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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
So I'm going to try to quit today. Again. As of now. Just finished my last pack this afternoon. I like it, but I am also addicted, and want to be free of it.

Wonder how long I'll last this time!


(The most I've made it before is about a week. They say it is supposed to get easier after a week. I found I didn't really notice at all for the first day or two, then it got progressively harder every day!)

Hopefully I can score a bit of green, it might make the transition easier.. possibly?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
don't try, just quit. :wink:

Good luck, st.bot.32!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
I wish you good luck.

Strange that you say you don't notice in the first two days as they are the hardest for me lol XD. Last time I tried to quit I lasted 3 weeks. After the first week it gets pretty easy not to smoke, when I thought about smoking it didn't interest me at all, when I saw someone smoking a cigarette I felt sorry for him but it didn't make me want to smoke. I started smoking again when I had no weed and bought hash instead, and therefore needed some cigarettes to smoke it, bought a pack, and having a pack means smoking for me... So what I learned from this: NO MORE HASH, and if I ever have to buy some I'll smoke it in my glass pipe, even if it tastes bad.

I'm quitting again since yesterday, so lets make it together! :D

PS: of course it's probably gonna be harder for you, as you said you like it... I hate tobacco, I don't like the taste and it makes me feel like shit... but I'm still addicted... DAAAARGHnnnnh....

And yes, smoking weed helps a lot, for me at least. I think it is worth smoking more weed for a little while to compensate.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
mhm replacing one addiction with the other (weed) is no solution imho.

I personally smoke when I feel bad, I do not force myself not to smoke. I think you can't stop if your mind says yes but your conscience says no. It needs to be both. So IMHO, if you wanna smoke 1-2 times a week when you feel bad, you shouldn't force yourself not to do it. And ask yourself: why do you want to smoke. If it is only the fact of addiction, you will probably not succeed as then you like the effect/taste but only dislike the secondary effect. You may also ask why you smoke and if your answer is addiction, ask why you are addicted. And if you were a chain smoker, it is a reaaaaly hard thing to crash-quit, so maybe you wanted to make rules e.g. no cigarettes before sunset?

But nevertheless, good luck to you all!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
restin a dit:
mhm replacing one addiction with the other (weed) is no solution imho....
And ask yourself: why do you want to smoke. If it is only the fact of addiction, you will probably not succeed as then you like the effect/taste but only dislike the secondary effect....
But nevertheless, good luck to you all!

Understandable, this was my worry at one point as well. The thing is, weed isn't physically addictive. I've smoked the herb everyday before and stopped cold turkey and been just fine. Of course I missed it, but it was nothing at al like cigarettes--I tried that with cigarettes and by day 6 I was an angsty teenie.

For me the only reason I would have to be careful about using weed when I want to smoke tobacco.. is that like I said, it's more than addiction, I like tobacco. When I get high or I'm tripping I find a cigarette very, very enjoyable (opposite effect for some people I hear)... fortunately in that state I can keep myself busy enough that I don't think about it.

Actually the last time I made it for a week, I had my PSP with me all the time and just submerged myself in video games all day.. even during breaks at work. It totally took my mind off the nicotine.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
but why do you want to quit?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
just quit. don't think, just do. be strong. be a man :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Don't know if it's like that for everyone but for me with tobacco, it's either I smoke uncontrollably (is this a word? Anyway, I guess you understand), or I don't smoke at all.

just quit. don't think, just do. be strong. be a man
+1 :D

Also at the beginning I didn't believe that once the cravings stop even a few puffs could make you addicted again... and that is what made me fail. It started by taking a few puffs off a friend's cigarette from time to time... after a few day when I arrived at work I asked a collegue a cigarette, I though "I'm not addicted anymore, now I will be able to control myself to just smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes per week". I was wrong. The day after I worked again and asked a customer that bought a pack to sell me 2, and the day after I was buying a pack... smoking it as fast as possible so I can quit again the fastest posssible... but I still bought a few cigarettes from my friend in the following days, until monday, when I decided it was time to quit for good.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
haha.. nice replies here :D

but why do you want to quit?

it isn't healthy. and i'm addicted. if i could keep it occasional like once a week, it wouldn't be a concern but much like psychoid, my attempts to do that have always failed.

also after a period of smoking everyday, nicotine does cloud up my head somehow. i can't explain it, but when i quit for a while, i get a sense of clarity back. it is my uneducated guess that regular nicotine use must fuck up your head somehow if you are flooding your brain with dopamine constantly all day...

lastly, i'm going to be away from my regular smoker friends for a while now. so there are no temptations around. now is the time to do it, if ever.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
st.bot.32 a dit:
also after a period of smoking everyday, nicotine does cloud up my head somehow. i can't explain it, but when i quit for a while, i get a sense of clarity back. it is my uneducated guess that regular nicotine use must fuck up your head somehow if you are flooding your brain with dopamine constantly all day...

Yeah I notice that too, and also I generally feel more positive when I don't smoke tobacco and feel I have more energy...

So again I wish you good success.

Let's make a pact: if one of us fail, he sends a joint to the other, dissimulated in a pen :lol:

(just kidding ^^)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
it isn't healthy. and i'm addicted.
I don't want to get you away from your plans but maybe making this stuff clear could help. If you understand why you are doing something, you are more likely to succeed. So you like the short-term effects of nicotine but dislike the longterm. As we are quite stupid creatures, we rather concentrate on the short-term than on the long term. :wink:
no temptations
maybe I am too stupid but probably, if smoking is a temptation your mind still doens't really want to quit...If your mind also doesn't want to smoke, smoking is no temptation...cause you should never resist a temptation :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
restin a dit:
it isn't healthy. and i'm addicted.
I don't want to get you away from your plans but maybe making this stuff clear could help. If you understand why you are doing something, you are more likely to succeed. So you like the short-term effects of nicotine but dislike the longterm. As we are quite stupid creatures, we rather concentrate on the short-term than on the long term. :wink:
[quote:1fsoa77l]no temptations
maybe I am too stupid but probably, if smoking is a temptation your mind still doens't really want to quit...If your mind also doesn't want to smoke, smoking is no temptation...cause you should never resist a temptation :wink:[/quote:1fsoa77l]

haha.. i totally agree on all fronts. i'm going to have to make myself quit while keeing it a temptation though.. there is no way i'm going to be able to make myself dislike tobacco.. it's embedded into me. i've had mushroom trips where i tripped out just on the feeling of the tobacco rush going across my brain.. (and no cigarettes, just the thought of it!) ;)

sometimes we just have to pull up our bootstraps and quit things we really like because they aren't good for us.. don't ask me how... just do it i guess!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
I see :D Good luck! Both of you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
Will power sir, like Lion said, "be a man." I use the variance "man up" which motivates me. Also, I find pot to be quite addicting. :P


11 Juil 2008
Quitting is not for me, i just roll one whenever i feel like it.
If i dont feel like it i dont. :)

Smoking in the morning is what gets you the rest of the day...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
st.bot.32 a dit:
(The most I've made it before is about a week. They say it is supposed to get easier after a week. I found I didn't really notice at all for the first day or two, then it got progressively harder every day!)

I did quit smoking for one year. I can say i was totally free from the addiction of tobacco. But then i smoked one joint with some tobacco(I never thought about that) and i directly felt my self addicted to weed, which of course was not the weed but the fucking tobacco. I kept smoking joints for weeks and finally i started with smoking again. So if you quit, NEVER and NEVER try it again! That's my advice ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
true, that is probably how it would be for me!

i do know a few of those people who can start and stop smoking whenever they feel like it. lucky bastards.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
st.bot.32 a dit:
true, that is probably how it would be for me!

i do know a few of those people who can start and stop smoking whenever they feel like it. lucky bastards.


There blessed :)


12 Août 2008
Good luck to those quitting.

I smoked my last one at 4 in the morning 1st of June last. I had an asmathic attack (I'm not asmathic). It was like someone was standing on my chest, a very uncomfortable sensation. I thought fuck it, Im finished. I've not smoked since.

However, I use the gum to wean myself of them. I'm down to 3-4 chews a day now. At some point I'll get off them as well. even so it's a hell of a lot healthier than smoking and bear in mind I smoked for more the 20 years an ounce of baccy a day.