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LSD lack of trip


24 Juin 2010
The first time I attempted tripping was May 2009 while I was staying at my friend's apartment. I took two hits of the liquid LSD she had. These two friends that I was with had tripped plenty of times before. I didn't experience any real effects, which was incredibly odd to me and still baffles me. How did I not trip on such a powerful drug? Some theories include how much I had eaten prior to dropping the acid and the Ritalin I was on. We had smoked a lot of weed from the vape, had just gone to Whole Foods, and I had eaten virtually nothing earlier than that. I ate a good 1,000+ calories within 2 hours. I was also on ritalin which (I've been told) may have really dulled the experience.
I did drop acid again (just one hit, blotter) a month later (June 2009), and I experienced many overwhelming effects, especially physical ones such as one minute feelings like thousands of years, my senses were very sensitive, I was paranoid at certain points, dilated pupils, etc. It wasn't a particularly favorable trip, but I certainly felt the effects of the drug, while the month before I had felt negligible effects if any.
Any ideas as to why I didn't trip the first time I dropped acid? Has this happened to anybody else?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
How much ritalin were you on? It's not going to mask LSD completely - even a heroic amount of ritalin.

Most likely scenario was the LSD wasn't good, someone left it in the sun, or with the cap open on the bottle and it isomerized or reacted to give something inactive that you ingested...

Eating a bunch of food and taking a stimulant isn't going to block the effects of a normal dose of LSD.


24 Juin 2010
Thanks for the info. I suppose the only logical conclusion is the acid wasn't good.


Matrice périnatale
20 Août 2010
I'm getting to you kinda late, but LSD is very sensitive to external conditions. You should store it in a cold and dry environment. I hope your next trip is better.GoodLuck.


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juil 2010
My buddy is on Vivance. It is similar to Ritalin in many ways and due to that scrip, he has not tripped as hard as he used to.

Just an observation. IF you really need the scrip, keep taking it and don't waste your cash on psycho actives. Otherwise, take a week off of the ritalin and try again.


24 Juin 2010
I didn't really need Ritalin. The other medication I was on was making me gain a ridiculous amount of weight, so my doctor prescribed ritalin to balance it out. I've been off all medication for over a year now though, and I have tripped 3 times since. Thanks for your input. It's still a bit of a mystery to me, but oh well.


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juil 2010
I'm sorry my first bit of advice didn't pan out for you. So you haven't been on the pills?

Here's my problem. LSD is one of the most serious experiences anyone could ever undergo in their entire fucking life. Now, you say you haven't had a real TRIP yet? I dunno really how that is possible if you got ahold of the real stuff.

I'll tell you what. Get ahold of Salivia if you want a FOR SURE drug trip. Much different from LSD, but it is a stepping stone into a bigger world. If you smoke two bowls of that and don't find out something about the world or yourself than you are nothing less than wonder woman.


24 Juin 2010
I HAVE had real trips since then. 3 of them. Last June, this June, and last week. Yes, I do want to try salvia as well as many other drugs in the near future.

Special K

2 Avr 2010
I would genuinely say that you are comparing two SEPARATE LSD forms, from I assume two different dealers; or even if its the same dealer, most likely a different batch.

Many times, with LSD the actual LSD is very diluted. Usually liquid LSD is more pure then blotter, however, in your case perhaps it was different. Perhaps the amount per drop of liquid was NOT equivelant to the amount that was infused with the blotter paper.

Honestly, I would say that the whole "eating" theory is bunk. Ive dropped hits on a full stomach; on an empty stomach; half full and regardless, if its real acid, the only effect eating would have would be on the time it took to take effect in my opinion.

With the ritalin, I would say that it genuinely wouldn't have much effect on the LSD either. There are very few substances known that can lessen or hault LSD. And ritalin is not one of them. Mirtazypine, my sleeping pill IS one of them. So, I would toss that theory out the window as well.

I would say it was just bunk acid; not bunk as in fake, but so diluted that you did not feel effect.

Since you said you had experienced intense LSD experiences now, you know that when its good acid, its good acid. Regardless of those factors.

The first time I experienced the LSD experience, I was drunk as shit, and literally LSD completely cancelled out my drunkeness and I was reborn to this world.

I aslo disagree with the whole "if you take "real" LSD you WILL trip". I KNOW I have taken REAL LSD, good condition and didn't "trip". For some reason with me, I need to take 4/5 hits to "trip". Thats just me. Everyone's body chemistry is different and responds to LSD in different ways.

However, LSD IS one of the most life changing things a person could ever undergo; far more intense than salvia divinorum.

I hope that helps any. :)


Alpiniste Kundalini
6 Juil 2010
lsd is fun and life changing and eye opening, and it CAN be kinda intense but people are making it out to be DMT or something

Special K

2 Avr 2010
EndlessEntity a dit:
lsd is fun and life changing and eye opening, and it CAN be kinda intense but people are making it out to be DMT or something

I am in complete disagreeance with the lack of intensity you are proposing LSD contains. I've tried basically every psychedelic under the sun, and though the intensity of the visuals are more intense with say Salvia or DMT, the life changing quality LSD contains is FAR greater and FAR more powerful in my opinion. Not only the psychological changes experienced during the LSD, but FAR after.

I literally was reborn to this world from LSD experiences. Though I got life changing experiences with Salvia and DMT (I tried it recently actually) I would say that nothing compares to the intensity found in a beautiful LSD trip; or even a frightening one. Take for instance, my trip report from doing LSD at an amusement park. I dont think it could get more intense than that...then again...I would love to go sky diving on it...at some point in my life. :)


Alpiniste Kundalini
6 Juil 2010
the Beauty and Mind warping factors of lsd are amazing, lsd is a wonderfull tool
but INTENSE is not the word to describe it

oh and trust me
my favorite drug will always be LUCY

DMT is intense because you dont even have enough time to integrate the trip. it shows you the other side so fast you dont even realize you've left ground.

Special K

2 Avr 2010
EndlessEntity a dit:
the Beauty and Mind warping factors of lsd are amazing, lsd is a wonderfull tool
but INTENSE is not the word to describe it

oh and trust me
my favorite drug will always be LUCY

DMT is intense because you dont even have enough time to integrate the trip. it shows you the other side so fast you dont even realize you've left ground.

Okay, I understand. Sorry I get a bit defensive when it comes to LSD....

However, I still consider it more intense....but I completely understand what your saying...

I can completely see what you mean by more "intense" but I believe intensity is measured in many different ways. And THATS why I feel LSD is more intense. I am not thinking of intense in the same way you are. Know what I mean?


Alpiniste Kundalini
6 Juil 2010
exactly awsome
perspective shift is what i love and what everyone needs to be more aware of

im on 2c-e right now :PPPPPPP feels like lsd tho

Special K

2 Avr 2010
EndlessEntity a dit:
exactly awsome
perspective shift is what i love and what everyone needs to be more aware of

im on 2c-e right now :PPPPPPP feels like lsd tho

Haha thats awesome. :)



Matrice périnatale
4 Juil 2014
IJesusChrist a dit:
How much ritalin were you on? It's not going to mask LSD completely - even a heroic amount of ritalin.

Most likely scenario was the LSD wasn't good, someone left it in the sun, or with the cap open on the bottle and it isomerized or reacted to give something inactive that you ingested...

Eating a bunch of food and taking a stimulant isn't going to block the effects of a normal dose of LSD.

I recently took 3 hits of lsd my friends took one of at the same time and they lost their minds, nothing happened to me. We tested it with an ehlrics kit and it turned the right colors. any suggestions as to why this would happen? It was the first time i'd taken it in about a month.


Matrice périnatale
16 Déc 2013
I didn't feel anything on my second trip, even though I took 300µg of LSD. I don't know why.


Matrice périnatale
5 Août 2014
speaking from experience, if you are buying LSD off of an untrustworthy dealer, you are subjected to the possibility that they literally just bought a sheet off of the internet or a shop and it is just paper with no LSD added to it, easy way to make quick money.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Sept 2011
16 405
Ub's a dit:
I didn't feel anything on my second trip, even though I took 300µg of LSD. I don't know why.
It's because you didn't took 300ug. I think you have been scammed.