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LSD dose 150~180mcgs, effects?


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
Hello ladies and gentlemen,

An important question has risen ..

My problem is that my first (and only) acid trip was ..let's say "mind-blowing" in all senses of the word, and truly an amazing experience.. but I never knew for fact how much was in that single blotter I took.

And now, I am wondering about the potency of a 150~180micrograms to see what kind of effects it will have and if it would attain or surpass my expectations from 1 blotter (compared to my previous experience)

So I am asking for your personal experiences and knowledge on the matter, to be able to have some kind of scale on which to base myself upon.

Thank you,
And sorry if such a question has already been posted.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
You don't have any scale to base yourself upon, unless you bought more blotters of the same kind. Still, it's only relatively.

If you read reports about people who were sure what dose they took you'll notice that 100mics seems definitely enough for a mind blowing experience.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
ochho a dit:
And now, I am wondering about the potency of a 150~180micrograms to see what kind of effects it will have and if it would attain or surpass my expectations from 1 blotter (compared to my previous experience)
It still depends most of all on the set and setting, not the potency (especially because the difference between 100 and 180 ug isn't as significant as 50 versus 200 ug).


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
Well, I was trying to look on Erowid ..and find experience reports..but most of em only state number of hits..and not the dose.

And I was looking at their dose scale..

Oral LSD Dosages
Threshold 20 ug
Light 25 - 75 ug
Common 50 - 150 ug
Strong 150 - 400 ug
Heavy 400 + ug

So would it be fair to assume 150~180mcgs is a "strong" dose, then?

Thank you guys..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
It would be indeed "fair" to "assume" that it's a "strong" dose. :)

May I ask how you know that what you have is 150-180 mics?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
It's a good dose if it's true.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
Meduzz a dit:
It would be indeed "fair" to "assume" that it's a "strong" dose. :)

May I ask how you know that what you have is 150-180 mics?

Well, this is how the seller advertised it as.. so if I happen not to have a strong trip, I guess I would know he wasn't being totally honest :D

Ordered yesterday, I'll report here when I get it!

Thanks again for your insight guys :)


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Déc 2006
ya ochho, that amount is a very good dose. Probably considered strong today considering alot of the stuff going around is low dose.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
Sellers don't know shit. They have it from their seller.

I hope for you it's still a good dose though.. Have a nice trip!


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
Meduzz a dit:
Sellers don't know shit. They have it from their seller.

I hope for you it's still a good dose though.. Have a nice trip!

Well, since it's an online vendor..it might be that they do it themselves..

Anyway, we'll know for sure when I do get it.. which should be in 1~2weeks I can't wait!! It's been 18 months since I tripped on acid.. and more than 6 months since I tripped on anything.. except weed.

off-topic: Meduzz, is your avatar from the Death Note anime? I was curious..coz I think it is :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I wouldn't trust an online vendor of illegal substances. That would be too easy to track down for law enforcement.


Elfe Mécanique
19 Oct 2008
Wow illegal drugs from the internet? If yuo have to collect it from a post office, I wouldn't. If you get caught, police could rape you for it.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
Thank you for the concern guys.. but I've done my research :D
I won't state any details, but all should work fine..and many others were successful before me.

In any case, I will report once I have some news.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
9 Fev 2009
10 498
150-250µg is light for me.Hallucinogen,yes but light.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
@Peyotl, are you sure the ones you found "light" were dosed 150~250mcgs? Could you describe abit what it was like? And do you use them frequently? (As in, short amount of time in between 2 trips)

ps: si tu preferes repondre en francais, vas y.

It still depends most of all on the set and setting, not the potency (especially because the difference between 100 and 180 ug isn't as significant as 50 versus 200 ug).

I was reading this thread again, and I was wondering.. could you elaborate abit more on Set-Setting vs. Potency. How does that work? Can you get same intensity trips with a lower dose depending on set/setting? I would think logically that the dose determines intensity more than anything o.O

Also, I asked my friend about the ones we took on my first trip, and he told me they were some very good quality ones... around 250~300mcgs. I guess at maximum, I would take 2 hits (of course I will start with only 1 though ;p)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
9 Fev 2009
10 498
ochho a dit:
@Peyotl, are you sure the ones you found "light" were dosed 150~250mcgs? Could you describe abit what it was like? And do you use them frequently? (As in, short amount of time in between 2 trips)

ps: si tu preferes repondre en francais, vas y.

Oui ça m'arrange pour le moment (dsl pour les autres)

Et bien un trip de 200µg me met dans un état altéré oui,mais léger.C'est à dire que sous cette dose,j'ai le sourire au lèvres,les couleurs sont belle mais je peut encore facilement avoir un activité normal (travail,famille et taper sur mon clavier).Le temps de ce trip dure à peine 6h et après ces 6h je peut m'endormir facilement.Rien d'extraordinaire donc....Après tout dépend de ce que tu attends du LSD.Pour moi,un trip LSD doit durée au minimum 12h avec une descente de quelques heures.Pour moi,le LSD doit me dominer et m'amenait la ou lui le souhaite.A partir de ce moment là,je peut dire que je suis tripé au LSD.

Pour arriver dans cet état,il faut une dose de 300-500µg.

voilà j'éspère que cette réponse t'aura été utile.

Sorry !

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
ochho a dit:
could you elaborate abit more on Set-Setting vs. Potency. How does that work? Can you get same intensity trips with a lower dose depending on set/setting? I would think logically that the dose determines intensity more than anything
We first have to determine what you mean with intensity. There is intensity of effects on the nervous system (degree of synesthesia, presence of visions or closed-eye visuals, distortions of the external environment etc.) and intensity on the psychological level (feeling intensely happy, or sad, confused, overwhelmed etc.).

The intensity of the sensory effects is generally not going to determine whether you're going to have a good or bad trip. But the intensity of the latter is crucial in this regard.

If the external environment is not encroaching too much on the inner experience, you can direct all your attention on your inner sensations. By doing so, there will be less confusion. If however your attention is drawn outward, there will be more confusion, as incoming data from outside and inside mix. That mixing can be fun ("dude! I'm so fucked-up right now!"), but it's not conducive to having a meaningful or life changing experience. Even nature is best appreciated at the end of the trip, not during its onset or peak.

If you're at an amusement park or concert, even a low dose of a psychedelic can be confusing and end in a bad trip. But if you're in a comfortable place that is quiet, warm and dark, and you're listening to appropriate background music, even a heroic dose will be experienced as a coherent sequence of meaningful symbolic imagery.

That's why I've said elsewhere that it's not a good idea to watch movies while you're tripping, or listen to music that's too chaotic (including otherwise great psychedelic music), or engage in sexual activities. If however you want to do these things, keep the dosage low. If you want to take a high dosage, schedule such external activities (including sex) for the latter part or end of your session. The peak of a high dose session should always be a journey within. The role of sitters is to help you go inward, and later assist you in going outward again.

Also, I asked my friend about the ones we took on my first trip, and he told me they were some very good quality ones... around 250~300mcgs.
If it's really true that there are blotters out there that contain more than 150mcgs, then my friend is right and I ingested something like 750-900mcgs, 12 hours after ingesting Datura tea, when I was 18. I don't believe there are such strong blotters out there, and so I always tell the story as having ingested something like 400mcgs. The blotters we took had dragons on them, and supposedly they were the strongest available (1992 in the Netherlands). It was definitely a very strong trip, to say the least...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
These blotters contain over 400 ug each. Lab tested at the test service in Amsterdam three times on seperate occasions.


Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Ah, I've seen that pic before! My type of Valentine's card! :heart:

Hmm, then perhaps I did ingest 750 or so...