In total disgust!

truly horrifying. This is a seriously sick method method of abortion. It made me nauseous.
I'm not really pro-abortion, especially when it is a late one, where the child is actually alive (not 'potentially alive' but able to sustain itself out of the womb)

I didn't click your link because I already know the procedures are gruesome.

However, the real question is one of reproductive freedom, something that organized religion has been denying women since time began.

The Catholic church says a condom is just as immoral as an abortion.

If *I* was a woman, NO fucking man would tell me what I could do with my reproductive capacities, in fact, I'd probably be a gay woman. The last thing on earth I'd want to go through is all the shit I see them going through on a daily basis in this reality......

A man who is actually worthy of the title should have a say in what happens, but only a say, and should not be able to over-ride the womans wishes.

Now, these fucking idiots who think women should be forced to have children, regardless of her wishes, well, I got problems with these people.

It doesn't take a lot of insight to realize that these types of people do not have the ability to put themselves in the others shoes and see it from their point of view.

A man who can't comprehend that forcing a woman to have a child IS wrong,

will probably have trouble understanding when she says 'no', too........

It gets worse,
The dead babies are then sold or donated to business's that then sell on certain bits at set prices for medical research...

I find this whole thing most disturbing :shock: :x
What if you're pregnant and you know you won't be able to take care of your baby, and that therefore he will live a miserable life? Wouldn't it then be better to abort so you don't give birth to a poor little kid who will have to suffer his whole life, undergoing shit after shit?

What if you were raped and then got pregnant, would you like to take care (alone) of an unwanted child created during one of the most traumatizing event of your life, from the one who caused it?

What if your boyfriend broke up when he learned that you were pregnant?

What if...

Psychoid, I dont think you have looked at the process of abortion...

In them cases we have morning after pills to stop anything forming and standard abortion. I dont agree in abortion late on in pregnancy. We have other options Adoption for instance, Not much better but at least the life has a chance. The whole system is very unethical in my eyes.
adoption doesnt solve the problem it just moves the problem and possibly creates more
i dont want to look at the pics coz this stuff makes me feel sick
I agree adoption is not an answer Crimzen but at the same time I think it a more humane alternative.

The links I have provided contain no actual photo's.
Just a wiki info page, A diagram of procedure and A video of eye witness accounts and the full story.
ugh. although I must say I agree with Spice for hte most part...

that form of abortion truely is horrifying...the mere thought of it, It seems much like a form of torture if you ask me....

although I cant say I'm pro-abortion
I agree with spice that woman should ultimately have a choice...
it IS our bodies, and it IS our life.
a child is nothing to take lightly, if you are going to have a child you better be
physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually prepared to
have and take care of and love and raise a child...

adoption IS an option, but still...there are WAY more children being put up for adoption than those being isnt the best childhood, I think..

and personally, I think you should ultimately be able to choose, but then again: I see it as a personal responsability that if one chooses to get an abortion, that they do it AS EARLY ON in the pregnancy as humanly possible.
adoption shouldn't be the only choice, besides being inefficiant
being pregnant for 9 months really takes a toll on all levels for someone who doesnt want to be in that state, in a potentially very negative way IMHO.

If its a life choice I feel people should be supported fully by the ways of pre-natal classes and other forms of training to prepare them for parenthood but not have easy access to abortion.

In cases where it is accidental but with consent to intercourse on both parties (including intoxicated frames of mind), as long as they are of the age of consenting adults. They should again I feel, be offerd support and training to prepare them for parenthood and abortion should not be easily accessed unless these people are truelly in an unfit way.

In cases where a woman is forced to engage in intercourse and becomes pregnant, We have Morning after pills and abortion less horrific then the one this topic is about. I agree however in the end of the day, The choice is down to the individual and no one should be able to tell them otherwise.

This option for abortion is a "late" option, I personally think abortion should only be available up to a certain time and certainly not be as gruesome as this.