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6 Août 2011
Hey everyone, I'm new to the psychonaut community, but I've been interested in it for a long time. It seems to be that fellow psychonauts are among some of the most intellectually advanced, friendly and understanding people I've ever met, so I thought it'd only be appropriate that I join the ranks. I haven't used psychedelics for very long, and haven't formally "Tripped" yet (outside of my old Gasoline habit...) so any and all advice would be appreciated. Thanks guys (:


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Juil 2011

What part of the experience draws you towards it? And what is your substance of choice?


6 Août 2011
Enlightenment. I'm very young, age 14, but for the amount of drugs I've done, which is limited to Pot/Spice and a very very low end plateau 2 DXM trip, outside of my old Gasoline habit... I've learned SO much about myself and the world around me. Mostly it made me see things more down to Earth. I consider myself to be very intellectual, and I'd think so deep I'd see right past the more superficial things most people could see, and I'd wonder why people were so judgemental. Granted that's natural, but I didn't see my own shortcomings until I saw it from their perspective. I'm just fascinated by the idea of expanded conciousness, and I've only expanded mine a tinyyy tiny bit and it's been so profound so far. I'm very interested in disrupting my normal place in spacetime, I don't believe in the word impossible. I keep having more and more premonitions, and there's really no scientific explanation for that. Information straight from another dimension. One that I plan on visiting in the future... I don't necessarily have a substance of choice, as long as it can teach me something and doesn't have the potential to ruin my life. I snorted 1 line of coke and 8 months later I was chomping at the bit for some, so that's all the more experience with narcotics I need to know that it's not where my usage belongs. And incase you didn't notice... I talk alot. xD


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Juil 2011

I'm going to say something you might not want to hear.

I don't think you should do psychedelics for the next couple of years, until you are at least 18. Your body and mind is going through a big transition right now and it isn't known if and how psychedelics affect this in any way. I remember my teens very well, and I think tripping wouldn't have made life any better for me back then. It is an emotional and hormonal rollercoaster that can influence a trip a lot, even if you think with adolescent bravado that you can control it.

Some adolescents who take it are better off, some are worse off. It basically boils down to set and setting and showing respect to the drugs by not abusing them. I think you have the right intention, but wouldn't want you to get in trouble and advice you to stick to pot for some time. Maybe you can try making spacecake or some other delicacy with pot in it. This will be able to give you a trip as well with a substance you already know.


6 Août 2011
Yeah, I was thinking about that, how I'm still developing. I can't really say that I'll stick to not using anything else though, even if it's a stupid move. I'm just a little too curious :P I don't really think anything bad would happen (but then again nobody does) just because I believe God will protect me. I'm a firm christian, but think about it. How could it be sin to be curious? If it's not harmful, and it's very enlightening and helpful and humbling, how is it bad? It's not. He put all the pot, mushrooms, peyote, salvia, DMT and every other natural psychedelic we could ask for on this planet for a REASON. And that at this point in time I'm supposed to get a head start receiving input information from the higher dimensions. If something bad did happen I'd be to blame, but the way I see it everything happens for a reason. I know in looking at it from a perspective of down to Earth reality it's... nothing short of assanine. But you're only young once...


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Juil 2011
Wow. A Christian. You don't see a lot of you around these parts. Good that you're here. :D

Take your time, you have enough of it. Better to start low and see what it does than to rush in and find yourself in a place you don't want to be.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
yea wow a christian :P thats alright, not too many round here as light says
last one we had was a nut but you seem to be fairly balanced considering your age

Im with light on this one, i started smoking pot at 13 but i never had any other psychedelic until i was about 18-19
if you want to try something different try very large doses of marijuana in a short span of time, it can really do different things from what you're normally used to

if you INSIST on doing other psychedelics i would recommend mushrooms first as they can be slightly more forgiving that lsd or dmt or the other "harder" trips
however they also shouldnt be taken lightly at all

Gasoline? really? that stuffs really terrible for you man, you say 'old' habit, if i were you i'd keep it an old habit and not do that stuff again, yuck
if you want to huff something get some nitrous oxide canisters made for whipped cream chargers, we call them nangs :D they're a good step onto a trippy platform if you're trying to move onto something other than pot

Just remember to take everything in moderation and to learn as much as yo can about a substance and dosage before you try it

Good luck buddy


6 Août 2011
Thanks man, I'm definitely done with gas. I bet russian roulette is probably safe than that stuff. But as far as everything else goes that's a rule of thumb. I have to know everything about the drug and everything about the circumstances. I'll be as careful as possible, however careful that is regarding mind altering drugs... :D Thanks for the advice though, I appreciate you guys looking out for me. It's just nice to say whatever I want about these things and actually have peers who see things the same way instead of being ridiculed for curiousity... let alone where I can ask for advice from people who know what they're doing.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
hey good to have you.

i personally would not advise you to keep smoking weed if i was to say "dont take psychedelics"... you are so young (in that you are still chemically developing) that too much of an external chemical habit, can only create long term imbalances in the later years when the chemical activity begins to slow down again (basically after puberty is mostly set in).

in other words, you are flooding your serotonin receptor sites (located on neurons) with thc during a period of time when lots of new cells are being formed. which means right as these new cells are created, they are automatically conditioned to work at a "baseline" level only when they are stimulated by thc...

concerning the brain in general: the thoughts that you have create "hotspots" in the brain. ie: "familiar" thoughts, "recent" thoughts, are ones that are activated most often. so, following this, a thought = a string of neurons. if your neurons are used to being highly stimulated (for an hour or so), and then crashing (for serveral hours afterwards), how do you think this will affect the conditioning of your thoughts, should you decide that you don't wish to smoke weed any more? (due to price, legality, etc...)

i dont want to give you an "i know what's best" for you speech. that's not my belief, nor my intent at all, if my post comes off that way. in fact, i got into chemical mind expansion at around 16-17. however, that is not to say that i would personally recommend it. i simply believe that one should always be informed if possible. one should always follow their will. what calls to them. in the end that's all you have to face