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Morning Glory?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I believe it is an annual, so that is a minus. Havefun. Remember, don't eat pure seeds if that's your plan - extract the LSA with water or another polar drink.


21 Oct 2010
So I attempted to make LSA lemonade yesterday, and it didn't work.
Here is what I did I can't figure out where i'm going wrong.
Ok so I took about 400 seeds and ground them all up in a food grinder until they were powder.
Then I took two empty tea bags and filled them up with the powder, stapling them shut.
Then I mixed lemon juice and water. I soaked the bags in it and set it in the fridge for a few hours.
I drank it and never felt any effects whatsoever.
The powder was never overly exposed to light, and i'm sure I used enough lemon juice.
I just wish I could figure out a good way to trip off morning glory seeds without having to eat them lol.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
why in the fridge? from my limited chemistry skills I attained from making tea, is that you will achieve better results when the water is warmer/hot.


21 Oct 2010
So this must have been where i went wrong then?


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
Heat seems like it would help.

Perhaps you could try brewing the "tea bags" in a cup of hot/boiling water and then you could add the "tea" to lemonjuice etc.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Heat and light will destroy the LSA, so a cold-solution (or low-heat, as in no boiling) extraction is recommended. See this report and others for a better extraction than water: (http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=10186). Use the Erowid experience vaults to study up, it will greatly improve the experience. I'm going to try the above method some time with no heat involved in any steps.

Using ethanol will select the LSA and leave the nasty nausea-inducing compounds behind, IF you use a high-proof liquor like Everclear brand. You need that 95% alcohol content because the larger the ratio of H2O:Alcohol, the more of that emetic shit will be dissolved.

Anyway, enjoy the research and experience :mrgreen:


Alpiniste Kundalini
10 Mai 2010
Me and a friend decided to plant a heavenly blue morning glory vine in his room. I know how to grow it and everything, but I'm really confused, there is so much conflicting information about lsa everywhere, what do I do once I have the seeds? We are planning on doing 500 each(I've done it before, I did 300 and I think more would be a blast! I just haven't grown them before) With extractions, what should I do? I'm too young to buy alcohol, and don't really feel like shoulder tapping.. So is there a way to do it using zippo fluid or I heard there is just a cold water extraction tek? We are really looking for a visual trip without much nausea, so what should I do too make it less nauseas and more fun?


with home grown seed i've never had sever problems with nausea. you can substitute denatured alcohol(try to find one that's only ethanol and methanol, some have other additives that are harder to evaporate off) or iso-propyl alcohol for ethanol, just make sure it's dry before comsuming. washing with a non-polar solvent seems to be the perfered way to eliminate nausea.


18 Fev 2012
I recently decided to try LSA for the first time, namely morning glory seeds. I did some research and found a list of OMRI seed companies. I'm still reading up on this and there seems to be some grey areas, but OMRI listed companies produce products which are totally organic, or have been approved to be used to yield organic crops. One such OMRI listed company is Ferry Morse. Good old Home Depot happens to have Ferry Morse Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds so I decided to give them a try. I started with a low dose of 150 seeds. Approx. 4.5 grams. I've read some posts online that give simple instructions that say just briefly wash the seeds in soap and cold water and press them between paper towels to dry, if you are not planning to do a cold water extraction. Other posts have said washing treated seeds will not get the chemical treatment off no matter what and you will get violently ill. And yet other posts have said that it is not the chemical coating that makes you sick, but the seeds themselves. I sure didn't get sick so I think these seeds may be legit. Definitely start low because with any natural product (like kratom) the alkaloid content can vary wildly. Safety first children! :D. On to preparation...I took the 150 seeds and placed them in a coffee filter and cupped it in my hand. I turned the faucet on as low as possible so the water would still filter but I wouldn't blast the seeds into the sink. I got some mild dish soap and and gently rubbed the seeds with one finger for about 2 minutes. To strain them I pinched the slack of the filter up and made a little ball with the seeds. At that point I could run them under the water without worrying about losing any. To dry the seeds I just pressed them a few times between paper towels and let them sit for about a half hour. Once dry I ground them in a coffee grinder. The finer the powder the better. I mixed the powder in about 6 ounces of water and downed it. It actually tasted good! Like a peanut butter taste. Only about an hour later I went out to take a walk in the woods near my place and I started to notice the trees doing that LSD wave...you know when leaves seem to wave "hey how you doing?". I started laughing t...so you mean I dropped 5 bucks at Home Depot and now I'm starting to trip??? :rolleyes: I won't go into a full trip report because it wasn't intense for the most part. There was a glow around everything for hours and hours and definitely visuals, things swirling about. Next time I'll up the dose and write a proper report. There was absolutely zero nausea the entire time. I kept expecting it but it never came. Has anyone tried these seeds, and this type of preparation before?


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Déc 2011
I got me some Heavenly Blue over azareus (and some HBW from there too, and Shayanashop), but didn't wash them at all; just chopped it up with a good mindset, seeped it for 30 minutes in hot-ish water, then downed it. Definately didn't taste like peanut butter, I'll tell you that! Hah. Didn't experience any nasuea either, although the trip easily outripped any LSD trips I've had, mostly because I really let myself go, then strained myself, ultimately leading to a Bad trip, ego-death and revival and that whole shenanigan (it was beautiful!) The night before my morning glories, I did HBW, however, which made me puke up a ball of white slime. I figured my stomach only found some of the toxins which it really didn't like, made me puke it up, then made me crash in an intense body-feverish state which even cannabis didn't help against. Mind/head stayed on top, though, and together with some psi-trance, I soon could wiggle a finger, a hand, an arm, a torso, then full-on dance. Pretty groovy.

What struck me as truly remarkable, HBW and Morning Glory between, was the difference between the 'feel' of the high. HBW was way up in the head (above it, actually), while MG was located in the gut. Made for some truly interesting trippy times.


18 Fev 2012
Thanks for sharing :) It's very interesting that you had such a different experience with HBW and Morning Glories. Maybe the alkaloid content? Or like you said, your body just didn't agree with some of the chemicals in the HBW. I think I'll stick with the Morning Glories the next few times since it didn't give me nausea.


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Déc 2011
Well, to be perfectly honest, no, I don't think it's such a weird thing that they differ. Different beings, spirits, voices or whateveryouwanttocallit. Represented in a bodily feel it was either located in the gut (emotional... sympathetic feelings of both emotional and physical origin) or head (mental, telepathy and shared visions). The two nights were quite remarkable, actually; I should probably write up a report on it, sooner or later.

Ever thought of extraction? I've been looking at some of the teks but never got into it, even though it could seem like the long term way of handling nausea and other ingestion-related problems (non-peanut-butter-taste, for example!) I'd rather save what I can for psilocybin than the lsa string of plants, myself.


18 Fev 2012
I've honestly only had LSA one time thus far but I may try an extraction method when I up the dose. Shrooms are my absolute favorite also but the Morning Glory seeds intrigue me because they are available over the counter for almost nothing :)


18 Fev 2012
Just did a little more research. I went on the Home Depot site and looked up the Ferry Morse Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds. It says they are "NOT" organic. I'll try an extraction method next time or buy an organic seed just to be on the safe(er) side.


Así que es conveniente desmontarlas para limpiar en profundidad. En aquellas gafas de sol que no tengan cristales fácilmente desmontables podemos usar un destornillador de 3 mm para aflojar la montura. Cómo saber cuándo estamos comprando unas buenas gafas de sol by gafas-sol on August 23, 2010


Ray ban Occhiali 2012
Armani Occhiali


Matrice périnatale
1 Avr 2013
How many morning glory 'heavenly blue' seeds = a trip?
I've seen some people say 1500.... but that seems like a lot.

Has anybody had personal experience with them?


8 Avr 2013
1000 for the first dose, then an hour later if you want to go deeper 500-1000 more.



A thousand seed? :oak: That's not a dose it's a meal.

That seems a bit heavy for beginners. When I was younger I started out with something like 400 and still could not keep it in.
I don't think you should try to eat a 1000 seeds without some form of nausea reducing preparation. That's just too much for most of us.
I have found it is best to cleanse the (crushed) seeds from crap with purified gasoline or zippo lighter fluid (propably not as pure) and then strain it and then wait patiently the rest to evaporate completely and then maybe also put it all into 000 capsules. Still I worry about potential hazards.