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smoking weed before eating mushrooms


Matrice périnatale
27 Nov 2005
I wondered if it is wise to smoke weed before you eat the mushrooms. I heard it could minimalize the effects of the mushroom,

and I sure don't want that to happen :lolwsign:

Can anyone tell me if this rumour is true? I know that smoking weed after eating the mushrooms will give a better effect.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I wouldn't overdo it certainly, I heard the same rumours from pretty reliable sources. And if you smoke, don't mix it with tabacco, that is even worse. It's better to stay straight though (in my humble opinion). If you do want to smoke, you can smoke when the effects start to diminish, to prolong the effect and intensify the trip (this is certainly true, tried it myself). I also heard people talk about the combination of the two causing flashbacks (which can be either pleasant or not). If you are new to shrooms I would take them without any other substances, on an empty stomach.


Matrice périnatale
27 Nov 2005
thanks for the tip. it isn't the first time I'm going to use it. Usually I begin smoking after the effects have started allready. One time I ate regular food one hour before I ate the mushrooms. it didn't work. But I'd smoked weed too, so I don't know what caused it didn't worked. Some say the food, other say the weed. I guess it's hard to predict. I'll keep myself clean until I'm high!

Does thea makes the effects better? and do I leave the cutted mushroom in the thea or is it better to throw the mushrooms away after you've created thea? I've read several articles and they all give different answers. I guess leaving the cutted mushroom in the thea and keeping it in your mouth and swallowing it, will raise the effect. And throwing sugar or honey in the thea will minimalize. But is it true that chocolate makes the effect even stronger? Isn't there a lot of sugar in chocolate which causes it will work less?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
You should probably only smoke after the peak of the experience. This will make the trip a bit longer.
Making tea out of the mushrooms is very possible. Just make sure you mix it with some nice caffeine-free herbal tea for better taste. If you let the shrooms sip for 20 minutes/half an hour, most of the psychoactives should be in the tea. However, if you really want the most out of them, you can try to grind up the dried mushrooms before putting them in the tea. Also make sure that the water isn't boiling when you put the shrooms in.
Key issue remains that you should have an empty stomach. Drinking a acidic fruit juice an hour before consumption makes the trip stronger. Chocolate will make it stronger. Sugar will make it weaker. Honey is pretty neutral according to my experience. The chocolate should be as bitter/pure as possible, because of the content of sugar. If you have something like 70% pure chocolate, it will usually make the effects stronger. You can eat it either prior to the trip or during. During the trip it is probably way more enjoyable, because of the hightened sensation. If you're a purist, you can try to use cocoa powder (the pure kind). There's no sugar in this, but you should make a drink out of it.
Thread about the fruit juice (and about MAO-inhibitors, but be careful with this):


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Some people claim smoking weed brings you down from a trip, for others it's the exact opposite (like for myself).

I personally would rather take twice as much shrooms instead of smoking weed because weed gives me paranoia.

You'll have to try it for yourself, I guess...

But is it true that chocolate makes the effect even stronger? Isn't there a lot of sugar in chocolate which causes it will work less?
It's the cocoa - so you'll better get some real cocoa powder and make cup of it (you can add artificial sweeteners so you don't have any sugar in it).

There's also claims that certain fruit juices (cranberry, lemon and grapefruit I think) will make the effect stronger and more explosive. I'll yet have to test that, but I read about it on different sources.


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Août 2005
it depends - anewbie can use weed to get back in the normal world ... like when yout high on shrooms - and the effects are going down - weed helps to get hombase - when you didn't smoke during the trip ... for more experienced poeple it doesn't matter - they get back anytime - and than weed can bring an extra touch to the trip ... get's you higher ... . so depends.


3 Déc 2005
Part of smoking weed and tripping is that there are different types of weed. Sativas tend to give you a trippy, philosophical kind of high and indicas tend to give you a narcotic, couch-lok type of high. Of course, if you buy it instead of growing your own, you probably have no idea what type of weed you're smoking. I grow, so I know what I'm smoking... :grin:
Anyway, if you wanna smoke pot along with eatin' your shrooms, I'd recommend a sativa strain (a lot of the berry and fruity tasting strains are sativa) and if you feel you're trippin' too heavy a nice indica dominant strain like Northern Lights ought to mellow you out quite nicely. That's just my experience... but most of my friends that I smoke and trip with agree. The one exception is my friend, Greg, he hasn't tripped much at all... and smokin' weed really intensified his one and only trip.
Personally, I've found that choppin' up your shrooms real fine and mixing 'em in with a chocolate milkshake makes for an nice, tasty elixir :pint: and while the milk and chocolate calm your stomach, the chocolate also helps you get off better.
Of course, that could just be a mental thing too... but it works for me. :grin:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
it's possible to smoke weed on mushrooms, but you should eat enough sugar, because mushrooms AND weed lower the amount of sugar in your blood. That's the reason why you sometimes get very cold limbs after eating psylo's.
I used mushrooms on a festival this weekend and i was totaly freaking out, so i smoked some weed to calm myself down.

i also heared that it increases the "weirdness" of a trip


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
I smoke joints (weed/tobacco) during the trip when the trip is less strong than intended and it never fails to intensify the experience significantly.

People seem to have different reactions to it so the only sure way would be to try it out.


I once blacked out and I don't know if it has something to do with it, but I drank beer and smoked some joints before consuming 35 grams of fresh cubensis.

That was really weird, I was rolling a joint and for an unknown reason during the rolling process I gave it to a friend. But I didn't know why.
So suddenly I start shaking and sweating and I walk to the fridge to get something to drink, but allong the way I lose control of my body and fell on the floor.

Then I had the feeling I was falling meters and meters into the darkness and suddenly I got pulled back into reallity, but it was like a bungee jump sensation.
Falling real hard, then decelarating really fast and then being pulled up again.

Then I felt intensely relaxed :D

It wasn't a frightening experience, it actually was pretty cool, only it scared my friends...

Butteh, my advise is to smoke during the peak in stead of before...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I smoke joints (weed/tobacco) during the trip when the trip is less strong than intended and it never fails to intensify the experience significantly.

People seem to have different reactions to it so the only sure way would be to try it out.

Totally - most people say you can smoke weed to bring you down. For me it intensifies tripping. I have a friend who, when he first ate shrooms started developing a bad trip, he became disoriented and frightened. Some other friends rolled joint after joint to bring him down but it got worse and he totally freaked out in the end.

So, you have to try with small amounts of weed what your reaction is. I definitely don't smoke weed when tripping (and very rarely and only in the smallest amounts when I'm not tripping)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
tryptonaut a dit:
There's also claims that certain fruit juices (cranberry, lemon and grapefruit I think) will make the effect stronger and more explosive. I'll yet have to test that, but I read about it on different sources.

i think i read somewhere that citric acid makes the trip stronger, so i decided to try it myself, i had only 1gram of dried mexican shrooms left, i chopped them into bits i threw in pure lemon juice. i also added some pineaple juice and a little bit of sugar for the taste. The taste was sour but i liked it more than mushroom taste (altough i don't find mushrooms that disgusting). It gave a trip i never expected from only one gram. 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Déc 2005
1 264
yeah the citric acid makes a huuuge difference. I took 3,5 grams of mexican with orangejuice and it was unbelievably heavy. hallucinations and freaking out and stuff. lsd like


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
for smoking weed intensifies the trip a bit.. mostly it just makes it longer
but the main reason I smoke weed or just sigarets... yeah u reading it right :P dirty sigarets
it because smoking its soooo cool :P
when I take a smoke from joint or so time freezes for a second.. and the only vision I have is my joint glowing up .. releasing smoke ... smoke in a alladin style.. with all the crazy curls in it... its just sooooo relaxing and a sublime experience if u ask me
but the time freeze feeling is just so weird
anyone knows this experience ??
oh btw sometimes I get flashbacks to this moment when i`m just really stoned :)
really cool


Alpiniste Kundalini
4 Oct 2005
Smoking something during a trip seems a bit strange.. It would be the last thing you'll think about tripping, isn't it?
What would be the effect if you eat or drink weed/hash before the trip..?
I understand there's an unpredictable outcome. There's the risk of some paranoia i guess. For some reason i don't see the synergy between those two, the mushroom and cannabis.
Full blown on mushrooms needs no assistance i believe, but what if you take a cacoa(hasj)milk drink, just after your experience? Is it possible to change the afterglow to something even more relaxing..?
I usually smoke some weed quite some time after. If a mushroom would have a mind, i think it will say;
" it's stupid to think about other drugs ingesting me."
But isn't everybody selfish? :lol:


Alpiniste Kundalini
4 Oct 2005
De locatie perfect, grasveld tussen de heuvels, koeien in de buurt, muziek, drankjes, vrijheid. Hoe minder afleiding, hoe beter!
Plotseling snap je de film waarin je leeft, net zoals je overdag een droom begrijpt. Dat je wakker wordt en beseft dat de wereld, waarin je net leefde, niet echt bestaat....
De gedachtenloze realiteit. Die nu gaat pitten :)


Matrice périnatale
23 Avr 2016
I also heard people talk about the combination of the two causing flashbacks (which can be either pleasant or not). If you are new to shrooms I would take them without any other substances, on an empty stomach.


Matrice périnatale
26 Juin 2017
i wouldn't mix cannabis and shrooms it will be a weird trip
and it wont go together since i tried it