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Willpower/thought and its effect experiments


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juin 2009
Drug-less waking life psychonautics(for me at least)

I have been experimenting with thought, focus, and lack of thoughts effects on how my eyes see. This might seem strange. But I have noticed that with enough focus you can control how something appears to you, its hard to explain. Ive been starting off with things simply, I look at text and it moves as though I am on acid(not quite as shiny and colorful but same movement style), I seem to have control of it, If I want it to stop I think about how it needs to stop moving, wobbling shaking. Give it a try trust me or maybe there's some thing wrong with me. Another thing is simple drawings, making them breath. Complex things like people It takes allot of focus and the trying to detach all focus kind off let your mind wonder in the scene in front of your eyes, kind of like moving your eyes around an object to inspect a certain area except don't move your eyes just change what you feel is important about the image, i think Huxley mentions in Doors of Perception he feels like that is what is happening when he looked at things on mescaline. Its very strange. Also looking for things in things, If your looking your gonna find it and its only gonna become more vivid at that point. This can be used for amusement or to over think yourself into near madness. Have fun explorers. Its very hard to do, it took work, a good practice Is staring at static and listening to music, anyone can fuck with how static looks to them, I have this confirmed with doing this with multiple friends more you do it and longer, it seems like that effects your control, longer you can get it moving faster very flame like more liquid like if you dont take your time and give it your all.

Chants, changing the way you think. Repeat anything enough you will believe it and practice it, i try to do chants every once in awhile to change how my wonder works, my most recent one was "The Starlight shall trick me" It was in effect to truly believe in the gods and see more in the sky, make your own up really cause others wont work for yourself unless they mean allot to you, 3 times a day 3x33 times, use naughts or paper clips to count don't wanna waste focus.

Thought connection, connecting thoughts, seemingly un connected. This is more of an attempt at rewiring thought process but it seems like you can use this for all sorts of things. Chanting is another good tool to achieve this, use to alternating phrases that represent a thought or thought process, you can also just attempt to do these thoughts or thought processes back and forth in your head.

Meditation, well we all know what this can do I think.

Ranting to a tape recorder and listening, keeps your ego in check.


11 Jan 2009
i don't really get it, maybe its bequase my bad english...
you mean something like telekenises? or controlling your hallicunations? or just making youself believe things which aren't related to reality?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
^no, he means something like sober mindfucks.

i know exactly what you mean in the first paragraph. i notice all these things much more easily now (after trying lsd, you guessed it) i think a certain level of this apparent trickiness of sight is always there no matter how sober one is. i think is like noise associated to the signal of visual data coming from eyes to brain and back. at least once i was reading a thread here and a line of text trailed away across the screen. this sort of things happens to the lines that are near the one you are actually reading. and i can disappear whole objects in dark rooms by staring, provided enough contrast of the object's contour against the background. it helps if the object is black but i've done it with lightbulbs. you just stop seeing the object after a while if you don't move at all and try not to actively see the thing itself but kind of like looking at all the stuff in your field of vision at the same time, concentrating on the periphery. then it enters some sort of mental blind spot and your brain fills it in with the surrounding detail :)

also, we can always see tracers, it's just that it's more apparent under certain conditions. like when there are no lights on except the one from the screen of your computer and you wiggle your hand before it.

and there are lots of others stuff like this happening constantly.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
So what do you get out of it?

I mean, I know perception is an activity instead of something that happens to you, but how does this help you in any way?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
It's fun to play with the senses and see how they work. It just increases your awareness in general

I discovered this type of visual phenomena when I was a kiddie bored in church and would find myself staring in one direction for a while completely zoning out.. or should I say zoning into my imagination. It's definitely more pronounced, I can get into it more since taking psychedelics. Try going for a long jog or a bike ride and right after do the above, for a couple minutes you'll probably notice motion aftereffect which is pretty neat

For chanting, yes, repeat anything enough times and you can program it into yourself if you want to. When I grew up they called it 'prayer' which I was trained to do in a certain way. Talk to yourself enough times and you can make yourself feel you really are talking to someone else.

As for meditation my preference is threshold wakeness. It's not nearly as stable as the psychedelic state, and I find the connections are a bit more erratic, but with enough practice you can get moments of crystal clear CEV pretty much everytime you do it, and occasionally I find it has some creative value or insight. Plus you can do it anytime, anywhere (as long as you have a bit of quiet and 30 minutes to put your feet up)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
After all everything is only a code construction, speech, language, moleculs, eyesight, sounds. Our consciousness collects and perceives all the connected strings together which makes ultimately the visual object and sound orientated channel. We have each our own inimitable seat within our head which makes us witness everything from a subjective angle of incidence. Our senses navigate our movements and our absorption of reality.

One can bend or affect his consciousness up to a certain degree through free will, and it'll produce the same outcome as a psychedelic experience; reality bends with oneself, same goes for the sensorial inner perspective. Whether it'll alienate one or not, depends on one's comprehensive faculty and acceptance.


24 Juin 2009
and i can disappear whole objects in dark rooms by staring, provided enough contrast of the object's contour against the background. it helps if the object is black but i've done it with lightbulbs. you just stop seeing the object after a while if you don't move at all and try not to actively see the thing itsef

I practice making my radiator disappear all the time.

I have a theory. When you stare without moving your eyes for long enough, an after image starts to form ontop of your visual field. After images tend to be negatives of the original image, so perhaps the two cancel out with enough concentration.

Another thing I like to do is get really exaggeratingly paranoid and stare into darkness while listening to drone or white noise, especially late at night sleep deprived. Even better is outside blindfolded.

Paranoia seems to lower the threshold of thing-formation in chaos/noise. And once you start seeing/hearing things like aliens and ghosts its like "holy shit!" and it just feeds further into the paranoia, thus creating more visions.

If you can keep the feedback loop going it's like tripping. It's difficult to maintain though, the visions tend to just evaporate. The more you practice the longer you can keep balance.

It's like, trying to form new elements in a particle collider that rarely appear and only for a few milliseconds.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
So what have you guys learned about the self from doing this?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
For my own practice, aside from general exploration being its own reward, creative ideas visual, musical and literary, personal insights, problem solving, knowing myself better and hence able to handle stress, more aware of how my brain interprets the world around me, more aware of my senses adding to the richness and joy of life.. Reduction of anxiety, deep relaxation. More aware of how powerfully and subconsciously beliefs and preconceptions can filter one's interpretation of reality=less gullible, more patient in finding answers.. I was doing this long before I took psychedelics, meaning I was already aware of how you can bend your senses without drugs. Psychedelics just took what I was already doing to a completely new level of possibilities.. It has definitely potentiated the psychedelic experience for me as well.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
yeah and we *know* that "perception is an activity instead of something that happens" but this is not apparent because the brain makes a damn fine job of smoothing things out so we feel comfortable seeing stuff as solid. when i see such phenomena i get a smile in my face because i'm reminded that my perception is indeed a construct arising from the interaction of my consciousness with reality; i can read that in an article and see that it is logically so but it's sweet to actually catch it as it happens.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Heres a real interesting one.

Look in your mirror. Start trying to become depressed, think of how bad everything is etc. Now look at your face, don't change your facial expression, keep it the same, but you will notice it looks different.

Now attempt to be very happy, blissful, how beautiful everything around you is, now stare at your face, all the while not moving.

This is a favorite of mine, and is obvious to the truth that your mood affects everything.

It is also good practice to control your emotions, which is very handy for a pyschadelic.


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juin 2009
I do that one to IJC I call it the emotion game. No one really adressed making text move and wobble as if on acid... Can any one else do that? Another one Ive been practicing with(altho it happens any way sometimes so i cant be sure) Making people faces or so forth appear... Ive succeeded some times but its hard, I started with closed eye visualizing then I thought well why cant I layer it over reality, I can do it with familiar friends and obsessions, and this one red haired scraggly man(hes different, I see him every where randomly and when I want to see him bad,but im sure this is my issues). I do it cause its beautiful, It inspires me(writing). It makes me believe there is more to this shit, cause I got my mind.... sorry im rreally drunk right now if most of this is nonsensical ... im sure its not your english mine, im just bad.

Come on more people I wanna hear more methods or good sources(wiccas a good one.. not the religion but how much of it is mind games)?

The mind is the most powerful psychedelic.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
mrvitorsky a dit:
The mind is the most powerful psychedelic.


I have experienced some of these effects, the most interesting being looking through solid objects to what is behind. Unfortunately I haven't mastered that one yet, it more or less happened to me when I was tired. I have had episodes of precognition as well, which is rather interesting too, but I can't provoke them.

I must admit that I'm not interested enough in this subject to dedicate myself in training these abilities, otherwise I would've been in your head for ages. :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
IJesusChrist a dit:
This is a favorite of mine, and is obvious to the truth that your mood affects everything.

Absolutely, emotions are so powerful.. they can totally be like little trips in themselves. When you're long-term depressed the world is bland, time grinds to an unpleasant halt. When you're wildly infatuated with a girl the world becomes cinematic and lush.

It is cool that we can choose (to a certain degree) what our mood will be. As the expression goes, we make our own heaven and we make our own hell here on earth.

mrvitorsky a dit:
No one really adressed making text move and wobble as if on acid... Can any one else do that?

If I trance out enough sometimes this happens, but not just with text, it could be any sort of pattern or texture.. same with paintings and drawings. (But not to the same degree as a real trip by any means)

mrvitorsky a dit:
Making people faces or so forth appear...

Hmm not quite sure what you mean by that.. I've always been able to "see" faces in patterns and objects if I allow my imagination to wander a bit..


24 Juin 2009
Here's one. Sometimes I can feel sensations in my brain. I don't know if it's blood vessel activity, or electromagnetic activity, or just my imagination, or what.

Sometimes, when this happens, I'll try to visualize the sensation as a 3D pattern.
Then, as soon as I visualize it, the sensation shifts a little. I try to visualize it again, and when I do it shifts again.

The images tend to be fractals. Each step of the feedback loop tends to have more detail. It's really fun to keep this going as long as I can, but like a lot of things I lose concentration and it evaporates.

It looks just like this stuff:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9GBf8y0 ... re=related


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
nice, chlandi patterns are awesome 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
To respond, yes text will float around...

Especially floor tiles, and things with alot of random detail. They just seem to breathe and move if i stare at them for a few seconds... I used to be the crazy kid, i remember going to my grandmas, sitting at the table, looking at the wood grain patterns and just start to smile and giggle.... acourse if anyone saw me they would think i was nuts (probably correct)


21 Juil 2007
5 922
:D :lol: very funny and very interesting



Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juin 2009
I just did It I'm in the state. I was just thinking that is the final test. Do you understand. The mind Is so powerful and one billion thoughts are flying about and I can feel my mind fully understand each bit of It. And slowly the text starts to move as my mind understands and slowly my eyes start to tear up at pure fear wonder beauty... even hate, its all so beautiful. Innocence the only happy but what does it mean. As I scrape my head through my finger tips and claw at my brains while I eat all the cockroaches. I can see. Its so beautiful. Understand this Is just a mind wondering... just a mind wondering, I don't think I even need psychedelics cause my mind Is dancing so damn beautifully. Have you ever felt that rhythm, Its like the first time some one you loves touches you at every beat. This was an experiment, and I realized, every time I write, It is the same mind set of psychedelics, and I can hold that state with out writing I just gotta figure It out... Shit Ill get back to you my mind Is exploding. I'm an ass sorry....


21 Juil 2007
5 922
wow you got an insight there, it seems. :mrgreen:

i know what you mean. i like this mindstate and i had it occasionally, but lately wasn't really able to bring it back. i mean it is enjoyable. you can enjoy yourself, if you can. :D but maybe it is not easy, given the condition, that many people have lost this ability.

i don't know maybe you are experienced with this shit. like for example in thailand i had an experience which was strange... only one of many.... i was like going out of my guesthouse in the morning.... i could see the position of the sun also mind you. and well.... after braekafast and walking a bit around.... suddenly it was evening.... i mean at first it was 10 or 11 or so and suddenly 5 or 6, which i could see by the changed position of the sun, and by that i noticed it. but well i smoked some strong thai weed in that time... so who knows really :mrgreen: so would you suggest it might have to do somethin with my willpower or whatever ???
also on one occasion.... also after a period of smoking a lot of strong weed
i could hear peoples thoughts in my head, and sometimes they even got like translated in my language or so... hard to explain but well...
