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Something to help me relax


Matrice périnatale
10 Déc 2009
Hi, I'm new around here. So I kinda have a problem, I always tend to feel too anxious and have difficulty relaxing specially in social settings. I'm looking for something to help me relax while still being able to function quite normally, any suggestions?


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Kava kava is by far the best thing I've found for anxiety. The taste takes acquiring, and of course you have to order it (Hawaii or another Polynesian isle), but it's fantastic. I find it between a hash stone and being drunk, but with a clear head, and it's a mild tranquilizer and muscle relaxant, so your tension will be gone. A potent brew will put you in a very deep and wholesome sleep (some say no dreams, but mine are very vivid with this). The only thing to look out for is that you use Kava products that contain the root ONLY, no leaves as they will cause possibly fatal liver damage. I order from http://www.konakavafarm.com/ , they have good prices and selection.

Also you may want to try a large dosage of mushrooms. That can set you straight or make you worse for a while :wink: Truly though, mind your set and setting and this is a great way to centre yourself.

Exogenous business aside, you should try and pick up meditation. Thirty minutes each day is not hard to set aside and it's quite rewarding if you stick to it.

EDIT: The Kava deserved a better description.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I would advise not resorting to a chemical for this.

I personnally used to have anxiety around people, but you have to learn your own thoughts better, you have to learn to learn, and learn to change.

If you give more detail about your anxiety maybe I can help you more, personally.

But if you honestly just want a drug to make you more relaxed, shoot up some heroine, take some codeine, morphine is great too.


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
Have had a lot of succes with St John's wort, the herb version.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Oct 2007
1 022
I agree whit IJesus. Taking something is not the way. You should work on the 'problems' that you might face. Might be hard, but rewarding.


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
I agree that most farmaceutical chemicals that are given today against anxiety, are not the way too go. But certain plants that help u working on yourself while suffering less from anxiety in social surroundings is perfectly fine imo. It doesnt have to be dualistic, it can go hand in hand.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Sometimes you need breaks in the anxiety, to know what it is like to live free of it. Plants and mushrooms can give you a break, as well as help you better yourself. Finding "something to help me relax" is why I got into entheogens and why I am a psychonaut. It was upon taking them to find relaxation that I saw their true potential. I don't agree with you saying it is not the right way to help yourself. Expanding your mind is a great way to become a more relaxed and balanced person. The psychonauts that exist have many different reasons for doing what they do.

Ngavelin, you have to try different methods and see what works for you. It helps to see the professionals (but I wouldn't advise asking them for medication, all they have is pharmaceuticals which I found useful only for zombification), see especially your doctor. Get some blood work done, there are many physical conditions, hormone deficiencies, etc. that can have anxiety as a side effect. It may turn out to be a chemical imbalance only, which can be easily corrected. Check out a psychologist, or do some reading on anxiety (wikipedia is a good start), there are breathing techniques that can be very helpful. Read about meditation as well, it's quite therapeutic. You may find you need to make lifestyle changes. I don't know if you just have irritating mild anxiety or if you have had nervous breakdowns, so like IJesus said, a little more info would help us help you.



Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
If you can obtain good clean cocaine from a non-sketchy source (you are on your own) than try that. Makes social settings awesome.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
Necridous a dit:
If you can obtain good clean cocaine from a non-sketchy source (you are on your own) than try that. Makes social settings awesome.
Stay away from cocaine if you're insecure!!
It will turn you into an annoying loser.


Matrice périnatale
10 Déc 2009
Thanks for replying guys, I think I have social anxiety, at least "symptoms" are spot on with how I feel.
So I've tried some legal herb called "little" marijuana(leonotis leonorus) or whatever they call it. Well I gotta say it makes me feel more careless and relaxed, bit easier to talk to people, but still.. I found it way too soft, it's a weak herb I suppose so that's what you get.
Anyway I'm looking for a bigger change.. like someone said, I need to step out of this anxiety and learn the feeling cause I've pretty much always been anxious.
About kava do you smoke it or what? :) BTW I also have some babywoodrose seeds I bought but I'm kinda worried about the nausea!


Matrice périnatale
10 Déc 2009
Well I'm just looking for a few trips, I bought salvia as well, not wanting to get wasted but more for the "spiritual" experience, I'm not sure what I'll do/try next tough.


Glandeuse pinéale
23 Sept 2009
real advice..
people are gonna hate me for this.. but..
im an honest guy

your probably looking in the mirror you dont like what you see. your not comfortable with your self becasue face it buddy you have low self esteem? you know whats a good cure for that two things in my book

first is the best work out bud.. get some supplemnts from gnc, walmart w/e get them especially l-argenine and start working that soon to be sexy body out. when you work out its good for you and the best part is you build confience! that boost in self esteem will help you conquer your anxiety. you knowing that your body is looking better than before is a plus plus plus and if your bigger you will think hey i can beat the crap out of alotts guys and shit people just dont wanna mess with me.. and when you get on that 6 to 8 pack game girls will flock to you. they will say omg can i suck your dick? and you say not you herpes mouth but YOU! come here
and you have to e in physical pain when you get out the gym numb arms and abs without pain thier is no gain. im not talking pansy ass machines im talking strait iron FREE weights budy :lol:

second i like to indulge in is adderall
i use it to study but man so i get a GO go GOOO like a snappy up beat feeling
i talk my head of with anyone id talk to the waLL if it atleast acknowledged me
or any other stimulants it gives you a im ready to take on the world you son of a B**** feeling BRING IT ill defeat YOU ALL and laugh while you suffer underneath me hahahaha

maybe try 5htp to help build serotonin adn get a better nights sleep?


Glandeuse pinéale
23 Sept 2009
uhh reading some of these posts if you going to a party... i would not recommenced, weed, codine, morphine opiate derivatives..
or any downers. they slow you down, week makes you socially with drawl from the crowd.

thats why alcohol is better it kinda makes you do things you useually would not... ish....
but opiate derivaties no way you will jsut stare at the wall and be cool with it.
you wanna mingle with the ladies or ( dudes if you swing that way) w/e noy my business nor do i care to know.

i wanna help you help your self.
you dont need drugs to help you fit in. if you ever fit in the first place what will drugs do??? zone you out and make you feel good. and that is not getting you any digits anytime soon.

serious if you have time and dont mine a little pain and want to look and feel better about your self.
hit the gym do 20x5 push ups, 20x 5 situps, start jogging a bit might even get that runners high, try half mile and teak it to a mile and then 1.5 then 2..... or if you have money for a gym join thier you get the check people out, meet people and its a grat place to meet people and work on thats important your BODY!
think about it in life you get one body and its you temple i hope you take good care of it bc its your and no matter what condition its i it doesnt matter to anyone else but your self bc your living in it.
i might seem like a prick or a tv commerical but deep inside you know its true! i will admit people im not a true psychnuat im a pussy im afrid of addiction and most of all loosing my mind.. rememebr when you all first smoked weed.. i swear after that first high high you are not the sam person you were mentally ( SOMETHING HAPPENED SOMETHING DIFFENT) i dont know what but yea it is and if i tried other things god knows what the hell id think.
im already a little wierd...
i look like a premeat head kinda stupid but deep inside im a dorky nerd that loves to look good and show off its not for me its for evey one else to enjoy my company.. funny isnt it? i could careless about that i look like.. if it were only me i do it for evey one else. i dont lift more than my bosy wieght and more than double my weights on leg presses just for me i do it for the chicas i do it for so ther other guys will be intimidated/ jelous of me.. why? i wouldnt fit in anyway why not make it seem that im to cool to fit in in the first place its a whole psycological game i can write on and on and on but ill stop here
if this ideas is sold its SOLD if not good luck ....
and im not getting paid so i have nothing to hide
im here for you and this is a free service i provide psychnaut bc of the kindness i got from other people here on other posts.

after reading this please dont hate me i mean good i do admit im another breed you probably hate but we can get along right???


Matrice périnatale
10 Déc 2009
It's ok dude I don't hate you for giving good advice :) working out is definitely good for you, I started working out 2yrs ago, I'm still further from looking like I want but at least I'm happy with how my body looks, I'd like to have a more defined face tough lol but still social anxiety doesn't have that much to do with that, being good looking surely helps with confidence but for me that's just it.. I think when we are young and fail to change certain behaviours like being too shy or introverted that behaviour might turn into something like anxiety when you're an adult.
It's something almost out of my control, even if you want to act in a different way the brain probably releases a series of chemicals that trigger anxiety.
Going to a doctor and check my hormone levels would probably be the best thing to do but I hate going to the doctor, let alone asking for a blood work.


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
If you have never tried cocaine, opiates, more than one toke of weed, you are not really qualified to give advice about its use in a social setting, and I'm sorry but anecdotal evidence is not convincing.

I don't suggest using substances as a tool, except as a tool of self discovery, but if you are determined to try heres a little more detailed guideline than my last post

Alcohol: Lowers your inhibitions for better or worse. Yes you may open up to your peers more, but that comes at the risk of opening up things that shoudn't (sorry i know this is vague). Also, it makes you feel terrible if drinking heavily, which is never fun, and can be addicting with a harsh withdrawal. Works good as a last resort downer on stimulants.

Weed: One of my personal favorites, but I urge caution. When initially beginning to smoke I suggest doing so only in a comfortable and safe area with a few close friends.Try to obtain good bud and not regs/swag/ whatever you call bad bud. You can easily tell from a little internet researching the difference. Once you are comfortable with yourself stoned, it can be an excellent social setting drug. If needed you can hide the effects so people won't notice, makes you a great conversationalist provided you don't get absolutely blazed, and lowers the amount of nasty alcohol you have to drink to get that "buzz". Do not become a pothead though as it will decrease your motivation, drain your money, and eventually most heavy heavy users obtain a subtle to extreme paranoia and/or psychotic issues. This doesn't happen to everyone, and in some people it doesn't manifest for a great many years, but it definitely does have an impact on you if you are a heavy daily user.

Cocaine: It is a much more dangerous thing to deal with than marijuana, but if you can cultivate and maintain a relationship with a hopefully close aquaintence, this drug can be amazing. This drug, when reasonably high quality does for me what MDMA purportedly does for most people. In reasonable dosages, it is one of the best party drugs there is. WARNING!! IT is incredibly easy to develop an addiction to this substance as the withdrawals are milder than opiates and take longer to appear. It requires an EXTREME devotion to not overdoing it. SWIM once did half an ounce in two days time with 2-3 friends. that is a lot of money for two days time, and that is small fry compared to someone who has bigger sums of money, SWIM, was a student with no job on a $400 dollar a month allowance. Fantastic, but fantastically easy to throw your life away. Very harsh legal consequences as well.

LSD/MDMA/DMT/Pscilocybin/Mescaline/Ketamine: When done with a good set and setting and a few close friends these are miracle substances, Hard to become addicted to in any real way, and absolutely mind blowing experiences each in their own unique way. But untill you become very socially adjusted they are a very INTENSE thing to try at a party. You will be highly noticeable, and unless it is a party geared towards everyone tripping you can easily start to act out of line. Once you are experienced in them it can get exponentially easier (SWIM has tripped around his mother and she was none the wiser) though dilated pupils are a hard thing to hide. Legal consequences can be tough as well


Glandeuse pinéale
23 Sept 2009
im sure im not qualified to give advice outside my region but i do agree with your
weed statement you said it loud and clear the stereotype is their for a reason
for those reasons i do not like it.

how do you rank weed at A+ but cocaine at a B???

like they say pick your poison..

oh and an A+++ on this
"I don't suggest using substances as a tool, except as a tool of self discovery, but if you are determined to try heres a little more detailed guideline than my last post"

The real advice is you have a mental problem you have to wake up and think to your self? hey im being strange and people might view me a little wierd so maybe i can stop being wierd... hahaha but seriously something to discuess with a shrink but they probably will give you a pill for that which i dont recommend maybe when you feel like you wanna run away or w/e when in a awkward situation just flip it as it can only get wierdo so make it less wierd ( easy said thatn done i know but its fear you must face your self) "thier is nothing to fear except fear it self"~FDR

you say you worked out for 2 years but i dont think your working out enough or maybe you really are idk but "working out"
is like a second job buddy atleast 2 hours for 3 to 5 times a week. NOT MY Business just pointing it out

i mean dont waste your time at a doctors.. maybe you need a session of self awareness and meditation and a boost of self esteem also known as an EGO. the ego can help you keep your head up and chest out.. like working out 24/7 and getting big does it for me maybe its something else for you. sure i might not be the biggest badest guy out thier but im gonna be bigger than alot of them :D


21 Juil 2007
5 922
what about ritalin or amphetamines


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
Ngavelin a dit:
Well I'm just looking for a few trips, I bought salvia as well, not wanting to get wasted but more for the "spiritual" experience, I'm not sure what I'll do/try next tough.
salvia is not spiritual imo. if you want to become spiritual using substances, take the time and extra effort to get some mushrooms, its relatively easy to get your dose right vs acid, and even on a low low dose, you will have insights on life.

"I'm looking for something to help me relax while still being able to function quite normally, any suggestions?"

heres my theory:
you're looking in the wrong places for these things. they are not EXternal. you need to find the right chemicals internally, and it's up to you to find the best or your favorite button to hit to produce them.

looking for a temporary solution? try substances. thing is, you'll still be in the same hole afterwards unless you edit what substances you take in (and therefore produce), and most importantly, dont look at it as, "is this a good solution to make me more social?" instead look at it like, "is this going to help me in the long run at all?" your mindset makes ALL the difference. change your mind and your body WILL follow, change your body, and your mind will. this is law.

so, if you're looking for the latter question, and long term social anxiety "curing", not "treating", you'll have to start being productive. being involved in your environment instead of isolating yourself from it..

working out boosts serotonin levels, and others im sure (dopamine?, dunno..), anyways working out, making art (this can be cooking, drawing, painting, fishing, martial arts, knitting, anything involving a learned skill) comsuming art. music, movies, watching sports, idk become a conessueir (spelling..) of all things.

once you start activating these different areas of your brain, you WILL feel better about yourself, as a natural consequence. you can look at it many ways, but what it comes down to is once you find something you love, your brain releases chemicals that help you feel good about yourself, the more you do it, the more nerons you will have in the pleasurable area, and the less youll have in the indesired thoughts emotions area (to simplify the concept) and in conclusion boosts your self confidence and mental stability. by becoming a doer, anxiety should vanish