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Je m'inscris!

20gr. of mimosa-a ticket to hell


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
1.Brewed 20 grams of mimosa for about 4 hours.1 lime was added.
2.Filtered it 30 times.Put in the fridge for a night.
3.In the morning there was a sticky sediment on the bottom of the glass.Cautiously steered the liquid, trying not to disturb the abovementioned sludge.
4.Repeated step 3 for 2 times.
5.Ground 2 grams of rue and put them into gel capsules.
6.Fasted for 24 hours.No water either.
6.Ate the rue, then after 30 mins or so began drinking the brew.
There was absolutely no nausea. DMT took long to kick in. An hour passed and there was still nothing. It all began with familiar patterns forming on the wall. I kept my eyes closed mostly, as it felt better. And the ride set in.
1st stage-Magic and wisdom
During the first 3 hours the trip was awesome.I felt divine energy flowing throughout my body. Aya showed me that there is an ultimate power within each of us. Simply said, everything can be achieved, cured, and dealt with. All you need is use your "hidden" energy. I felt veeery positive and happy.Unlike acid or shrooms, aya made me feel..well..."at home"? Like, the aya's realm was my own actually. While LSD,shrooms and other stuff left the impression of something "extraneous", aya seemed extremely familiar and mine. This is really hard to explain, maybe I'll try to do it a bit later.
2nd stage-Complete hell
The 3rd hour having passed, something went wrong.It did not feel like a psychedelic overdose [something that I experienced with 6 grams of cubensi]. The thing is, I suddenly felt annoyingly drowsy and uncomfortable.The discomfort was more physical than mental.I constantly yawned, my jaws began tingling, and all I was capable of was lying on the bed and twitching.It surely was the worst time of my life. I was afraid I would just stop breathing and fucking die. MAN THAT SUCKED.I opened all the windows and got naked.Then, for no reason, I decided to take a hot bath. It helped a little.
All in all, what I experienced was extremely, astonishingly disgusting feeling that I'm dying.And it's not about angels, heaven or hell.It's a plain torture.
I wished someone would kill me to make it end.Once again, it was the most abominable time of my whole life.lasted for 5 hours or so.
To sum up, well, I do not regret it.Despite all the torture and madness, aya completely changed my attitude towards the closest people. I'm sure I'd be dead if my girlfriend did not help me to survive this hell. Don't even know how to thank her...
Sorry for the somehow clumsy report, I still haven't fully recovered. Will post in the nearest future.
Peace to all of you!

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Never fast from water.

Because you know, had you ended up in the hospital, you would have given local or even international media a good reason to write about the danger of ayahuasca, rather than point out that you simply did something unnecessary and incredibly stupid.

Also: unless you fast regularly (like four times a year or so), don't fast from food for 24 hours before having a trip.

> I wished someone would kill me to make it end.

Yes, we had some tourists in Amsterdam who wished the same thing, and because of that the mushrooms are now becoming illegal.


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
I must agree here. That's why I kept myself from calling an ambulance in spite of feeling amazingly sick.But hey, this wasn't due to the dieting.A friend of mine had not obstained from water and rice before the trip, but she had such drowsiness too. It somehow resembled te side effects of LSA.Yet she drank 8 grams, not 20. So, the dosage going higher, side effects musy have increased...strongly
.. :roll: I've done aya a couple of times before but never had anything similar.If it doesn't have to do with diet, then what's the cause? ?


Why did you abstain from water?
I don't see the point in not drinking water.
Your body consists for 70% of water and needs it.


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
Well I read that it helps to prevent nausea.And yeah it works perfectly.I know dehydration sucks.But again, as I'd said before, this wasn't the issue, as a friend of mine drank plenty of water but anyways was drowsy and twitchy..Same batch, same preparation.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
That's why I kept myself from calling an ambulance in spite of feeling amazingly sick.
In some cases it's wiser to call an ambulance, especially if the discomfort (like difficulty breathing) might be caused by the MAO-inhibitor rather than the DMT.

Go through these pages: http://www.*******.net/pages/maoi_page/ and http://www.*******.net/encyclopedia/18/MAOIs/ to see if your sickness can be attributed to certain food ingested before your 24 hour fast


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
Hm, none of these :? .I had sticked to rice and bread for several days prior to aya. And absolutely no medications


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
In some cases it's wiser to call an ambulance, especially if the discomfort (like difficulty breathing) might be caused by the MAO-inhibitor rather than the DMT.
I'm still curious about what could have caused it.You see, I used to ingest big amounts of rue [5-6 grams] following the same..-well, maybe even less strict-diet.And I experienced nothing even closely comparable to what I had recently.Now there were only 2 grams. Sometimes I get this drowsy feeling while on shrooms. But it lasts for short time, is easily bearable, and dissapears completely as soon as the trip begins, and, therefore, does not distract me at all.
I had a talk with my girlfriend today and she said that I had looked pretty normal..had been breathing as usual, my body temperature had been fine, and so on..nothing except for MEGADILATED pupils. It's still dubious whether I was sick or I just felt sick..[/i]


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Could be the MAOI, could be a struggle against yourself.

I think by recoiling from the uncomfortable sensations and attempting to withhold them, your ego conflicted your experience, and this can only go badly.

You were only struggling with yourself; maybe you’re telling yourself to let go through this uncomfortable experience.

Try dosing better next time, don’t abstain from water, and permit your ego to dissolve completely. Allow your perception to merge with that which it perceives and you will find peace.


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
thanks 4 your concern, buffachino.Strangely, I don't recall any negative thinking that could have lead to such disastrous trip.There was no inner contradiction either.Just suddenly "something went wrong".


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Six grams of cubensis is not even close to an overdose, it's a dose where it just starts to become interesting.

Overdose means that you are physically in danger which you where not at any time during your, probably intensive, journey ;)


just a little offtopic...how many shrooms are 6 grams dried, and how many shrooms are 6 grams fresh ?
what is the weight of a normal shroom (7-10cm in height) ?


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
Dry weight is approximately 1/8 of the fresh weight.Thus, 6 grams of dried cubensis equals to ..6x8=48 grams fresh.


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
It really depends on the size, I dunno


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"Six grams of cubensis is not even close to an overdose, it's a dose where it just starts to become interesting. "

Yup . Thanks HeartCore . A trip from Cubensis is in my opinion 5 - 10 grams dry . I`m getting fed up of people talking shit about trips . Either people dont take enough or they take to often . A real trip takes at least a month and i think about 6 months to asimilate .

Mushrooms , from my experience , when dry are usualy about 1/10 to 1/12 the weight of fresh mushrooms . The 1/12 comes from mushrooms picked out doors when the weather was wet .


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
Each person's inner chemistry s different.I feel somehow lucky as I don't have to eat tons of not-very-cheap mushrooms to get myself into the hyperspace. :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
I wonder what it feels like to be in hyperspace... never done more than 3g dried yet, and never reached a state I would call hyperspace :P