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Truffles/Philosopher stones

  • Auteur de la discussion cusmro
  • Date de début



I am living in the Netherlands and plan on visiting someone in Germany and have some of those yummy magic truffles that they sell here. I know the risks of having trouble with the police is low but I'm kind of paranoid, so my plan is to...

-Dry them
-Grind them into a powder
-Mix it with tea and put it in a thermos
-Consume it a few days after making the drink

My fears, however:
-Has the psylocybin any chance to see its effect reduced by the grinding or the water or the heating or more importantly, because of the fact that it would stay in that liquid form for quite a while?
-I have had them truffles before and the effect lasted 8 hours with 10 grams (the normal dosage). I put them into a tea as well but not grinded, so I'm thinking that these big chunks were taking longer to digest, making the whole thing last longer maybe. So I wonder if 1) I might not get too much effect at once (last time was perfect in intensity) 2) It might last shorter, and without any ''come-backs'' due to the lack of big slow-to-digest chunks.

If you could share your tips about that :D that'd be cool.
Also if you can think of a better idea to make the whole thing travel...

Thanks in advance!


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
I think it should work. Make sure it doesn't boil. Adding some lemon juice to the water should aid the extraction. I made tea of some mushrooms just once. The effect was very mild and clearheaded, almost unnoticable yet interesting. Ofc. I could have made the extract wrong or the dosage was just too low though I used 30gr fresh. The come up was very fast compared to regular and the trip didn't last very long, perhaps 5 hours I think. You might want to consider not being paranoid though, just hide em somewhere. If they'd search you and find em they probably wouldn't even know what it was and if they would they probably wouldn't be too harsh I think. You could tell them it's an ingredient for a dish or sth. Gl!


Glandeuse pinéale
23 Jan 2009
cusmro a dit:
Also if you can think of a better idea to make the whole thing travel...

Thanks in advance!

Hey dude,

try sending it via the mail. Just send a postcard with ground up shit in it.
Within the E.U. it doesn't get checked what so ever.
Works every time :)


2 Sept 2007
1 574
im not sure how it would work with truffles, but with mushrooms, its quite easy to make it into chocolate bars.

take a ziplock with some 'home made chocolate' in it with you on the plane. there wont be any trouble.


-Has the psylocybin any chance to see its effect reduced by the grinding or the water or the heating or more importantly, because of the fact that it would stay in that liquid form for quite a while?
I think the effect will be same.Don't worry about it.
Also keep posting updates.


Matrice périnatale
29 Mar 2010
Does anyone have any info on their duration and strenght on a normal portion? Is it also worth it to try one of these for a first trip instead of normal mushrooms, or do they almost go at the same level of altering conciousness?


Matrice périnatale
1 Avr 2010
:P yea its gonna work. I have a friend that lives in amsterdam he sends me truffles all the time . i just tripped out on a whole 10 gr about 4 weeks ago lol im still recovering :shock: :roll:


Matrice périnatale
1 Avr 2010
Sativa a dit:
Does anyone have any info on their duration and strenght on a normal portion? Is it also worth it to try one of these for a first trip instead of normal mushrooms, or do they almost go at the same level of altering conciousness?

Hey was up man. well the first time i did truffles i was under the concept the truffles and mushrooms was two diffrent things but there not.I did alot of research and they said 10 grams was a nice dose for a first time trip. To be specific i ate the Atlantic truffles which is said to be the strongest. man i was high as a pigons pussy lol i keep on telling myself omg im so high. To me the truffles played with my brain and my visuals at the same time and very hard. I have done alot of shrooms before and to me sometime u get shrooms that give u all visuals and sometime u get alot of visuals and alot of mental torture. :finga: so i would really suggest u try truffles first just cause i found them a lil bit easer to control.


Glandeuse pinéale
6 Nov 2009
First time I did truffles, I had read things like "made me laugh all night" "great shrooms for a first time", etc.
So I took around 20g (pretty big dose). All I can say is that it was pretty fucking... intense.
And I never laughed.
Had a great time though.
If set and setting is important with psychedelics, I was so fucked up that I coul've been under a bridge downtown in the middle of a gloomy foggy night, it wouldn't have changed anything. I was not in the same space and couldn't react to any of my surroundings.
Very introspective => inside myself => ""fucked up"".
If I try it again, I'll do it with a lower dosage. I say try it around 10g to 12g max. All depends on where, who with, and you.
For external duration, count on 4 hours. For your sense of time, count on someting between 4 to a lot more.
Last time, I had grown a power : I could stop time.

As sativa said, They're shrooms man. It's not like smoking a bud.
I had great times with other mexicans too.

Don't forget : enjoy it !


Matrice périnatale
1 Avr 2010
heres a couple of videos i got of me eating some.

this video is of me showing off the pack of Atlantis truffles.

this video is of me eating the package.

And this is a video right after the trip of me talking about the effects.

enjoy. :lol:


Hypothetically if legal one could purchase 10gr packages
According to the photos on line, they look sort of freeze dried and feel rubbery
I am used to 10gr dry of regular mushrooms (Nice strong journey)
how does 10gr of these atlantic truffles compared to 10gr dry of shrooms. the shrooms are a much larger volume by sight?



Glandeuse pinéale
28 Avr 2010
i ate 15 grams of atlantis and it was a mental turtle. It made me and me friends like crazy. Everyone spoke to the others but noone listened the others. It's crazy.


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Nov 2008
The first time I tried mushrooms it was truffles. Can't remember how much I had.

But they're a lot nicer to eat than normal fruits and cultivating them is easier since you don't need to go from the sterile bag to the none sterile fruiting stage, you can leave them sealed in the sterile jars or bags and forget about them for a few months without worrying you'll open the container to find green.

They're harder to regrow via spores, since it's quite hard to make them fruit, so you can't make your own prints very easily. But since the stones are coming from a sterile media (unlike normal fruits), you could clone them quite easily. Open the bag in a bleached out plastic tub with your gloves on (alcohol washed), rewash your gloves with alcohol (they'll be contaminated after touching the outside of the bag), dig one out, flame the blade, cut some off and drop it into the new sterile media. To make things easier, move the first grow to a clean tub as smoothly and quickly as possible to incubate and don't open the lid too often or touch the bags (particularly without alcohol washed gloves on). That will keep the outside of the bags as clean as possible for when it comes to cloning. When you're digging one out, you don't need to touch it with your hands, you could just squeeze them out onto a sterilized dish and spear them with a flamed spiked (a truffle kebab skewer) as you cut off samples.

Planning out every step before starting, to give the maximum result for the minimum effort, will seriously improve your performance when it comes to doing it. You want everything beside you and clean and to know the exact sequence you're going to use before starting or you'll end up running around, contaminating things and stressing yourself out. Make a numbered list if it helps.

In terms of strength, they were good. Although, it was the first time I'd taken something like that (so I'd be more sensitive to it) and I've had strong experiences with other random strain mushrooms in small quantities as well.


13 Juin 2010
risinginlovelight a dit:
I am used to 10gr dry of regular mushrooms (Nice strong journey)
how does 10gr of these atlantic truffles compared to 10gr dry of shrooms. the shrooms are a much larger volume by sight?


I think 30gr atlantis is comparative with 10gr dry cubensis. Tad stronger in emotions, tad less confusing (hardly confusing at all actually) It can be verry subjective ofcourse. But if you handle 10gr dry normal fine i dont see you having any trouble with 30gr atlantis.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
I have the feeling that truffles are a bit milder then regular shrooms, although, the active compounds are the same.
Shrooms taste disgusting, and when you eat truffles you'll think they taste a lot better, but after that thought arises it will be gone just as quick, cause the aftertaste is just absolutly awful, i really prefer the taste of shrooms over this.

It's a very intense sour aftertaste in the back of your palate and tongue, it doesn't go away that easy but after eating something sweet it get's better pretty quick.

I'm not a big fan of truffles, but some others feel the opposite, i also noticed some people like this taste better then regular shrooms, so opinions are devided, i guess it's up to you to make out what you think about it after trying them.

Good luck.


Matrice périnatale
31 Mai 2010
So these magic truffles being advertised on the website, are they legal to buy here in the states? Has anyone had any success with them?


Matrice périnatale
31 Mai 2010
I think I figured out the answer... The active compound, psilocybin, is schedule I... so it doesn't matter that it comes from an alternative source.


2 Sept 2007
1 574
u got it.

same reason why marijuana seeds and mushrooms spores ARE legal. its all about the active compounds in the product.



I have a little problem now. Two weeks ago I've bought 4 bags of Psilocibe
Atlantis 15g in Netherlands, with a best before date 28th of August. I had to repack it
into plastic bags just for safe transport to Poland. I've kept it in a refrigerator all the time. Now when I
check it... two of the bags seems not to be good anymore. They have lost
their smell and are now a little stinky and sticky. Damn! Please tell me if
I can still make a use of it, if its safe to use them. Either eating
normally or freezing maybe? Does it still have psylocine/psylocybine?


Elfe Mécanique
11 Sept 2011
If they have begun to rot and smell, you cannot eat them.

However, if you put them into some kind of container or growth medium, perhaps some agar, you may be able to iso out and grow some of your own.

I realize this is very late in coming. Let us know what happened.