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Je m'inscris!

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Glandeuse pinéale
12 Juin 2008
first of all id capitalize but my shift key is broken. well, i do need to say that generally-that is to say, most of the time -i feel depressed. dont be confused, i do value life and myself and what i have and fancy myself optimisic, but the word tht fits my situation is depressed. i find myself searching for my place in the world-i am young, 16- i have used drugs for the wrong reason and hurt people who love me with my drug use. i dont beleive in a conventional god you have to pray to or go to church for or donate to a religious establishment for, but, i do belive in a god or conciousness whom to myself i refer to as the great one.- more of think to my self-. this modern world to me is so plastic and fake some times, i dont get kids my age and probably would get along better with my their parents than with my friends. i want desperatly to see some divine scheme or meaning behind life and grasp a better understanding of the human experience. after an incident i have dratically cut down on my drug use but occasionally smoke weed. the million dollar question is.....can entheogens help me or based only on what i told you-make of it what u want- or is it a bad idea to try. but if you think i can acheive a level of spiritual enlightenment by the use of entheogens what ones should i try and in what way. i would really like to hear what you guys have to say, thank you--pooz


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
dont take downers or uppers and you should be ok. (ideally i'd be sober) they cause severe chemical imbalances, which, for you, since you are young (mass puberty hormones) can be EXTREMELY unbalancing...

keep searching for what you are looking for. or rather keep searching for what you may or may not be searching for. dont give up hope. things will get better. i come from a similar situation and trust me, once you age just slightly more, you get alot more respect from everyone, and many many things open up for you that you would never have thought about before, or even knew existed.

i know the world we live in is horribly out of touch with nature, but you're growing up now in an era where things are becoming more conscious of the environment, so i can't see things getting much worse in this regard, only better. the only thing you really have is time, so try to use it wisely. but that is not to say that doing "nothing" is necessarily time wasted.

if you feel that the people telling you that "you are wasting your time" and "you need to do this, and you need to do that" are out of touch with nature and them selves as well, or if you just have a feeling like they are wrong, then LISTEN to your intuition. not many people know what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to YOU. after all, you are the only one who is you. so if they are being assholes and overwhelming you, then shut them out for a while, and recoup, you don't need to take on other peoples stress, which is what they are unconsciously trying to do to you. (it's not on purpose, most peoples intents ARE good, they just dont know proper means to communicate that to you) too many people see life as a frantic rat race. gotta get this gotta get that.

try to be accepting of other peoples faults, everybody has them. including you. accepting them is the only way to move forwards back to happiness. it's still out there, i promise :D


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Déc 2010
Well, I can give you some advice but you probably won't like it.
Don't do drugs at your age - you are still a child.
Don't screw up your body with smoking or alcohol, and don't screw up your mind with other drugs.

Instead, get strong - physically and mentally.
Literally, do hard physical exercise regularly. Daily if possible. The endorphins that are released will go a long way to making you feel better. Also, *learn* - not only schoolwork but general philosophy and mysticism (but not New Age crap). Practice empty mind Zen meditation for half an hour a day (ideally after your exercise). There are no shortcuts. Entheogens are a tool, but not a tool of first resort. They should be used to expand upon strong foundations that you have already built.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174

i dont want to be a hyprocrit because i was doing drugs at ur age but im a shit role model

physical exercise and mental exercise are by far the best tools you can utilise
plus they're free (money-wise that is)
i didnt learn this until i was about 18-19 after taking drugs since...a fairly young age
and i wish i had known it from the beginning


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I'm an example, if you get a bad vibe on drugs it's a big risk. It takes years to understand what happened, and at your age, you will miss out on alot of other things.

My advice is to hold off on entheogens for now, retrain your body and mind to realize you are surrounded with love, but must master the ability to find it.

Don't worry, depression won't last forever - although depression makes you think it will! - it's a phase that many of us have gone through, especially at your age. It is a time for learning, and a time for change but also acceptance.


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
Pooz, when I was in highschool I played rugby. I understood the rules of the game and where the coach wanted me on the field etc but I didn't really understand the game, I didn't understand why the coach wanted me in that particular area of the game because I hadn't watched/played enough games of rugby to understand the cycles of game play.

IMO entheogens at your age are likely to be similar. I hate to say it because it sounds so condescending but I think you need to experience life as it is for quite some time before you use entheogens. As someone above said they can be a tool to expand your consciousness but they're not a first resort.

I'm over 30 now and I started smoking pot when I was 12. I've been smoking the herb daily for at least 15 years and I regularly wish I hadn't started smoking it so early (today is day 1 of my no more smoking pot regime). I urge you not to complicate your life at this current stage with drugs. A lot of the angst you have described is part of the coming of age you will be going through over the next few years.

I'm sorry dude you probably didn't want to hear any "wait till you're older" crap but I don't think there's too many yes men on this forum but there's a wealth of experience that you can learn from.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Crimzen a dit:

i dont want to be a hyprocrit because i was doing drugs at ur age but im a shit role model

physical exercise and mental exercise are by far the best tools you can utilise
plus they're free (money-wise that is)
i didnt learn this until i was about 18-19 after taking drugs since...a fairly young age
and i wish i had known it from the beginning

I was gunna say this about the drugs and the age but was sure I was right considering the number of people on here who have drug use in such high regard and I'm anti-breaking the law it could come off as a holier then thow response.

Chemicals without a trusted doctor's prescription/opinion require a level of maturity both mentally and physically to use apropriately. They are kind of like psychological scalpels and if you havnt had the life experienices to know when to cut and when to let it bleed and when to bandage it off you can make yourself a royal mess.

This on top of the sensativity of your growing body to the effects of the chemicals make them even more dangerous at a young age.

Even though 18 is pretty arbitrariy I will always say wait till your 18 to break the law is a good rule to live by until you have absolute confirmation you should do otherwise.


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Déc 2010
Something else for the original poster to bear in mind.
We are entering a qualitatively new phase of history, something never before seen on this planet.
It may well be that soon there will be a cure for aging, an explosion of machine intelligence dwarfing the sum total of Humankind and the possibility of a technological singularity:

16 years might seem like a lot, but one thing I can absolutely guarantee is that he won't be dying of old age. It will be accident, war, plague, or having his brains sucked out by killer robots :-) If he makes it past that he might live for thousands of years.
Take the long view.