot. I know for a fact that I and at least one of my friends in the past reacted heavily to weed on shrooms. Small doses of 2g can become totally weird, total loss of control, anxiety, etc.

Most people don't experience it this way and they will always say that smoking weed only calms you down and stuff. I'm telling you it is not like that for everybody. I react really sensitively to weed, it can give me anxiety and paranoia attacs. Even if you never felt that from weed alone, it might show when you combine weed and mushrooms.

Nowadays I only take mushrooms and other psychedelics strictly without weed, and everything's fine. However, I am still a person sensitive to psychedelics, so I never trip at parties or with people. The only safe way for me to do it is alone in a meditative setting - and then I can take high doses and enjoy them (well, anything above 5g can at points become difficult to take, but that's not what I'm talking about)

P.S. I don't wanna scare you, but the friend I mentioned above had a psychotic experience on his first shroom trip (plus a lot of weed). He had never had any problems with smoking weed before, but after that one really bad trip he started getting anxiety attacs and stuff. He also told me that when he was lying in bed (weeks after the trip, and weeks after he had stopped smoking weed) he sometimes felt like his heart was racing, and it felt like it would stop beating any second.
He was really fucked up, went to see a shrink and had a hard time for at least a year.
So, if you don't feel good about it: don't do it! Psychedelic experiences can in rare case trigger psychosis in some people, and you really don't want to live through that.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
the main thing that comes to MY mind is, quit going into the shroom experience with expectations. that's probably your biggest issue. and if you ignore this advice, you will have problems every time. you don't have to believe me, but you'll see.

from what i take of it, you and some friends took some mushrooms "to have a good time", yeah? that is an expectation. the mushrooms are a living being, literally, you can grow mushrooms from the dried spores. so they will definitely NOT let you cheat your spirituality/emotions, and will deinitely let you know that they are NOT going to be like ANY other type of drug out there, guaranteed.

if you respect the mushroom and take it "to experience what the mushroom has to offer you" with a sincere intent, then you WILL have a good time. if you simply think those words, but your intent is not pure, they will fuck you hard. respect the mushroom, and it will respect you.

i don't blame you for not wanting to take them for some time. that's an intense experience. but it can be overcome with sincerity and empathy.

anyways, don't let anybody else tell you what to do, in the end, you HAVE to follow your own advice. i took my first batch of shrooms when i was 17, but i certainly would NOT advise that anyone else travel a path like mine. it's not for the fainthearted, even i doubt my existence from time to time. but it's necessary, i believe. if one believes everything that they see, then they are doing themselves a disservice. magic is real, people may help you with it, but people will use it to rob you blind. healthy balanced skepticism is the key imo. always ask the questions.

hope your experiences become better for you.


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Fev 2010
I don't think that the problem is how young you are, but how much you took in your first outing. 11 grams of dried shrooms are more than most experienced psychonauts will ever consume in a single trip. It is far too much for a first trip. Given your first experience, I'd be stunned if your second trip was trouble free. I'd bet my bottom dollar that you were nervous, anxious and worried going into the second trip. In fact, I'd bet that after your first trip, you were probably feeling that way whenever you thought about doing another.

The problem that you are encountering is that your negative first trip will have taught both your conscious and subconsious that these compounds are not to be trusted and this will colour your future trips, until you properly retrain your sub conscious that this is the case. In Psychology, we call this a "conditioned response" and it occurs where a particular stimulus triggers a particular behavioural response at a sub-conscious level. Google "Pavlov's dogs". Usually, a conditioned response takes more than one event to make the linkage, but for high impact negative events, a single episode might be all that is needed.

But the good news is that all things being equal, you should be able to overcome this and be able to reliably experience good trips. It will however take patience and a bit of effort on your part.

The way to fix this is to start back where you should have started, with a threshold dose. You need to take at least two or three threshold trips, in which you encounter no negative experiences, before you progress to taking higher doses. A threshold trip is one in which you aren't actually "tripping" and can only just begin to notice the effects of the compound. A threshold trip won't give you any visuals beyond some vague splotcy "lighting" behind your eyes. While you may notice a slightly altered sensation in your body when you move, and might "feel" a bit funny, your mind will be totally coherent and your thought processes will be clear. It and allows you to safely explore the sensations associated with tripping while still being fully within your own self and fully in control of the situation. Once you have familiarised yourself with the threshold state, you can move into a marginal trip, by upping the dose slightly. Any upping of the dose should only be by a marginal amount, so that you don't suddenly dump yourself back into a world of hurt.

Each time you have a positive trip, you will delink the brain's association between tripping and negative experiences. However, if you jump in too deep before you are ready to do so, you will only reinforce the negative experience.

Most importantly, you need to be patient. plan on having at least 10 threshold and marginal trips before you move back into the psychadelic space.

One good thing about your trip reports is that you seem to have taken too much because of igorance (which you've sought to fix by coming here), rather than bragging rights (a personality flaw, which is much harder to fix). How much is right for you to take for a wonderful trip will be a function of who you are and where you are at. You need to find how much gets you into a good tripping zone and different people will require different amounts. Don't let yourself think that the amount that somebody else takes is the amount that you should be taking as well.

The numb mouth is something that I have noticed as being peculiar to mushrooms. But it is nothing to worry about and once you are familiar with the compound you'll probably begin to enjoy it, or be able to give yourself over to a sense of wonder while it is happening to you. I must admit that when it happens to me, it feels really weird, but in a cool "OMFG this is awesome!" kind of way. :-)

There are a range of other things that you need to address as well, which come under the heading of "set and setting". Right now, an experienced sitter should accompany you on all of your trips. You also need to look at the environment that you are tripping in as well. Doing them in your home may not be appropriate, if other people aren't going to respond well.

As other people have said, don't mix your compounds! They can often have interesting effects if combined, but at the outset you need to get to know the mushroom, without the added distraction of the weed. Unless you do, you'll never know where the experiences are coming from and a negative conditioned response might even generalise to canabis, potentially ruining that experience as well.

Transcendent Compounds are some of the most powerful mind altering substances known to humantity. They are capable of letting you touch the mind of god and of having experiences that will change your perception of the Infiniverse in a multitude of positive and amazing ways. I have found myself spontaniously whispering "thankyou, thankyou, thankyou" over and over again, during parts of my trips where I have been blessed with the sense of ... (I don't know. Words simply fail me at this point.) With patience, maturity and perserverence, there is no reason why you too cannot experience this and benefit from the wisdom that these compounds can impart.

Thanks very much for your post, because in answering you, I've ended up writing a fair bit of the next section for my Beginner's Guide to Safe Tripping. :-)

http://www.kasarik.com/Beginners-Guide- ... ipping.php


22 Déc 2010
When i ate the 11 grams idk why but i felt i was like some superhuman and they werent gonna affect me or somthing bcuz i thought they were kinda similiar to weed, which i naturally had a really high tollerance and maybe cuz when i was high it seems like more time had passed then it actually had so i thought they werent working so id take another handful.

but after the first trip i forgot alot about the trip like almost all of it. and i was smoking weed again with no problems,
And when i did the 2nd trip its been a pretty long time but i think i was feeling pretty good, cuz i didnt really remember alot of the stuff from the first trip. but when i took them and smoked some weed which kicked it in i started remember the stuff from the first trip, and thats what turned the trip bad. and i could live without psychedelics really i just wanna be back to normal hopefully be able to smoke some weed once n awhile. but im still plagued with flashbacks and overall shitty feelings some days that suck.

and thanks for everyones posts i really appreciate it


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
Next time you forget you coulld always go back and read what you've posted on here. I hope it all works out for you