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i am wondering how this feels like, ive read many expriences both on erowid and lyceum. if anyone has any information on this pls pm me or post a reply

thanks :blobber:


15 Juin 2005
well i have tried it once or twice quite a while ago.
it is like erowid says, to some at least, very hallucinogenic at higher doses, and with an average (can't remember the exact dosings..) trip it can get weird, i had a horrible bad trip when i combined a lot of 2c-b and about eight (4,5 alc) beers..

i moved back in time, sometimes forward but too fast, all kind of time related stuff was happening, minutes in my head were actually couple of hours... and some terrible paranoia.. but i did take a lot..

but i remember seeing very beautiful green stuff, tentacles from trees and such.

and i took it at a completely wrong place, noisy psy-party..

good thing i had a friend with me, so the bad stuff did not last more than three-four hours.

if you are going to try please relax and take a small dose on a first try. i have moved to 2c-e, but even that i only do rarely.

great for an experienced and seasoned traveller, i assume..


17 Déc 2005
Its a phenethylamine, chemically related to mescaline and mdma. It was sold in Dutch smart shops several years ago under the brand name Nexus but has since been made illegal. I will be trying it for the first time tomorrow and will report back.


Sale drogué·e
8 Nov 2005
A long time ago (at leat 8 years ago) I bought this in a smartshop in Haarlem. Its quite simular to shrooms but less magical in my opinion. It give good visuals like the "hawaiian" shroom, but also a good mind trip. It was quite a confusing trip, nice but I still prefer shrooms, its more of a whole package, its the feeling of the whole experience that is missing with these kind o chemicals.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Jan 2006
but is it more of a partydrug than shrooms?
Read somewhere that its something like in between LSD and XTC. (not like a mix of both tho)

That seems like something to be partying at/on/with in a weekend.


Alpiniste Kundalini
10 Déc 2005
Cyproxicus a dit:
but is it more of a partydrug than shrooms?
Read somewhere that its something like in between LSD and XTC. (not like a mix of both tho)

That seems like something to be partying at/on/with in a weekend.

It's possible to do it on a party, but I prefer X there. 2cb is kinda mind bending, and better to do while planned on taking a stroll, just sitting somewhere, outside or at home. It's not a social stimulator, and you're more turned into yourself like shrooms. The visuals can be awesome, I saw a huge castle with banners draped over the walls in the middle of the forrest, where I come very often, and wondered why I didn't see it before :) After that there was some kind of fox/wolf/humanoid creature standing beside me, standing on two legs with short arms. When I looked it in the eyes it ran away. It was the same size as me, sounds frightening, but I was more surprised than scared.
Another time I was walking through rotterdam next to the water at Eendrachtplein, where the statues are. At a point I was able to look THROUGH the statues, at first they became 3d raster models in light green, like a wiremodel in a 3d program, and the next phase was just disappearance of the whole thing. I was absolutely stunned by this.

If you are planning on doing it, I advice you to take a cocktail of 2cb and MDMA, cause the 2cb can create a weird, disassociative feeling which can be experienced as uncomfortable. Anyway, that's what it did to me.

If anyone finds it in the netherlands, please PM me.